Friday, February 02, 2018

Why is D6 Kevin Thompson So Happy?? Mesa City Council Study Session 01 Feb /2018

Once again: empty seats for members of the public while a full council table turns out for a quite unusual lengthy Mesa City Council Study Session - Now what might they be "studying today"????????????
One of the keys of economic development is infrastructure to support commercial and residential growth - in this case more expansion in Phase 3 of The Greenfield Water Reclamation Expansion.    Notice that's RECLAIMED water, where any impurities or toxic substances need to get removed - some of those are mandated and required by federal laws that the City must test for their presence, others from prior agricultural pesticide practices may or may not be hazardous . . . .
Water + Wastewater Treatment eat up a HUGE CHUNK of the city's budget funded by taxpayers - District 6 gets an disproportionate investment in comparison to other districts.
What was published as the study session's agenda is below

Published on Feb 1, 2018
Views: 23
Duration: 1:15:35
File #Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction Details
18-0108 2-aPresentationHear a presentation, discuss and provide direction on a comprehensive update of the City's Sign Code with emphasis on portable signs.  Not available
18-0153 3PresentationInformation pertaining to the current Job Order Contracting Projects.  Not available
18-0121 5-aMinutesEconomic Development Advisory Board meeting held on December 5, 2017.  Not available
18-0148 5-bMinutesLibrary Advisory Board meeting held on September 19, 2017.  Not available
18-0154 5-cMinutesHuman Relations Advisory Board meeting held on Decemeber 6, 2017.  Not available
18-0152 5-dMinutesAudit, Finance and Enterprise Committee meeting held on January 11, 2018.  Not available
18-0155 5-eMinutesMuseum and Cultural Advisory Board meeting held on September 28, 2017.  Not available
18-0156 5-fMinutesHousing and Community Development Advisory Board meeting held on December 7, 2017.  

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