Tuesday, April 21, 2020

From Economics Explained > Listen Up Before You Get Bent Out-of-Shape

Why China Will be the Big Winner of the 2020 Crisis

Apr 16, 2020
This is China, what is still the worlds foremost industrial economy has apparently been knocked down a peg as it emerged into the new decade. There has been wild speculation about companies divesting from the country as a response to the critical flaws in supply chains that have been brought to light. The world today is heavily reliant on china to manufacture almost everything we take for granted in our modern lives. Report’s of companies desperately looking for supply chain alternatives and speculation about countries that are going to move in to take their place have been all over the news, and perhaps there is some merit to this speculation, but a lot of this may be un-grounded in genuine economics and rather just be the product of things people want to be true. 
#economics #recession #debttrapdiplomacy