BLOGGER NOTE: This might be "digging for the truth" in some of the right places, but we are not getting any closer to clearing out the rot.
Most of the time I can agree with Matt Taibbi when he talked about The Deep Rot of American Journalism, but let's save that 25-minute conversation with Christopher Hayes for another post from On Contact.
An Opinion Piece today 06 May 2019 from John Hightower
Republican Red-Baiting Is Going to Backfire
“Socialism,” snarled Donald Trump at a recent pep rally of far-right Republicans. The obedient crowd of Trumpistas snarled back in unison: So-sh’ll-izz-ummm!There you have the entire intellectual content of the GOP’s 2020 re-election strategy under Generalissimo Trump: Slap Democrats with a scurrilous campaign branding them as Lenin-Trotsky-Stalin re-incarnate.
It’s not just Trump hissing out the socialist label in a frantic McCarthyesque attempt to make it stick by mindless repetition, but also Republican lawmakers. Unfortunately for them, they’re overplaying a weak hand and bumbling over their own ignorance.
Texas Senator John Cornyn, for example, compared Democrats who support ideas like Medicare-for-All to Mussolini.
Apparently, Cornyn is unaware that the brutish Italian dictator was no socialist, but a fascist. Mussolini’s ideology of ultra-nationalism, masculine authoritarianism, suppression of democratic rights, and rule by wealthy elites is the opposite of the progressive agenda. Indeed, it describes the policies of — guess who? — Trump and his acolytes, including Cornyn! . . .
Far from socialism, this is democratic populism, an honest, popular rebellion against the corporate plutocracy promoted by Trump and Cornyn. Which side are you on?
Reference > Truth Dig