Friday, June 23, 2017

MAG Seeking SOQs Economic, Geospatial Data and Service Support

Request for Qualifications
On-Call Consulting Services for FY 2017 Economic, Geospatial Data and Service Support
The Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) is seeking a Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) from qualified consultants capable of providing professional services in the area of Economic, Geospatial Data and Service Support to form an On-Call list of consultants to provide services to MAG.
Detailed SOQ requirements may be obtained by contacting the MAG Office at the address indicated below or may be downloaded using the links provided on this page, under Download.
For further information, please submit questions in writing by email to Jason Howard at this link, not later than ten (10) working days prior to the closing date of June 20, 2017.
Any addenda responding to questions will be posted on MAG’s website, on this page, no later than six (6) working days prior to the closing date of June 20, 2017.
Amendment No. 1 to this RFQ was published on June 20, 2017 to extend the closing date to July 7, 2017. SOQs will be accepted until 12:00 Noon MST (Mountain Standard Time) MST on July 7, 2017, at MAG, 302 North First Avenue, Suite 200, Phoenix, AZ 85003.

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