Friday, May 10, 2019

Mesa City Council Study Session + Regular Meeting Thu 09 May 2019

After the momentous - missing Mesa Mayor John Giles as the presiding officer - Monday May 6th City Council public meetings that attracted a record-breaking over 560 views on the streaming video uploaded to YouTube, two meetings three days later didn't garner that many views, but the Study Session yesterday deserves more attention than the usual handful from the public - it's a lot of hard work presented by Liz Morales. The Regular Meeting received over 190 views.
But let's take a first look at Monday's meeting first . . .
Please take the time to notice which elected members of the Mesa City Council (and those salaried City Hall employees who are required to sit around the tables) speak up and what they have to say on any of the many items in presentations heard, what is discussed between them, and in what direction the discussions are going if they get individual attention or get approved in one motion when they stay on the Consent Agenda.
Here's that - in the absence of Mayor John Giles - another meeting presided over by Vice Mayor Mark Freeman.
Is that a sign of things to come for who might be aspiring to be the next mayor?
D6 Councilmember Kevin Thompson is absent also.
City Council Meeting - 5/6/2019
Published on May 6, 2019
Views: 562 at time of upload to this blog

City Council Meeting - 7/9/2018
Published on Jul 10, 2018
Views: 191 at time of upload to this blog
Running Time: 20:40

Council Study Session - 5/9/2019
Published on July 9, 2019
Views: 17 at time of upload to this blog 
Running Time: 1:21:12
D6 Councilmember is excused/absent 

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