Thursday, April 23, 2020

COW SHIT @ Hawes Crossing > How A Law Group Piled-On Tons of Hype On-The-Line of Media Manipulation

It was a big land deal in the outer fringes of southeast Mesa that finally passed a manipulation of public participation at last Monday's City Council meeting: at least there was significant debate . . . 
End of an era: Mesa will annex dairy farms and county land for Hawes Crossing development
(Disclosure: Rose Law Group represents Hawes Crossing.)
By Alison Steinbach | The Republic

After four years, numerous studies and dozens of plan iterations, the City Council voted Monday to approve Hawes Crossing — but not without significant debate.
________________________________________________________________________Mesa City Council approves Hawes Crossing
Posted by   /  April 21, 2020  /  No Comments
By   – Senior Reporter, Phoenix Business Journal
The development has been years in the making and has the potential to bring tens of thousands of jobs to the city.

(Disclosure: Rose Law Group represents Hawes Crossing.)