Monday, April 27, 2020

Bracing For A Big Unprecedented Challenge In-Charge of Mesa Public Schools: Is New Super Andi Fourlis Up For It?

Hard to say at this point-in-time after reading a cover story by Jim Walsh in the weekend Sunday edition. 
Once again "an insider" was selected to take over the largest public school system that has failed students for more than 30 years, riddled with financial scandals and a bloated bureaucracy. That was "in the best of times."
Probably lower you expectations and get ready for more spin in the usual go round-and-round with meaningless empty words and phrases that say nothing much on the generations-old consistent failures to attain proficiencies at grade levels and inequalities inherent that can only increase now. It's time way overdue.

Read it if you want: 

New Mesa schools head braces for big challenge

"Leading a public school system at any time is a challenge but for Mesa Public Schools’ new superintendent, the challenge is unprecedented
The COVID-19 pandemic plunged the state’s largest district into a crisis, with campuses closed through the end of this school year, teachers losing contact with hundreds of students from low-income, unstable homes and hundreds of seniors thrown into a disappointing end to their high school careers.
And while she says, “we’re very worried’’ – especially for the students the district has lost track of – Dr. Andi Fourlis seeks a silver lining of sorts in the dark cloud that the pandemic has cast over schools.
Fourlis believes it could shake schools across the city and the country out of complacency and force them to address the needs of students in new, more meaningful ways. . ."
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