Monday, June 26, 2017

Mayors' Agenda Out from U.S. Conference of Mayors 2017 in Miami

Mayors Say: Look To Cities For Inspired Leadership And Real Results In The Face Of Deep National Frustration With Washington
MIAMI BEACH— Incoming U.S. Conference of Mayors (USCM) President Mayor Mitch Landrieu of New Orleans joined dozens of mayors from across the country to urge Americans to move past Washington’s stalled partisan gridlock and instead, look locally for leadership that governs with vision and delivers results.

The bipartisan group unveiled Leadership for America: Mayors’ Agenda for the Future,
BLOGGER NOTE: It's 44 pages] (Twitter hashtag #MayorsAgenda) a policy proposal that will fix our crumbling infrastructure, ensure quality affordable healthcare, promote safe and secure communities, expand our workforce to drive economic growth and create equitable communities to increase opportunity for all.
Each mayor pointed forcefully to the results occurring in their cities and towns each day in a time of paralysis and dysfunction in Washington  that
encourage economic innovation,
deliver quality affordable healthcare
spur creation of good-paying jobs and keep the country moving forward

Link to Mayor's Agenda >

Successful mayors combine real results and transformative vision – delivered in real time. That’s leadership.

Incoming USCM President Mayor Mitch Landrieu of New Orleans had this to say:
“We are being called upon in a chaotic moment to bring certainty, calm and sobriety to the most complicated issues facing our country. As mayors, and as we have always done, we will show up as duty calls, and will deliver every day: if we don’t produce then we haven’t succeeded. This is a group of great leaders who don’t just talk about what to do, but know how to do it – and actually get it done,”
MartyWalsh, Mayor of Boston, had this to say:
“The debate on healthcare in our country is bigger than either political party, . . It’s bigger than the President, Congress, or any branch of government. It’s because the right to healthcare is a basic and human right.”

Mesa Mayor John Giles only had this to say in a quotation from the news report: 
“Healthcare is not a partisan issue, and any mayor knows that cities can’t take clinics and emergency rooms full of uninsured patients, . .  When the federal government fumbles, city governments and city residents suffer the consequences.”
QUESTION: Can we here in Mesa look to Mayor John Giles for inspired leadership?
How's he doing on these objectives from Mayors' Agenda? 
For our nation and cities to thrive, we must build equitable communities.
Just and fair inclusion must be incorporated into the fabric of our communities and across all policy areas, including economic development, education, criminal justice, civic participation, housing, and health care. Through equitable growth strategies that ensure all residents and neighborhoods become more connected to their regional economies, we can tackle poverty, lift up our most distressed neighborhoods and residents, and increase economic security and mobility for all.

President Bill Clinton offered the day’s keynote: A Celebration of City Livability, honoring the great work mayors across the country are doing to make their hometowns more equitable places to live.


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