Monday, May 20, 2019

Presentations & Reports 2019: City of Mesa Office of Management & Budget

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Each year, the city's budget is developed in conjunction with residents, the Mayor and City Council, City Manager and City Employees. The result is a budget that closely matches the community's highest priorities each fiscal year. Here you'll find the information on the city's budget, financial reports and other city reports.
Fiscal Year 2019-2020
Starts 07 Feb 2019 - 09 May 2019

5/09/2019 Budget Enterprise Fund Review including the Economic Investment Fund Presentation [PDF]  Council Study Session Presentation 
5/09/2019 Budget FY 2019/20 Budget Wrap-Up [PDF]  Council Study Session Presentation 
5/02/2019Departments FY 2019/20 Arts & Culture Budget Presentation [PDF]  Council Study Session Presentation 
5/02/2019 Departments FY 2019/20 Library Services Budget Presentation [PDF]  Council Study SessionPresentation 
 5/02/2019 DepartmentsFY 2019/20 Community Services Budget Presentation [PDF] Council Study Session Presentation 
4/25/2019 Departments FY 2019/20 Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities Budget Presentation [PDF]  Council Study Session Presentation 
4/25/2019 Departments FY 2019/20 Transit Services Budget Presentation [PDF] Council Study Session Presentation 
4/25/2019 Departments FY 2019/20 Transportation Budget Presentation [PDF]  Council Study SessionPresentation 
4/25/2019 Departments FY 2019/20 Code Compliance Budget Presentation [PDF]  Council Study Session Presentation 
4/18/2019 Departments FY 2019/20 Energy Resources Budget Presentation [PDF]  Council Study Session Presentation 
4/18/2019 Departments FY 2019/20 Environmental Management & Sustainability Budget Presentation [PDF] Council Study Session Presentation
4/18/2019Departments FY 2019/20 Water Resources Budget Presentation [PDF]   Council Study Session Presentation 
4/15/2019 Departments FY 2019/20 Development Services Budget Presentation [PDF]  Council Study Session Presentation 
4/11/2019 Departments FY 2019/20 Police Department Budget Presentation [PDF]  Council Study Session Presentation 
4/4/2019 Departments FY 2019/20 Fire & Medical Budget Presentation [PDF]  Council Study Session Presentation 
4/4/2019 Capital FY 2020-2024 CIP Project Summary [PDF]  Council Study Session Report 
4/4/2019Capital Overview of the FY 2020-2024 Capital Improvement Program [PDF]  Council Study Session Presentation 
4/1/2019 Budget FY 2019/20 Proposed Budget Summary [PDF]  Council Study Session Report 
4/1/2019 Budget FY 2019/20 Proposed Budget Overview [PDF] Council Study Session Presentation 
03/21/2019 Budget Financial Forecast on General Governmental Fund and Enterprise Fund [PDF]  Council Study Session Presentation 
03/04/2019 Departments Business Services Proposed Changes to Fees and Charges Schedule [PDF] Audit, Finance & Enterprise Committee Report 
03/04/2019 Departments Falcon Field Proposed Changes to Fees and Charges Schedule [PDF] Audit, Finance & Enterprise Committee Report 
03/04/2019 Departments Transportation Proposed Changes to Fees and Charges Schedule [PDF] Audit, Finance & Enterprise Committee Report 
03/04/2019Departments Engineering Proposed Changes to Fees and Charges Schedule [PDF] Audit, Finance & Enterprise Committee Report 
03/04/2019 Departments Animal Control Division Changes to Fees & Charges Schedule [PDF] Audit, Finance & Enterprise Committee Report 
03/04/2019Fees & Charges FY 2019/20 Fees & Charges Recommendations [PDF]  Audit, Finance & Enterprise Committee Presentation 
02/14/2019 Budget Financial Highlights and Trends Update [PDF] Council Study Session Presentation 
02/07/2019 Capital 2018 General Bond Obligation Update [PDF] Council Study Session Presentation 

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