Thursday, May 30, 2019

Agenda (and Video) Planning & Zoning Board Meeting Wed 20 May 2019

Dane Astle is presiding over this board meeting. Please note his introduction and how this meeting is conducted with an explanation about the Consent Agenda and how blue cards works and giving anyone at the meeting any time they need to submit the blue cards. Tim Boyle has volunteered to read the other items that were left on the Consent Agenda that is up for approval in one motion.
(Scroll down to view with the attachments)
Opening Image Credit: Rockin' R Ranch Dinner Theatre)
Media article from
Mesa approves ‘zen’ plans for former cowboy restaurant site
May 24, 2019 by Mike Sunnucks
"The Mesa Planning and Zoning Board has approved redevelopment plans for the former Rockin’ R Ranch cowboy restaurant.
The board voted this week to approve plans from Pacific Rim Group to redevelop the restaurant site on Baseline Road near Power Road into a 90-unit townhouse project called Zen on Baseline.
The Mesa planning board voted 4-0 to approve the townhouse development.
Development plans will now progress to the Mesa City Council."
Consent Agenda - All items listed with an asterisk (*) will be considered as a group by the Board and will be enacted with one motion. 
There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Boardmember or citizen requests, in which the item will be removed from the consent agenda, prior to the vote, and considered as a separate item.     
Items on this agenda that must be adopted by ordinance and/or resolution will be on a future City Council agenda. 

Anyone interested in attending the City Council public hearing should
  • call the Planning Division at (480) 644-2385 or
  • review the City Council agendas on the City's website at to find the agenda on which the item(s) will be placed.
Items 4-a and 4-b have been asked to be removed from the Consent Agenda for individual attention
4 Discuss and make a recommendation to the City Council on the following zoning cases:
> *Item 4-a PZ 19051 ZON18-00891 District 3.  535 West Baseline Road
Located west of Country Club Drive on the south side of Baseline Road. 
(1.4± acres). 
Rezone from NC to LI. 
This request will allow for the development of an industrial use.
Matthew Rettig, applicant
PDE Investments, LLC, owner. (Continued from April 17, 2019).
Planner: Evan Balmer Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions

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May 22, 2019Planning and Zoning Board - Public Hearing Meeting Agenda - Final

> *Item 4-b PZ 19057 ZON19-00064   District 2

Within the 6000 and 6100 blocks of East Baseline Road (north side).  Located west of Power Road on the north side of Baseline Road. 
(6.8 ± acres). 
  • Rezoning from RS-43, LC-AF and GC-AF to RM-2-PAD-AF
  • Site Plan Review. 
This request will allow for the development of a multi-residential use. 
Ralph Pew, Pew and Lake, PLC, applicant
Pacific Rim Group, owner.

(Companion Case to Preliminary Plat “Zen on Baseline”, associated with item *5-a).
Planner: Ryan McCann Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions

*Item 5-a
PZ 19058 “Zen on Baseline”   District 2. 
Within the 6000 and 6100 blocks of East Baseline Road (north side).  Located west of Power Road on the north side of Baseline Road. 
(6.8 ± acres).
Preliminary Plat.
Ralph Pew, Pew and Lake, PLC, applicant
Pacific Rim Group, owner.

(Companion Case to ZON19-00064, associated with item *4-b).
Planner: Ryan McCann Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions

17 Views [40 minutes]

Call meeting to order.
1 Take action on all consent agenda items.
Items on the Consent Agenda
2 Approval of minutes from previous meetings.

PZ 19063 Minutes from the May 8, 2019 study session and regular public hearing.*2-a

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May 22, 2019Planning and Zoning Board - Public Hearing Meeting Agenda - Final

3 Take action on the following zoning cases:

PZ 19059 ZON19-00123   District 5.
Within the 5900 block of East Longbow Parkway (north side).  Located south of the Loop 202 Red Mountain Freeway and west of Recker Road.
(1.22± acres). Site Plan Review. 
This request will allow for the development of a restaurant with a drive-thru.
Violet Thornton, Kitchell Development Company, applicant
Longbow CAS, LLC, owner.
Planner: Charlotte Bridges Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions
PZ 19060 ZON19-00125 District 3. 

1855 South Stapley Drive. Located north of Baseline Road on the east side of Stapley Drive. 
(2.3 ± acres). 
Site Plan Modification. 
This request will allow for the redevelopment of an existing restaurant building for a multi-tenant building with a drive-thru.
Hunter Marcuson, MBA DWS Commercial, applicant
DSW Mesa Grand/Spectrum, LLC, owner.
Planner: Wahid Alam Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions

PZ 19061 ZON19-00160   District 6.  

Within the 3300 and 3400 blocks of South 80th Street (west side) and the 7900 block of East Prairie Avenue. (south side). Located north of Elliot Road and east of Sossaman Road. (3.24 ± acres).
Site Plan Review.
This request will allow for an industrial development.
Jared Malone, Associated Architects, applicant
Gateway Warner, LLC, owner.
Planner: Ryan McCann Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions

5 Discuss and take action on the following preliminary plats: PZ 19058 “Zen on Baseline”   District 2. 

Within the 6000 and 6100 blocks of East Baseline Road (north side).  Located west of Power Road on the north side of Baseline Road. 
(6.8 ± acres).
Preliminary Plat.
Ralph Pew, Pew and Lake, PLC, applicant
Pacific Rim Group, owner.
(Companion Case to ZON19-00064, associated with item *4-b).
Planner: Ryan McCann Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions

PZ 19062 “Eastmark DU 3/4 North (Phase 5) MDR”   District 6. 

Within the 9200 through 9400 blocks of East Warner Road (south side); the 4400 through 4700 blocks of South Ellsworth Road (east side); and the 4400 through 4600 blocks of South Inspirian Parkway. Located south of Warner Road on the east side of Ellsworth Road. (78.8± acres).
Preliminary Plat.
Eric Tune, Brookfield Development, applicant
DMB Mesa Proving Grounds, LLC, owner. (ZON18-00991)
Planner: Ryan McCann Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions

Items not on the Consent Agenda
6 Other Business.

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