Tuesday, May 07, 2019

Greater Phoenix Economic Council Recipient of Award For Excellence in Economic Development From Site Selection Magazine

Site Selection Magazine's Mac Conway Awards for Excellence in Economic Development recognize the top local and regional economic development agencies in the U.S. for their roles in helping to deliver prosperity to their communities. While not a ranking, objective criteria are used to identify the top performers, which are listed in the website alphabetically by group name.
This year’s Mac Conway Award winners have been determined by an index that examines 2018 corporate facility investment projects in U.S. metro areas as tracked by Site Selection’s proprietary Conway Projects Database, part of the Conway Analytics toolbox.
This announcement is made in the May 2019 edition of Site Selection Magazine, featured on the cover.
Scores are awarded based on six criteria:
  • total projects
  • total investment associated with those projects
  • jobs associated with those projects.
The remaining three criteria represent a per capita calculation of those same metrics.
Here's a company name Word Cloud that accompanies the recognition for GPEC:
Chris Camacho, President & CEO 
Programs & Initiatives:
The Global Partnership Program is a collaborative and solutions-oriented initiative to help grow and support international business activity in the Greater Phoenix region. The GPEC Global Growth Accelerator helps international firms accelerate growth plans.
NEW! 2019 Best to Invest 2019 Mac Conway Awards
Site Selection’s Mac Conway Awards for Excellence in Economic Development recognize the top local and regional economic development agencies

“We are part of the development process,” wrote Conway.
“We play a role in the future. And we help bring a better quality of life to areas today.”
In that spirit, Site Selection recognizes the groups who pursue that ideal as their daily mission.
Source: https://siteselection.com/issues/2019/may/2019-mac-conway-awards.cfm