Saturday, February 24, 2018

Mesa In Hyper-Local + National News: Hey! The Kids Are All Right!

They are "the new kids on-the-block" - as you can see in the image below from a CNN report when students at Mesa High School stepped-out in solidarity to senseless killings of students in Florida. They appear to be more engaged and more involved and more tuned-in and more connected than most of the near-half-million-persons of all ages living here in Mesa. Perhaps - and that's just perhaps - this new generation can re-direct and re-channel their energies to other important national, state and local issues: Arizona's poor performance providing quality education K-12 for workforce development and talent, quality of life and quality of the environment issues, and issues of inclusive equality for everyone.  
Your MesaZona blogger is thrilled and excited to see the New Generation after the "Millennials" getting re-energized once more after the wave of the student activation in the 1960's three generations earlier.
Whoa! The times they are a'changing
Here are some of the walkouts in solidarity with Parkland
Updated 7:01 PM ET, Wed February 21, 2018
(CNN) Students across the United States walked out of class on Wednesday to call for change in the wake of the mass shooting in Parkland, Florida, last week.
From Florida to Minnesota to Arizona, students demonstrated to demand tighter restrictions on who can buy guns, and better services for mental health. It was a remarkable show of solidarity with the victims and survivors of the massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, which left 17 dead.
Here are just some of the walkouts from
Mesa High School in Mesa, Arizona

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