Monday, February 12, 2018

No Equal Rights Amendment Yet In Arizona,,,but Let's Celebrate International Women's Day Anyway

Your MesaZona blogger strongly supports Equal Rights across the entire spectrum, most recently for the Hashtag #MeToo dealing with sexual harassment in the workplace where the "Wall of Silence" has been broken through - yet there's a bigger issue out there: It's been more than 40 years since 1973 when The Equal Rights Amendment passed by Congress in 1973 still not been approved to become the law-of-the-land. Arizona is one of the hold-out states. WHY??
Now that's A LOADED QUESTION for sure . . . notice that all the non-ratifying states are colored what yours truly might call "chicken yellow" - afraid for one reason or another to take action to approve equal rights for women for more than 40 years. But it's not just about women only - Equal rights include everyone - in the workplace and in public accommodations and commerce across the entire spectrum. 
If we are to move forward in this basic principle, then we - that's ALL OF US - need to get the ERA approved and ratified by the states before we can take action on LGBTQ equal rights.
We are the change.

With that being said, change happens on many levels. This one - an event - is local. It is organized by a Non-Profit here in Mesa scheduled in Phoenix at the Phoenix Marriott Hotel.
Yours truly has no idea whatsoever if the women in the program are part of the #MeToo movement or if they work to get the ERA ratified here in Arizona. Let's see if this topic is included in celebrating International Women's Day

ATHENA Awards-International Women’s Day Celebration
March 8, 2018
In honor of International Women’s Day, ATHENA Valley of the Sun will be hosting the 2nd Annual ATHENA Awards.
Join us for an event honoring and celebrating women of all ages and stages of leadership.
  • Learn how women inspire change locally and globally
  • Support leadership development for women in all communities
  • Be motivated by the stories of the ATHENAS being honored.
  • Unite with women in our community
  • Discover attributes of leadership traits intuitive to women
ATHENA honors the highest level of professional excellence coupled with the values of giving back and the responsibility for opening leadership opportunities for others. Honoring successful women in business encourages others to both envision and strive for their highest potential. The long-term vision is to achieve a balance in the voices of leadership.
This inspiring event will honor ATHENA Leadership Award honoree, renowned psychologist, speaker and best-selling author, Dr. Eileen Borris.  You will also hear stories of six HAIL honorees chosen for their leadership demonstrating one of the following ATHENA Principles: Live Authentically, Learn Constantly, Advocate Fiercely, Foster Collaboration or Build Relationships.
ATHENA Valley of the Sun (AVOS) strives to Support, Honor and Develop the next generation of women leaders.  From this year’s Young ATHENA program, ten outstanding young women who lead in their communities, will serve as emcees for the event.
We invite you to spend International Women’s Day with us, celebrating the achievements of women.
Event Details
Thursday, March 8, 2018
Check-in 10:30am-11:00am
Luncheon Event 11:00am-1:30pm
Phoenix Airport Marriott

Last Day to Register is March 2nd
By attending this event, you automatically give your permission to be photographed and/or video-recorded by the ATHENA staff for print, internet content or another medium, unless you direct otherwise.
Proceeds provide leadership programs to women.
All monetary sponsorships and donations are tax deductible.
More information and tickets > 
Thank you to the ATHENA Leadership principle sponsors:
  • Build Relationships – Fry’s Food stores
  • Act Courageously – The Rob and Melani Walton Foundation
  • Live Authentically-Freeport McMoRan
  • Learn Constantly-Kolbe Corp
  • Foster Collaboration-Patient Wellness Collaboration
  • Advocate Fiercely-Global Chamber of Commerce __________________________________________________________________________
About AVOS
ATHENA Valley of the Sun (AVOS) IA a nonprofit based in Mesa

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