Sunday, February 18, 2018

TENTATIVE AGENDA: Planning & Zoning Board Meeting Wed 21 Feb 2018


Meeting Name: Planning and Zoning Board - Public Hearing Agenda status: Tentative
Meeting date/time: 2/21/2018 4:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Council Chambers - Upper Level
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video:  

Meeting video:  

File # Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction Details
PZ 17134 4-bPZ Zoning - Discuss and RecommendZON17-00335 District 5. The 1300 to 1400 blocks of North Power Road (east side). Located on the east side of Power Road and the north side and south side of Halifax Drive. (2.3± acres). Rezoning from OC to ID-1; and Site Plan Review. This request will allow for the development of a mini-storage facility. Sean Lake, Pew and Lake, PLC, applicant; David Darling, LLC, owner. (Continued from January 17, 2018) Planner: Kim Steadman Staff Recommendation: Continuance to March 21, 2018  Not available
PZ 17143 4-aPZ Zoning - Discuss and RecommendZON17-00324 District 2. The 1800 block of South Recker Road (east side). Located north of Baseline Road on the east side of Recker Road. (3.80± acres). Rezoning from AG to RS-43-BIZ; and Site Plan Review. This request will allow the land to be divided for the development of detached single residence housing. Shane Urry, applicant; Lynn M. Urry, Scott W. Urry and Peggy A. Urry, owners. (Continued from January 17, 2018) Planner: Veronica Gonzalez Staff Recommendation: Continuance to March 21, 2018  Not available
PZ 18007 3-aPZ Zoning - ActionZON17-00501 District 5 5900 block of East McKellips Road (north side) and the 2000 block of North Recker Road (west side). Located on the northwest corner of McKellips Road and Recker Road. (0.8± acres). Site Plan Review and Special Use Permit. This request will allow the development of a car wash in the LC zoning district. Michael Clark, Identity Mutual, LLC, applicant; TCF National Bank, owner. Planner: Cassidy Welch Staff Recommendation: Tabled  Not available
PZ 18008 3-bPZ Zoning - ActionZON17-00509 District 5 The 5600 block of East McDowell Road (north side). Located west of Recker Road on the north side of McDowell Road. (4.1± acres). Site Plan Review. This request will allow for the development of a mini-storage and outdoor RV storage in the LI zoning district. Phil Gollon, ARC Services, Inc., applicant; Rentzel Properties, LLC, owner. Planner: Lisa Davis Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions  Not available
PZ 18009 4-cPZ Zoning - Discuss and RecommendZON17-00478 District 5 The 9100 block of East University Drive (south side) and the 100 to 300 blocks of North Ellsworth Road (west side). Located on the west side of Ellsworth Road south of University Drive. (16.7± acres). Rezoning 13± acres from RM-4 to RM-4-PAD; and Site Plan Review. This request will allow for a multi-residence development. Andy Jochums, Beus Gilbert, applicant; Valencia Heights, LLC, owner. Planner: Wahid Alam Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions  Not available
PZ 18010 4-dPZ Zoning - Discuss and RecommendZON17-00507 District 5 The 1200 block of North Ellsworth Road (west side) and the 9100 block of East Glencove Avenue (south side). Located north of Brown Road on the west side of Ellsworth Road. (1.8± acres). Site Plan Modification. This request will allow for the development of an enclosed RV storage facility in the LC zoning district. Philip Gollon, ARC Services, Inc., applicant; Rentzel Properties, LLC, owner. Planner: Cassidy Welch Staff Recommendation: Continuance to March 21, 2018  Not available
PZ 18011 4-ePZ Zoning - Discuss and RecommendZON17-00519 District 5 The 7100 block of East Main Street (north side) and the 0 to 100 block of North Sunvalley Boulevard (west side). Located east of Power Road on the north side of Main Street. (7.6± acres). Rezoning from LC and LC-BIZ to RM-4-PAD; and Site Plan Review. This request will allow for the development of an attached single residence subdivision. Greg Loper, applicant; Bottomline Investments, LTD, owner. (Companion Case to Preliminary Plat “Sunvalley Village“, associated with item *5-a) Planner: Wahid Alam Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions  Not available
PZ 18012 4-fPZ Zoning - Discuss and RecommendZON17-00581 District 2 The 4700 through 4800 blocks of East Baseline Road (north side). Located east of Greenfield Road on the north side of Baseline Road. (21.8± acres). PAD Modification. This request will allow for modifications to an approved PAD for a multi-residence development in the RM-3-PAD zoning district. Stephen C. Earl, Curley & Legarde, applicant; Baseline Gateway Apartments, LLC, owner. Planner: Kim Steadman Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions  Not available
PZ 18013 5-aPZ Preliminary Plat“Sunvalley Village“ District 5 The 7100 block of East Main Street (north side) and the 0 block of North Sunvalley Boulevard (west side). Located on the northwest corner of Main Street and Sunvalley Boulevard. (7.6± acres). Preliminary Plat. Greg Loper, applicant; Bottomline Investments, LTD, owner. (Companion Case to ZON17-00519, associated with item *4-e). Planner: Wahid Alam Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions  Not available
PZ 18014 6-aPZ City CodeOrdinance amending the Mesa City Code, Title 11, Mesa Zoning Ordinance, Chapters 21, 22, 66, 67, 69, 71 and 77. The intent of the amendments include clarifications and technical updates to reduce the need for Zoning Administrator Interpretations. The amendments are to make the Zoning Ordinance requirements clear for request of a modification to approved plans; clarification of expiration of approvals including addition of expiration time of 2 years for a Design Review approval; and request for appeal. (Citywide) Planner: Lisa Davis Staff Recommendation: Continuance to March 21, 2018  Not available
PZ 18015 6-bPZ City CodeProposed amendments to Section 11-31-34 of the Mesa Zoning Ordinance pertaining to the establishment and operation of Medical Marijuana Facilities. Planner: John Wesley Staff Recommendation: Approval  Not available
PZ 18017 2-aPZ MinutesMinutes from the January 16, 2018 and January 17, 2018 study sessions and regular hearing.  Not available

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