Monday, May 20, 2019

Final Agenda: Meeting of Planning & Zoning Board Wed 22 May 2019

Wed 22 May 2019 @ 3:00 pm Council Chambers Lower Level
1 Call meeting to order.
2 Review items on the agenda for the May 22, 2019 regular Planning and Zoning Board Hearing.

3 Receive and discuss a presentation on the Southeast Mesa Land Use and Transportation Plan update.
4 Planning Director's Updates.
(The items in the Planning Director’s Updates are not for Board discussion and no Board action will be taken on the updated items.) 
Source to access meeting details and links to attachments:
Council, Board & Committee Research Center
Here's an example
File #: PZ 19063   
Type: PZ Minutes Status: Agenda Ready
In control: Planning and Zoning Board - Public Hearing
On agenda: 5/22/2019
Title: Minutes from the May 8, 2019 study session and regular public hearing.
Attachments: 1. May 8, 2019 Study Session Minutes,
2. May 8, 2019 Meeting Minutes
Here's another example for *Item 4-b  
File #: PZ 19057   
Type: PZ Zoning - Discuss and Recommend Status: Agenda Ready
In control: Planning and Zoning Board - Public Hearing
On agenda: 5/22/2019
Title: ZON19-00064   District 2.  Within the 6000 and 6100 blocks of East Baseline Road (north side).  Located west of Power Road on the north side of Baseline Road.  (6.8 ± acres).  Rezoning from RS-43, LC-AF and GC-AF to RM-2-PAD-AF; and Site Plan Review.  This request will allow for the development of a multi-residential use.  Ralph Pew, Pew and Lake, PLC, applicant; Pacific Rim Group, owner. (Companion Case to Preliminary Plat “Zen on Baseline”, associated with item *5-a). Planner: Ryan McCann Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions
Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map,
2. Staff Report,
3. Site Plan,
4. Grading and Drainage Plan,
5. Landscape Plan,
6. Elevations,
7. Narrative,
8. Citizen Participation Plan,
9. Citizen Participation Report

Let's Open Up the Staff Report::
Hey! That's what used to be The Rockin' R Ranch! . . . Townhomes ???
Planning and Zoning Board                               
May 22, 2019 CASE No.: ZON19-00064                                     
PROJECT NAME: Zen on Baseline 
Owner’s Name: Pacific Rim Group  
Applicant's Name: Ralph Pew, Pew & Lake, PLC
Location of Request: Within the 6000 and 6100 blocks of East Baseline Road (north side). Located west of Power Road on the north side of Baseline Road.  
Parcel No(s): 141-54-001A, 141-54-002D, & 141-54-006E

Request:  Rezoning from RS-43, LC-AF, and GC-AF to RM-2-PAD-AF; and Site Plan Review.
Also consider the preliminary plat for “Zen on Baseline”.
This request will allow for the development of a multiresidential use. 
Existing Zoning District: Single Residence (RS-43), Limited Commercial (LC) Airfield Overlay (AF), and General Commercial (GC) AF Council District:                        2 Site Size:                                    6.8 ± acres  Proposed Use(s):                    
Multi-family (Townhomes) Existing Use(s):                       
Vacant (Former Rockin’ R Ranch) Hearing Date(s): May 22, 2019/ 4:00 p.m   
Staff Planner: Ryan McCann
Staff Recommendation: APPROVAL with 5 Conditions
Planning and Zoning Board Recommendation:
Proposition 207 Waiver Signed: Yes  
On June 21, 1982, the City Council approved Single Residence (SR) and Limited Commercial (C-2) zoning to allow a restaurant use on 7.39 acres of the property fronting Baseline Road (Z82-40). 
On November 4, 1991, the City Council approved rezoning of the property from Single Residence (R1-43), Limited Commercial (C-2), and an additional 1.21 ± acres

 of Agriculture (AG) to Limited Commercial – Airfield Overlay (C-2 AF) and  General Commercial – Airfield Overlay (C-3 AF) on 8.6 ± acres (Z91-43). 
On August 31, 1992, the City Council approved rezoning of a section of the property from General Commercial – Airfield Overlay (C-3) AF to Single Residence (R1-43) on 1.2 ± acres (Z92-31). 


The site is currently vacant (former “Rockin’ R Ranch”).
The requested rezoning is to allow a multiresidential use on the property.   
General Plan Character Area Designation and Goals 

The General Plan Character area designation on the property is Neighborhood Suburban. Per Chapter 7 of the General Plan, the focus of the Neighborhoods designation is a character type that provide a safe place for people to live where they can feel secure and enjoy their surrounding community. Within the suburban subtype, as part of a total neighborhood area, this character type may also contain areas of duplexes and other multi-residence properties and commercial uses along arterial frontages and at major street intersections.
Residential Multiple Dwelling 2 (RM-2) is listed as a primary use within the suburban subtype.
The proposed project is consistent with the General Plan. Staff also reviewed the request and determined it is consistent with the criteria for review of development outlined in Chapter 15 (pg. 15-1) of the Mesa 2040 General Plan.   
Airfield Overlay – Mesa Zoning Ordinance (MZO) Article 3 Section 11-19: Per Section 11-19 of the MZO, the site is located within the Airfield (AF) Overlay District.
Specifically, within the Airport Overflight Area Three (AOA 3). The location of the property within the Airport Overflight Area Three (AOA 3) is due to its proximity to the Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport.  
Zoning District Designations

The request includes rezoning of the property from Limited Commercial (LC), General Commercial (GC), and Single Residence (RS-43) to a Multiple Residence District (RM-2). The LC and GC portions of the site currently have an Airfield (AF) Overlay designation. This request will expand the application of the AF overlay to the entire site. The applicant is also requesting a site plan review, and modifications to certain development standards through a Planned Area Development (PAD) Overlay.  
Per Section 11-5-2 of the MZO, the proposed use of the property for multi-residential use will be allowed in the in the RM-2-PAD-AF zoning designation.  
Planned Area Development (PAD) Overlay – MZO Article 3, Chapter 22: The request includes a Planned Area Development (PAD) overlay in accordance with Section 1122 of the MZO. The purpose of this request for an overlay is to allow modifications to certain required standards for development of the property. The overlay is also to allow innovative design and flexibility that create high-quality development for the site.  

. . . the applicant is requesting six deviations from the RM-2 zoning district development standards.
The first two requests are for reduction in the minimum lot width and depth. These deviations are being requested to fit the proposed development of the property as attached townhome units for individual ownership.   
The next deviation is for a reduction in the required front street facing setback. Section 11-5-5 of the MZO requires a 30-foot building and landscape setback for front street facing setback in the RM-2 district. The applicant is requesting a reduction from 30 feet to 20 feet.  According to the applicant, the reduction is to mitigate the impact of the unique shape of the overall lot. 
A deviation is for a reduction in the perimeter interior side setbacks is also requested. Section 11-5-5 of the MZO requires a 30-foot building and landscape setback for perimeter interior side yards in the RM-2 district. The applicant is requesting a reduction from 30 feet to 20 feet.  According to the applicant, the reduction is to mitigate the impact of the unique shape of the overall lot. 
The applicant is also requesting deviation from section 11-5-5 of the MZO requiring a minimum separation between 2-story units of thirty feet. The distance requested between the units is a minimum of 23’ 1-7/8”. The distances provided on the site plan provides enough space to mitigate concerns of garage dominance and creating open space/landscaping between units.  
The final deviation requested is from the requirement that garage doors below livable space be recessed 3 feet from the upper story façade (MZO 11-5-5.D). The unique rooftop decks provided for every home will reduce the concern of the garage dominant feel throughout the community. The project offers a unique design that reflects a growing demand for quality and interesting architecture.   
Site Plan and General Site Development Standards:

The subject site is vacant and approximately 6.8 acres in size. The applicant is proposing 17 buildings with an amenity area in the middle of the development. The buildings will consist of 2-stories in height and comprised of 4, 6, & 8-plexes. Overall, the development will consist of 90 units composed of 2bedroom and 3-bedroom units. The site plan shows development of open space between the buildings with a central amenity area which includes a pool, ramada, fireplace, barbeque areas, and an amenity building. Additionally, there will be a zen garden in the north end of the development. The site plan also shows pedestrian connectivity from all buildings to the central amenity area.  
The application documents also show proposed floor plans and elevations for the development. Below are renderings of the elevations which are also provided as part of the staff report: 
PRELIMINARY PLAT Section 9-6-2 of the Mesa Subdivision standards requires approval of all subdivision plats located in the City to be process through four progressive stages. Review and approval of a preliminary plat is the second stage in the series of the progressive stages. Per the Section of the MZO, the preliminary plat is reviewed and approved by the Planning and Zoning Board.  All approved preliminary plats are subject to potential modification through the City’s Subdivision Technical Review process, which is the third stage after approval of the preliminary plat. The Subdivision Technical Review process considers the overall design of the subdivision and details, such as utilities layout, ADA compliance, detention requirements, etc. This process can sometimes result in modification to lot sizes and configuration and reduction the number of lots.
Surrounding Zoning Designations and Existing Use Activity: Northwest RS-43 Single Residence North RS-43 Single Residence
Northeast  (Across RWCD Canal) AG Golf Course
West AG/LI Single Residence/ Industrial
Subject Property LC-AF, GC-AF, & RS-43 Vacant (Former Rockin’ R Ranch)
East  (Across RWCD Canal) AG Golf Course
Southwest (Across Baseline Road) Town of Gilbert  Vacant
South (Across Baseline Road) Town of Gilbert Vacant/Commercial
Southeast (Across Baseline Road) Town of Gilbert Vacant/Commercial
Compatibility with Surrounding Land Uses: The subject site is surrounded by a mix of uses including industrial/commercial, residential, and a golf course. The proposed townhome use will be compatible with the surrounding uses. 
Neighborhood Participation Plan and Public Comments The applicant held a neighborhood meeting on February 15, 2019. Property owners within 1,000 feet, HOA’s within ½ mile, and registered neighborhoods within 1 mile were invited via mail to attend the meeting.  According to the applicant, thirty-four (34) residents attended the meeting. Their comments were related to the proposed product (size, price, target market, ownership), access from the project to the canal, wall heights, lighting within the community, privacy, loss of the previous user, and concern about lost revenue changing the zoning from commercial to residential. The applicant also met with two property owners adjacent to the northern boundary on March 27, 2019 to discuss the reconfigured site based upon their input. The applicant will be providing an updated Citizen Participation Report prior to the May 22, 2019 Study Session. As of writing this report, staff has been contacted by one resident to express opposition to the development of the site for townhomes. This resident did not express any specific concerns for her opposition to the development. Staff will provide any new information during the Board’s scheduled study session. 
Staff Recommendations:  The subject request is consistent with the General Plan and meets the review criteria for Site Plan Review outlined in Section 11-69-5 and for Planned Area Development overlays outlined in Section 11-22-5 of the MZO; Therefore, staff recommends Approval of the request with the following condition:  
Conditions of Approval;

1. Compliance with final site plan submitted.
2. Compliance with the elevations submitted.
3. Compliance with all requirements of the Subdivision Regulations.
4. Compliance with all City development codes and regulations, except as modified in Table 1 in the staff report.
5. Compliance with all requirements of Chapter 19 of the Zoning Ordinance including:
a. Owner shall execute and record the City’s standard Avigation Easement and Release for Phoenix Mesa Gateway Airport prior to or concurrently with the recordation of the final subdivision map or the issuance of a building permit, whichever occurs first. 
b. Provide written notice to future property owners that the project is within 5 mile(s) of Phoenix Mesa Gateway Airport.
c. Provide a 4-foot x 4-foot sign at the entrance to the sales office for this development, with notice to all prospective buyers that the project is within an Overflight Area for Phoenix Mesa Gateway Airport as specified in Section 11-19-5 of the Zoning Ordinance.
d. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, provide documentation by a registered professional engineer or registered professional has certified that Noise attenuation measures have been incorporated into the design and construction of the buildings to achieve a noise level reduction to 45 db as specified in Section 1119-5 of the Zoning Ordinance.
Consent Agenda - All items listed with an asterisk (*) will be considered as a group by the Board and will be enacted with one motion. 
There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Boardmember or citizen requests, in which the item will be removed from the consent agenda, prior to the vote, and considered as a separate item.     
Items on this agenda that must be adopted by ordinance and/or resolution will be on a future City Council agenda. 

Anyone interested in attending the City Council public hearing should
  • call the Planning Division at (480) 644-2385 or
  • review the City Council agendas on the City's website at to find the agenda on which the item(s) will be placed.
Call meeting to order.
1 Take action on all consent agenda items.
Items on the Consent Agenda
2 Approval of minutes from previous meetings.

PZ 19063 Minutes from the May 8, 2019 study session and regular public hearing.*2-a

Page 1 City of Mesa Printed on 5/16/2019

May 22, 2019Planning and Zoning Board - Public Hearing Meeting Agenda - Final

3 Take action on the following zoning cases:

PZ 19059 ZON19-00123   District 5.
Within the 5900 block of East Longbow Parkway (north side).  Located south of the Loop 202 Red Mountain Freeway and west of Recker Road.
(1.22± acres). Site Plan Review. 
This request will allow for the development of a restaurant with a drive-thru.
Violet Thornton, Kitchell Development Company, applicant
Longbow CAS, LLC, owner.
Planner: Charlotte Bridges Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions
PZ 19060 ZON19-00125 District 3. 

1855 South Stapley Drive. Located north of Baseline Road on the east side of Stapley Drive. 
(2.3 ± acres). 
Site Plan Modification. 
This request will allow for the redevelopment of an existing restaurant building for a multi-tenant building with a drive-thru.
Hunter Marcuson, MBA DWS Commercial, applicant
DSW Mesa Grand/Spectrum, LLC, owner.
Planner: Wahid Alam Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions

PZ 19061 ZON19-00160   District 6.  

Within the 3300 and 3400 blocks of South 80th Street (west side) and the 7900 block of East Prairie Avenue. (south side). Located north of Elliot Road and east of Sossaman Road. (3.24 ± acres).
Site Plan Review.
This request will allow for an industrial development.
Jared Malone, Associated Architects, applicant
Gateway Warner, LLC, owner.
Planner: Ryan McCann Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions

4 Discuss and make a recommendation to the City Council on the following zoning cases:

PZ 19051 ZON18-00891 District 3.  535 West Baseline Road
Located west of Country Club Drive on the south side of Baseline Road. 
(1.4± acres). 
Rezone from NC to LI. 
This request will allow for the development of an industrial use.
Matthew Rettig, applicant
PDE Investments, LLC, owner. (Continued from April 17, 2019).
Planner: Evan Balmer Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions

Page 2 City of Mesa Printed on 5/16/2019
May 22, 2019Planning and Zoning Board - Public Hearing Meeting Agenda - Final

PZ 19057 ZON19-00064   District 2

Within the 6000 and 6100 blocks of East Baseline Road (north side).  Located west of Power Road on the north side of Baseline Road. 
(6.8 ± acres). 
  • Rezoning from RS-43, LC-AF and GC-AF to RM-2-PAD-AF
  • Site Plan Review. 
This request will allow for the development of a multi-residential use. 
Ralph Pew, Pew and Lake, PLC, applicant
Pacific Rim Group, owner.
(Companion Case to Preliminary Plat “Zen on Baseline”, associated with item *5-a).
Planner: Ryan McCann Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions

5 Discuss and take action on the following preliminary plats: PZ 19058 “Zen on Baseline”   District 2. 

Within the 6000 and 6100 blocks of East Baseline Road (north side).  Located west of Power Road on the north side of Baseline Road. 
(6.8 ± acres).
Preliminary Plat.
Ralph Pew, Pew and Lake, PLC, applicant
Pacific Rim Group, owner.
(Companion Case to ZON19-00064, associated with item *4-b).
Planner: Ryan McCann Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions

PZ 19062 “Eastmark DU 3/4 North (Phase 5) MDR”   District 6. 

Within the 9200 through 9400 blocks of East Warner Road (south side); the 4400 through 4700 blocks of South Ellsworth Road (east side); and the 4400 through 4600 blocks of South Inspirian Parkway. Located south of Warner Road on the east side of Ellsworth Road. (78.8± acres).
Preliminary Plat.
Eric Tune, Brookfield Development, applicant
DMB Mesa Proving Grounds, LLC, owner. (ZON18-00991)
Planner: Ryan McCann Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions

Items not on the Consent Agenda
6 Other Business.

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