Friday, February 23, 2018

Don't Get Fooled Again > More "Spoonfed-News" To Gag-On

Here we go again, dear readers: piling on more "Fields of Schemes" in that tired tricky real estate speculation game called If you build it, they will come . . .
That used-to-be the bait to attract deep-pocket investor dollars to jump into the risk-pool of REITS for retail shopping centers that somehow turned into empty "zombie malls" leaving behind big losses behind for both speculators and taxpayers who took on more tax burdens, hood-winked by city-planners and their close cohorts who somehow sold their unscrupulous schemes to taxpayers whose pockets got robbed time-and-time again. . . . What's the trick this time?

Expanding  ASU, the voracious and over-built education factory that devoured downtown Tempe. Once again the devil is in the details and once once again it's a full-blown mainstream media barrage, this time via a television syndicate ABC15 who just happened to show up in another parking lot proposal through the offices of City Manager Chris Brady that's on his agenda for the Mesa City Council to deal with - in the image to the right you can see Mesa Mayor John Giles during his last ill-fated bogus public relations fiasco.

Until more detail$ and co$t benefit analy$i$ are released on another BIG DEAL, both downtown residents and Mesa taxpayers have a need and a right-to-know the number$ - and that's before there's any more consideration on another tricky under-handed scheme for another make believe centerpiece" here in "The Old Donut-Hole"
Blogger Note: It's NOT ASU that may NOT  build this scheme: it's a Lease-Back accounting trick!
Readers can see details of the report, from Director of Downtown Transformation John McVay and RDA/GPLET promoter Sara Sorenson through the City Manager's office, in this featured post on this blog days ago:
ASU may build a new downtown Mesa campus
6:55 PM, Feb 19, 2018 | 6:04 AM, Feb 20, 2018
". . . Mesa's mayor says the university would be the centerpiece of an innovation district for Mesa. . . "
MESA, AZ - Mesa is making a new attempt at bringing a second Arizona State University campus to the city.
After voters failed to approve a 2016 city sales tax that would have paid to build a university downtown, city leaders say they've found an option that would not include raising taxes.
Blogger Note: Prove it by releasing financial data BEFORE THERE IS ANY VOTE to approve it It's a sketchy accounting trick
The city council is expected to vote on an intergovernmental agreement with ASU on February 26. The proposal includes the city paying construction of a five-story building at Centennial Way and Pepper Place. ASU would pay a long-term lease and equip the building.  

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