Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Streaming Video: Mesa City Council Study Session Mon 20 May 2019

Mayor John Giles might have wished that this public meeting starting at 5:15 p.m. had "a rather short agenda" - after the long duration for over two hours of an early morning Study Session last Wednesday on  May 16, 2019, there are remaining items as he announces that Items 11-a, 12-a and 12-b, and Items 13-a and 13-b, have been removed from the Consent Agenda.
In case you might have missed that Study Session, readers of this blog are more than welcome to watch-and-listen for two hours to see how and who is active making the presentations and hearing and asking questions in the discussions about items on yesterday's Final Agenda during last week's study session [Mike Kennington, Ryan Wimmer]
Believe it or not more than  600 people took the time to watch-and-listen to this study session. That's almost an all-time high record for people paying attention to what their elected government is doing!
Giles then opens the discussion with District 2 Councilmember Jeremy Whittaker being the first to ask a number of questions to clarify some information in the .pdf attachments for the presentations that were made during last week's meetings.
The questions asked are what years are the budget figures for, whether one-year or five-year, and to be more specific about the city's Capital Improvement Projects. The head of the city's OMB hedges and dodges naming specific numbers only saying where they can be found on what page in the .pdf. City
Manager Chris Brady has to step in and then starts to say something about "blending" to describe the purpose "how they get articulated". The stammering lingo he uses gets a bit confusing . . .

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