Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Best Overall States Rankings 2019 > An Interactive Platform

Cheers for this!
It's more than an overall ranking for all 50 States.
Best States Rankings
Measuring outcomes for citizens using more than 70 metrics 
This highly interactive platform enables users to explore thousands of important benchmarks and easily draw state-to-state comparisons.
Build a chart, share it, and ultimately learn what all the states can learn from one another.
The site also delivers a freshly updated menu of reporting and analysis on state trends and developments, making it a must-read source for anyone interested in what’s happening nationally.
Some states shine in health care. Some soar in education. Some excel in both – or in much more.
The Best States ranking of U.S. states draws on thousands of data points to measure how well states are performing for their citizens.
In addition to health care and education, the metrics take into account a state’s economy, its roads, bridges, internet and other infrastructure, its public safety, the fiscal stability of state government, and the opportunity it affords its residents.
More weight was accorded to some state measures than others, based on a survey of what matters most to people.
  • Health care and education were weighted most heavily.
  • Then came state economies, infrastructure, and the opportunity states offer their citizens.
  • Fiscal stability followed closely in weighting, followed by measures of crime & corrections and a state's natural environment.
Arizona's Overall Ranking: #34 out of 50 in 2019
  • Healthcare #23
  • Education #40
  • Economy #10
  • Infrastructure #11
  • Opportunity #40
  • Fiscal Stability #33
  • Crime and Corrections #44
  • Natural Environment #33
#34 in Overall Rankings(#39 out of 50 in 2018)
At a time when the federal government is attempting to hand more responsibility for spending and policymaking to the states, these rankings offer the first comprehensive view, state by state, of how some states already are performing best. This highly interactive platform enables users to explore thousands of important benchmarks and easily draw state-to-state comparisons. Build a chart, share it, and ultimately learn what all the states can learn from one another.
The site also delivers a freshly updated menu of reporting and analysis on state trends and developments, making it a must-read source for anyone interested in what’s happening nationally.
The data driving these rankings were drawn from extensive and reliable governmental and private sources as well as proprietary data including a national survey of what matters most to citizens around the country. Among the eight main categories measured in the Best States rankings, more than five dozen subcategories of metrics are taken into account.
What follows is a deep dive into all 50 states.
Let the Data Explorer lead your way.
Download Full Rankings:
2019 | 2018 | 2017