Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Get Your Freak On, Folks! SERIOUSLY. . .

Tomorrow's meetings of the Mesa City Council can make you get Spun really good. No kidding.
We need all the adults in the room to pay attention.
There is one Item on this Tentative Agenda that is an Initiative to change the City's Charter . . . creating a Utility Fund Account to separately account for expenditures of utility service revenue establishing the fiscal year limit of general fund transfers at 20% of gross utility service revenue. It would
providing a mechanism for returning excess utility service revenue to ratepayers
QUESTION: If the City of Mesa is now concerned about water users and drought, Why did the city sell-off Water Rights to over 11,400+ acres to Saints Holdings?
Item 1-a
19-0602 Hear a presentation and discuss the benefits of the Arizona Municipal Water Users Association and an update on the Drought Contingency Plan for the region.
QUESTION: Are we really getting the straight story about selling Municipal Bonds all the time or just for 2019
Item 1-b
19-0603 Hear a presentation and discuss the series 2019 bond sales
Impact of the Proposed Initiative
2019 Bonds Sales Update May 23, 2019 Michael Kennington, Chief Financial Officer Larry Given, Managing Director, Hilltop Securities
Item 1-c (See below for details)
• A.R.S. §9-500.14: “A city or town shall not spend or use its resources…for the purpose of influencing the outcomes of elections.” • Does not prohibit “the use of public resources to investigate the impact of ballot measures on a jurisdiction.” (Atty. Gen. Opinion No. I15-002 ) • Purpose of presentation is to communicate the initial assessment of the impact of the Proposed Initiative. 
Hear a presentation, discuss, and provide direction on the impact of the proposed City Charter amendment in the initiative application filed with the City as Serial Number IN2020-02 on the fiscal year 2019/2020 general fund expenditures and the fiscal year 2020/2021 general fund budget.

Impact of Proposed Initiative IN2020-02
City of Mesa
May 23, 2019
Charter Amendment Initiative Application IN 2020-02 ( “Proposed Initiative”)
• Application Submittal Date: May 8, 2019
• Applicant Name: Jeremy R. Whittaker
• Name of Organization: Yes on Affordable Utilities
• Proposed Initiative would create a new Section 614 of the Mesa City Charter
  • • “An amendment to the Mesa City Charter to limit the amount of utility service revenue that can be used for general fund purposes,
  • establishing the fiscal year limit of general fund transfers at 20% of gross utility service revenue
  • creating a Utility Fund Account to separately account for expenditures of utility service revenue
  • and providing a mechanism for returning excess utility service revenue to ratepayers.”
Impact of the Proposed Initiative
• A.R.S. §9-500.14: “A city or town shall not spend or use its resources…for the purpose of influencing the outcomes of elections.”
• Does not prohibit “the use of public resources to investigate the impact of ballot measures on a jurisdiction.” (Atty. Gen. Opinion No. I15-002 )
• Purpose of presentation is to communicate the initial assessment of the impact of the Proposed Initiative. 

Roll Call (City Council members participate in person or by telephone conference call.)
1 Presentation/Action Items:
Item 1-a
19-0602 Hear a presentation and discuss the benefits of the Arizona Municipal Water Users Association and an update on the Drought Contingency Plan for the region.

File #: 19-0602   

Type: Presentation Status: Agenda Ready

In control: City Council Study Session
On agenda: 5/23/2019

Title: Hear a presentation and discuss the benefits of the Arizona Municipal Water Users Association and an update on the Drought Contingency Plan for the region.
Attachments: 1. Presentation
Item 1-b
19-0603 Hear a presentation and discuss the series 2019 bond sales
2019 Bonds Sales
Impact of the Proposed Initiative
• A.R.S. §9-500.14: “A city or town shall not spend or use its resources…for the purpose of influencing the outcomes of elections.” • Does not prohibit “the use of public resources to investigate the impact of ballot measures on a jurisdiction.” (Atty. Gen. Opinion No. I15-002 ) • Purpose of presentation is to communicate the initial assessment of the impact of the Proposed Initiative. 

File #: 19-0603   

Type: Presentation Status: Agenda Ready

In control: City Council Study Session
On agenda: 5/23/2019

Title: Hear a presentation and discuss the series 2019 bond sales.
Attachments: 1. Presentation
Item 1-c
19-0588 Hear a presentation, discuss, and provide direction on the impact of the proposed City Charter amendment in the initiative application filed with the City as Serial Number IN2020-02 on the fiscal year 2019/2020 general fund expenditures and the fiscal year 2020/2021 general fund budget.
File #: 19-0588   
Type: Presentation Status: Agenda Ready
In control: City Council Study Session
On agenda: 5/23/2019
Title: Hear a presentation, discuss, and provide direction on the impact of the proposed City Charter amendment in the initiative application filed with the City as Serial Number IN2020-02 on the fiscal year 2019/2020 general fund expenditures and the fiscal year 2020/2021 general fund budget.
Attachments: 1. Presentation, 2. Application for Initiative IN2020-02

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