Friday, August 24, 2018

Craig Harris Report: Here In Mesa > On-The-Money In Online Public Education: For-Profit Charter Schools

With two more BIG SPENDING items on the November 8 General Election 2018 Ballot to approve $300,000,000 in taxpayer-financed debt for the Mesa Public Schools, it's a good time to step-back from any political-wrangling that might be going on to focus on some good solid investigative reporting once again by the Arizona Republic's Craig Harris.
Why? Because (1) we need more investigative reporting and (2) Students here in Arizona are getting short-changed by a system that can do better to deliver achievements results'
Another report about for-profit public charter schools here in Mesa was published on the blog site 17 July 2018 about the American Leadership Academy that operates "brick-and-mortar" charter schools where smooth operator Glenn Way raked-in about $37 million on real estate deals associated with the charter school chain.
Charter schools are big business.
Who’s making money?

Trevor Huxham/KJZZ
< Craig Harris.
"An Arizona charter school held an emergency budget meeting over the weekend after criticism over a lack of public comment that may have violated the state’s Open Meeting Law.
American Leadership Academy Director Glenn Way is also under scrutiny after earning millions of dollars for building his campuses.
An investigation by the Arizona Republic found Way took advantage of Arizona’s favorable charter school laws, and made about $37 million on real estate deals associated with the charter school chain.
To explain what is happening, The Show reached out to the Republic’s senior investigative reporter, Craig Harris. . . " 
- You can read that post from July by clicking on this link 
 Here's are the results published by investigative reporter Craig Harris
Mesa’s online program educates students at 1/8th the cost of Primavera online charter