Sunday, April 12, 2020

HEADS UP !! APRIL 20, 2020 > PUBLIC HEARINGS Mesa City Council

There's a lot "on-the-table" and possibly millions of dollars for private developers - multiple owners - on items that are not on the Consent Agenda that deserve more public scrutiny.
1. Plans for these items have been in the pipeline for more than three years, initiated after the Jordan Rose Law Group was hired by the multiple owners and entities involved to get re-zoning, developer agreements, and possible annexation to fall under the jurisdiction of the City of Mesa.
For good reasons as you might guess > 
Hooking-up to city utilities would certainly open the ground for a windfall in their own private wealth creation . . . in the times of the greatest financial crisis in the 21st Century, all these proposed actions should be put on hold
20-0418 Setting May 18, 2020 as the date of the public hearing to review the proposed FY 2020/2021 annual assessments for the Mesa Town Center Improvement District No. 228. The proposed final assessments do not include any rate increases. (District 4) *5-n 
Conduct a public hearing and take action on the following minor General Plan amendment and zoning case, and take action on the development agreement, all related to the property located at the northwest corner of Thomas and Recker Roads: 
Conduct a public hearing on minor General Plan amendment case ZON19-00954. (District 5) 

20-0144 ZON19-00954 (District 5) Resolution. 
Within the 5600 to 6000 blocks of East Thomas Road (north side) and within the 3600 to 4000 blocks of North Recker Road (west side). Located north of Thomas Road and west of Recker Road 
(109.8± acres). 
Minor General Plan amendment to change the Character Type from Parks to Neighborhood. 
This request will allow for the development of a single-residence subdivision. 

  • Desert Vista 100, LLC, applicant
  • City of Mesa, owner. 

Staff Recommendation: Adoption 
P&Z Board Recommendation: Adoption 9-b 

20-0143 ZON19-00806 (District 5) Ordinance. 
Within the 5600 to 6000 blocks of East Thomas Road (north side) and within the 3600 to 4000 blocks of North Recker Road (west side). Located north of Thomas Road and west of Recker Road 
(109.8± acres). 
Rezone from PS to RS-6-PAD and RS-7-PAD. 
This request will allow for the development of a single-residence subdivision. 

  • Desert Vista 100, LLC, applicant
  • City of Mesa, owner. 

Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions
P&Z Board Recommendation: Approval with conditions 9-c 

City of Mesa Page 10 Printed on 4/9/2020 City Council Meeting Agenda - Tentative April 20, 2020 

A resolution approving and authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Development Agreement with Desert Vista 101, LLC, relating to approximately 115 acres of property located at the northwest corner of Thomas Road and Recker Road, for the purpose of developing a single-family residential subdivision and associated improvements. (District 5) 9-d 

10 Conduct a public hearing and take action on the following 

  • annexation cases
  • minor General Plan amendments
  • zoning cases


  • take action on the following development agreements, all related to the Hawes Crossing development: 

Conduct a public hearing on 

  • annexation cases ANX18-00788 and ANX19-00420
  • minor General Plan amendments ZON19-00754 and ZON19-00755, and 
  • zoning cases ZON17-00606 and ZON17-00607. 10-a 

20-0390 ANX18-00788 (District 6) Ordinance. 
Annexing property located south of Elliot Road and west of Ellsworth Road and adopting comparable zoning (319.4± acres).
Initiated by the applicant, Jordan Rose, Rose Law Group, for the owners. 10-b 

20-0391 ANX19-00420 (District 6) Ordinance. 
Annexing property located south of Elliot Road and west of Ellsworth Road and adopting comparable zoning (659.4± acres).
Initiated by the applicant, Jordan Rose, Rose Law Group, for the owner, State of Arizona. 10-c 

20-0442 ZON19-00754 (District 6) Resolution. 
The 7700 through 8400 blocks of East Elliot Road (south side), the 3700 through 4000 blocks of the South 80th Street alignment (both sides), the 3700 through 4000 blocks of South Hawes Road (west side), the 8400 through 8600 blocks of East Warner Road (north side), the 4200 through 4400 blocks of the South Hawes Road alignment (east side), and the 8100 through 8400 blocks of East Warner Road (south side) 
(280± acres). 
Minor General Plan Amendment. T
This request will change the General Plan character designation for the area from Mixed Use Activity/Employment to Neighborhood. 
Jordan Rose, Rose Law Group, applicant; multiple property owners. 
Staff Recommendation: Adoption 
P&Z Board Recommendation: Adoption (Vote: 3-2) 10-d 

City of Mesa Page 11 Printed on 4/9/2020 City Council Meeting Agenda - Tentative April 20, 2020 

20-0443 ZON19-00755 (District 6) Resolution
The 4000 through 4400 blocks of South Hawes Road (west side) and the 8000 through 8400 blocks of East Warner Road (north side) 
(115± acres). 
Minor General Plan Amendment. 
This request will change the General Plan character designation for the area from Mixed Use Activity/Employment to Neighborhood. 
Jordan Rose, Rose Law Group, applicant; State of Arizona, owner. 
Staff Recommendation: Adoption 
P&Z Board Recommendation: Adoption (Vote: 3-2) 10-e 

20-0392 ZON17-00606 (District 6) Ordinance. 
Within the 3200 through 4000 blocks of South Hawes Road (west side), the 3200 through 3600 blocks of South 80th Street (east side), the 3600 through 4000 blocks of the South 80th Street alignment (east and west sides), the 7700 through 8400 blocks East Elliot Road (south side), the 8100 through 8400 blocks of East Elliot Road (north side), the 8400 through 8800 blocks of East Warner Road (north side), and the 8100 through 8600 blocks of East Warner Road (south side) 
(540± acres). 
Rezone from AG and LI to RS-6, RSL-4.0, RSL-2.5, RM-5, GC, and MX with a PAD Overlay. 
This request will establish the “Hawes Crossing” PAD to guide the future review of specific plans of development. 
Jordan Rose, Rose Law Group, applicant; multiple property owners.
Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions 
P&Z Board Recommendation: Approval with conditions (Vote: 3-2) 10-f 

20-0393 ZON17-00607 (District 6) Ordinance
Within the 8000 through 8400 blocks of East Warner Road (north side), the 4000 through 4400 blocks of the South Hawes Road alignment (west side), the 8400 through 8800 blocks of East Elliot Road (south side), the 3600 through 4000 blocks of the South Hawes Road alignment (east side), the 8800 through 9200 blocks of East Elliot Road (south side), the 8800 through 9200 blocks of East Warner Road (north side), and the 3600 through 4400 blocks of South Ellsworth Road (west side) 
(595± acres). 
Rezone from AG to RSL-4.0, RSL-2.5, RM-5, OC, LC, GC, LI, and MX with a PAD Overlay. 
This request will establish the ‘Hawes Crossing’ PAD to guide the future review of specific plans of development. 
Jordan Rose, Rose Law Group, applicant; State of Arizona, owner. 
Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions 
P&Z Board Recommendation: Approval with conditions (Vote: 3-2) 10-g 

City of Mesa Page 12 Printed on 4/9/2020 City Council Meeting Agenda - Tentative April 20, 2020 

20-0444 A resolution approving and authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Development Agreement with multiple property owners for the development of a mixed-use project known as Hawes Crossing on approximately 536 acres of land in the Inner Loop District and part of zoning case ZON17-00606. 
The Development Agreement will, among other things, provide for: 
i) zoning entitlements; 
ii) limitations on development; 
iii) prohibited land uses; 
iv) phasing of the project; 
v) construction of parks, trails and open space; 
vi) open space landscape buffer and utility easement; 
vii) infrastructure improvements; and 
viii) compatibility with Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport. (District 6) 10-h 

20-0445 A resolution approving and authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Development Agreement with the State of Arizona (by and through the State Land Commissioner and the Arizona State Land Department) for the development of a mixed-use project known as Hawes Crossing on approximately 595 acres of State land in the Inner Loop District and part of zoning case ZON17-00607. 
The Development Agreement will, among other things, provide for: i) zoning entitlements; ii) limitations on development; iii) prohibited land uses; iv) phasing of the project; v) construction of a community park, other parks, trails and open space; v) infrastructure improvements; and vi) compatibility with Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport. (District 6) 10-i 