Tuesday, April 28, 2020

City of Mesa Predicted Dwindling Reserves

City of Mesa General Governmental Funds FY 2019/20 Budget (updated as of 5/14/2019) Actuals Budget Projected Budget Forecast Forecast Forecast FY 17/18 FY 18/19 FY 18/19 FY 19/20 FY 20/21 FY 21/22 FY 22/23
Beginning Reserve Balance $100.9 $92.3 $100.4 $88.7 $80.0 $69.8 $55.8 Total Sources $425.0 $432.5 $442.0 $462.2 $454.2 $459.7 $468.7 Total Uses $422.5 $447.3 $450.8 $469.8 $464.4 $473.8 $489.8 Net Sources and Uses $2.6 ($14.7) ($8.8) ($7.7) ($10.2) ($14.0) ($21.1) Future Economic Correction ($3.0) ($3.0) ($3.0) ($1.0) $0.0 $0.0 $7.0
Ending Reserve Balance $100.4 $74.6 $88.7 $80.0 $69.8 $55.8 $41.7 Ending Reserve Balance Percent* 22.1% 15.8% 18.8% 17.2% 14.7% 11.4% 8.3% Dollars in Millions *As a % of all Next Year's uses of funding Note: Includes economic correction beginning FY 20/21 City of Mesa Enterprise Fund FY 2019/20 Budget (updated as of 5/14/2019) Actuals Budget Projected Budget Forecast Forecast Forecast FY 17/18 FY 18/19 FY 18/19 FY 19/20 FY 20/21 FY 21/22 FY 22/23 WATER $12.0 ($3.8) $1.1 ($5.9) ($2.0) ($5.7) ($7.5) WASTEWATER $2.4 ($1.6) $6.5 $0.2 ($1.4) $3.6 $5.7 SOLID WASTE $2.6 ($0.9) $1.0 ($1.4) $0.5 $0.5 ($0.1) ELECTRIC $2.7 $0.9 $2.7 $1.0 $0.2 ($0.1) ($0.2) NATURAL GAS $2.8 $1.4 $4.2 $2.0 $1.8 ($0.7) ($0.6) Subtotal: Utilities $22.5 ($4.0) $15.5 ($4.1) ($0.9) ($2.4) ($2.7) DISTRICT COOLING $0.4 $0.4 $0.5 $0.3 $0.3 $0.2 $0.2 CONVENTION CENTER ($1.5) ($2.0) ($1.5) ($2.5) ($1.3) ($1.6) ($1.8) GOLF ($0.3) ($1.0) ($0.6) ($0.8) $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 CUBS SPRING TRAINING ($0.7) ($1.6) ($0.9) ($1.2) ($1.4) ($1.3) ($0.8) HOHOKAM-FITCH ($1.6) ($1.2) ($1.1) ($1.1) ($1.2) ($1.3) ($1.3) Subtotal: Other Enterprises ($3.7) ($5.4) ($3.6) ($5.3) ($3.6) ($4.0) ($3.7) TOTAL NET SOURCES AND USES $18.8 ($9.4) $11.9 ($9.4) ($4.5) ($6.4) ($6.4) Beginning Reserve Balance $92.7 $106.3 $111.5 $123.4 $114.0 $109.5 $103.1 Ending Reserve Balance $111.5 $96.9 $123.4 $114.0 $109.5 $103.1 $96.7 Ending Reserve Balance Percent* 29.9% 25.9% 31.2% 28.3% 26.3% 23.8% 21.5% Dollars in Millions *As a % of all Next Year's uses of funding Note: Includes economic correction beginning FY 20/21

File #:

Type:ResolutionStatus:Agenda Ready
In control:City Council
On agenda:5/18/2020
Title:Take action on the tentative adoption of the proposed FY 2020/2021 budget.
Attachments:1. Council Report,
2. Pie Charts,
3. Gen Govtl and Enterprise Funds Forecast,
City of Mesa General Governmental Funds FY 2019/20 Budget (updated as of 5/14/2019)

4. Tentative Budget FY1920 

GGF Forecast Charts and Tables 20190513.xlsx
