Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Bob Worsley: Caught In The Middle > Public Trust or Private Profit?

Conservative and religious for sure (or so he says) . . .does Mesa Mega- 
Millionaire Bob Worsley have "Clean Hands" as a Private
Real Estate Developer at the same time holding public office?
Mesa Mega-Millionaire and Arizona State Senator, who 's political career got launched with controversy back in 2012 [see this report by EVT managing editor Jim Walsh 02 May 2017 ], got caught up in, along with his campaign consultant /business partner Kent Lyons (who's involved with Worsley on a risky speculative real estate deal here in downtown Mesa), "in a good old-fashioned Arizona dirty politics story" and sex-scandal in the Arizona State House written about and published online by Phoenix New Times reporter Ray Stern on February 24,2012 [you can Stern's story here .]
One more controversy broke out in public on Monday at a Mesa City Council session where Worsley came out from his behind-the-scenes schemes as a broker of real estate deals and as an investor in different holding companies and LLCs, registered here in the State of Arizona and in the State of Delaware,  for the purchase of multiple properties here on Main Street.
All the "deals" and real estate schemes to stuff the pockets of the FOG (Friends of Giles) on the back of already-overburdened Mesa taxpayers for the radical transformation of downtown Mesa into a "satellite campus" for ASU were resoundingly defeated and rejected by voters two years ago.
Was Mesa Mayor John Giles totally tone-deaf on this issue two years ago???
Has he NOT learned anything on-the-job that taxpayers just SAY NO to more debt?
Underlying all this is a BIG QUESTION that comes back-to-bite: Is Bob Worley double-dealing using his public office for his own private gains and profits? And/or for the financial benefits of the close cohort of his "friends-and-family" or undisclosed special-interest business connections?


Let's get down to the real Nitty-Gritty

It's one thing to be a private money-making mega-millionaire but it crosses-the-line of the integrity entering public elected office when you use your public office to enrich yourself or stuff money into- the-pockets and bank accounts of your close cohorts. 
At the minimum it's a violation of public trust  in good honest, open, transparent and accountable government - it might be, separate from that, possible crimes and misdemeanors that need to get help up to public scrutiny and the attention of any public-interest investigations.
Let's get back to some of the details in Jim Walsh's article from May of last year:
REJECTED by voters
1. ASU
Worsley said in February that > . . "he would not vote for a state budget that does not include a $1 billion, 30-year bonding plan for state universities intended to make Arizona a technical growth center similar to Austin, Texas; Salt Lake City, Utah; or Palo Alto, California. . . I look at every single bill and I say, ‘What is the right thing to do?”’ Worsley said.
Mesa Mayor John Giles is effusive in his support for Worsley and the billion-dollar ASU boondoggle
Though it is a top legislative priority for Gov. Doug Ducey, some conservative Republicans oppose the plan – much to Worsley’s dismay."

He gained public office receiving a call to run from "friends" here in Mesa Worsley, 61 at the time, never looked like anything but a conservative Republican businessman, living in East Mesa, volunteering with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in leadership positions. . . It was through this work as a branch president of a Mormon congregation, . . that Worsley was confronted with a difficult decision he viewed as a moral dilemma.
That's about as far in these emerging controversies as your MesaZona blogger wants to go today while he aggregates a data bank closet-full of information to collect the loose threads,, connect-the-dots and get right down to the real Nitty-Gritty.
You, dear readers, can watch all the action when the curtains got pulled back on Monday at the Mesa City Council Meeting: the entire 117 session can be seen and heard below
[other links to excerpts are provided after this upload]

Background information:
According to publicly-sourced information, on June 27, 2017 a company CH Mesa Holdings LLC was registered marked THIS IS NOT A STATEMENT OF GOOD STANDING  in the State of Delaware after [it might be assumed] by Bob Worsley to start acquiring land after he received "inside information" from Mesa Mayor John Giles that he had the votes on his council* please see notation about Arizona Open Meeting Laws below to pass pending ASU agreements (Item 12-a)  through the Mesa City Council. On 27 Feb 2018 this in fact was considered.
* It is clearly a violation of the OML for councilmembers to discuss among themselves anything to do with items on the meeting agenda regarding how they think or might vote.    
See >   Bob Worley, who represented himself as a state elected representative for "most of the city" in his public life, said at the same he has a private financial interest in real estate speculation with the group he's associated with who spent  $20M - his own money or their money? - on " a bet" buying up real estate gambling that real estate prices and investment profits could skyrocket, knowing from "insider information" that ASU would get approved by the council.
Two years ago Mesa taxpayers REJECTED a hefty $102M hit out-of-their-pockets that proposal that hinged on a tax increase that could have only enriched "special-interests"  - Mesa is already a tax-burdened city with the average per capita debt for every man, woman and child over $3,700.
Voters in Mesa didn't get tricked by a bogus $500,000 Yes1Mesa privately-financed Public Relations campaign >
They JUST SAID NO THEN, and it's the same-old scheme this time around wrapped-up and packaged differently.
It's turned into a hornet's nest as you can see-and-watch in uploaded video.
Who might get stung trying to steal from the poor and give to their rich friends-and-family who have dominated the political machine here in Mesa for generations? Giles and Worsley have put themselves on-stage together in public, taking the heat from some fellow Mesa City Councilmembers and the public, who certainly got involved in very lively discussions and comments.
This year's tax-increase for a ballot item yet to be presented for consider in November 2018 General Election is tagged with price tag of tentative estimate of $75,000,000 bucks and has been been "re-packaged" in a media propaganda blitz for not just ONE BIG Pie-In-The-Sky schemes for the benefit of high-risk speculative real estate gamblers, but four, all speculation in risking real estate bets to benefit private wealth on the backs of public taxpayer money (with no cost-benefit analysis) that would, according to comments made by District 2 Councilmember Jeremy Whittaker add another $154 to the ever-increasing Debt-Service on Municipal Bond Obligations that has increased 48% exponentially in the last 10 years for a whopping GRAND TOTAL = $1,700,000,000  
Needless to say financial disclosures for the mayor, every single member of the six-member City Council and with full disclosure of any previously undisclosed "friends-and-family" or undisclosed business would be helpful and in order to respond to public concerns and interest in open, transparent and government - and that goes for the partners, managers, or managing agents of any of the holding companies, REITS or LLCs associated with Bob Worley to find out if their are conflicts of interest - he can't it both ways.
Let me make clear that D2 Councilmember Jeremy Whittaker was the first to respond quickly to an email inquiry for financial disclosure since he's a guy who has been criticized often who drives Lamborghinis and Bentleys to City Hall . . . If anyone wants to question the integrity of Jeremy Whittaker and ask Where are his millions coming from? he's open and honest about that, yet some more questions might arise about "gifts" from ASU appearing on Financial Disclosure Forms for either Mr. Whittaker, Mr. David Luna (District 5) or Mr. Kevin Thompson (District 6).
Has their objectivity on the issue of ASU been compromised by "gifts" from ASU that could sway or influence their votes?
Mesa City Council member Christopher Glover , who represents downtown here in District 4 rarely makes comments about anything at either council study sessions or regular meetings.



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