Thursday, August 16, 2018

City of Mesa Planning & Zoning Meeting Wed 15 Aug 2018

Meeting Name: Planning and Zoning Board - Public Hearing Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 8/15/2018 4:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Council Chambers - Upper Level
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction Details
PZ 18113 2-aPZ MinutesMinutes from the July 17, 2018 and July 18, 2018 study sessions and regular hearing.  Not available
PZ 18114 3-aPZ Zoning - ActionZON17-00597 District 2. 1961 South Val Vista Drive. Located on the northeast corner of Val Vista Drive and Baseline Road. (1± acres). Site Plan Modification. This request will allow a multi-tenant commercial building with a drive-thru. Thomas English Real Estate, LLC, applicant; Circle K Stores, Inc., owner. Planner: Wahid Alam Continuance to September 19, 2018 per applicant  Not available
PZ 18115 3-bPZ Zoning - ActionZON18-00442 District 6. The 10700 block of East Southern Avenue (south side) and the 1200 block of South Signal Butte Road (west side). Located on the southwest corner of Southern Avenue and Signal Butte Road. (1.0± acres). Site Plan Review. This request will allow for the development of a medical office. Violet Thornton, Kitchell Development Company, applicant; Kitchell Development Company, owner. Planner: Cassidy Welch Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions  Not available
PZ 18116 3-cPZ Zoning - ActionZON18-00449 District 6. The 7100 to 7300 blocks of East Ray Road (north side). Located east of Power Road on the north side of Ray Road. (4.6± acres). Site Plan Review; and Special Use Permit for reduction in parking. This request will allow for the development of two industrial buildings. Robert Winton, Winton Architects, applicant; Phoenix-Gateway Airport 193, LLC, owner. Planner: Cassidy Welch Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions  Not available
PZ 18117 3-dPZ Zoning - ActionZON18-00454 District 3. The 1200 block of South Country Club Drive (west side). Located on the west side of Country Club Drive south of Southern Avenue. (11.8 ± acres). Site Plan Review. This request will allow for the development of a restaurant with a drive-thru. Trish Flower, Vertical Design Studios, applicant; 1250 Country Club Dr, LP, owner. Planner: Ryan McCann Continuance to September 19, 2018  Not available
PZ 18118 4-aPZ Zoning - Discuss and RecommendZON17-00384 District 6. The 2800 to 2900 block of South Signal Butte Road (west side) and the 10600 to 10800 block of East Guadalupe Road (south side). Located on the south side of Guadalupe Road and the west side of Signal Butte Road. (4.5± acres). Rezone from AG to LC; and Site Plan Review. This request will allow for the development of a group commercial center. Dennis Newcombe, Beus Gilbert PLLC and Cain Garcia, RKAA Architects, Inc., applicant; Walgreen Arizona Drug Company, owner. Planner: Wahid Alam Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions  Not available
PZ 18119 4-bPZ Zoning - Discuss and RecommendZON18-00361 District 4. 244 North Extension Road. Located east of Alma School Road south of University Drive. (3± acres). Council Use Permit for social service facility; and Special Use Permit for a parking reduction for a substance abuse social service facility. This request will allow an in-patient substance abuse treatment facility. Lindsay C. Schube, Gammage & Burnham, applicant; Crossroads, Inc., owner. Planner: Ryan McCann Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions  Not available
PZ 18120 4-cPZ Zoning - Discuss and RecommendZON18-00451 District 2. 1700 block of South Pierpont (west side). Located north of Baseline Road west of Higley Road. (22.2± acres). Rezoning from LI-PAD to LI; Site Plan Review; and Special Use Permit for parking reduction for a hospital. This request will allow for the development of a rehabilitation hospital as part of a future medical complex. Andrew Whisler, Kimley-Horn, applicant; Banner Health, owner. Planner: Evan Balmer Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions  Not available
PZ 18122 5-aPZ Zoning - Discuss and RecommendZON18-00067 District 6. The 9500 to 9800 blocks of East Hampton Avenue (south side). Located north of the US-60 Superstition Freeway and west of Crismon Road. (33± acres). Rezoning from NC-BIZ, NC-PAD and PEP-PAD-CUP to RSL-2.5-PAD and RM-3-PAD; and Site Plan Review. This request will allow for a small-lot single-residence subdivision and multi-residence development. Reese Anderson, Pew & Lake, PLC, applicant; Crimsmon BFC, LLC, owner. (Companion Case to ZON18-00181 and preliminary plat “Bella Encanta”, associated with items *5-a and *6-a). Planner: Lisa Davis Continuance requested by applicant to October 17, 2018  Not available
PZ 18121 5-bPZ Zoning - Discuss and RecommendZON18-00181 District 6. The 9500 to 9800 blocks of East Hampton Avenue (south side). Located north of the US-60 Superstition Freeway and west of Crismon Road. (33± acres). Minor General Plan amendment to change the Character Type from Employment to Neighborhood. This request will allow for a small-lot single-residence subdivision and multi-residence development. Reese Anderson, Pew & Lake, PLC, applicant; Crimsmon BFC, LLC, owner. (Companion Case to ZON18-00067 and preliminary plat “Bella Encanta”, associated with items *5-a and *6-a). Planner: Lisa Davis Continuance requested by applicant to October 17, 2018  Not available
PZ 18125 6-aPZ Preliminary Plat“Bella Encanta” District 6. The 9500 to 9800 blocks of East Hampton Avenue (south side). Located north of the US-60 Superstition Freeway and west of Crismon Road. (33± acres). Preliminary Plat. Reese Anderson, Pew & Lake, PLC, applicant; Crismon BFC, LLC, owner. (Companion Case to ZON18-00181 and ZON18-00067, associated with items *5a and *5-b). Planner: Lisa Davis Continuance requested by applicant to October 17, 2018  Not available
PZ 18127 6-bPZ Preliminary Plat“Mesa Technology Park” District 6. District 6. The 3200 to 3400 block of South Ellsworth Road (west side). Located north of Elliot Road on the west side of Ellsworth Road. (64.3 ± acres). Preliminary Plat. Jeffrey Blilie, Beus Gilbert, applicant; Sunbelt Land Holdings, LP, owner. (ZON18-00542) Planner: Lesley Davis Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions  Not available
PZ 18123 7-aPZ Zoning - Discuss and RecommendZON18-00489 District 1. The 3100 to 3200 blocks of East Thomas Road (north side). Located on the north side of Thomas Road and west of Val Vista Drive. (4.6± acres). Rezoning from Maricopa County RU-43 to City of Mesa RS-43. This request will establish city zoning on recently annexed property. City of Mesa, applicant; Arthur and Anita Freeman, owner. Planner: Evan Balmer Withdrawn  Not available
PZ 18124 7-bPZ Zoning - Discuss and RecommendZON18-00214 District 1. The 3100 to 3300 blocks of East Thomas Road (north side). Located on the north side of Thomas Road and west of Val Vista Drive. (7.5± acres). Rezoning from AG and RS-43 to RM-2-PAD; and Site Plan Review. This request will allow for the development of an attached single-residence subdivision. Blake McKee, Sky Bridge Companies, applicant; Arthur L. Freeman Family Trust, Kaser Citrus, Inc., John Babiarz, owners. (Companion Case to preliminary plat “Lehi Cove”, associated with item 8-a). Planner: Evan Balmer Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions  Not available
PZ 18126 8-aPZ Preliminary Plat“Lehi Cove” District 1. The 3100 to 3300 blocks of East Thomas Road (north side). Located on the north side of Thomas Road and west of Val Vista Drive. (7.5± acres). Rezoning from AG and RS-43 to RM-2-PAD; and Site Plan Review. This request will allow for the development of an attached single-residence subdivision. Blake McKee, Sky Bridge Companies, applicant; Arthur L. Freeman Family Trust, Kaser Citrus, Inc., John Babiarz, owners. (Companion Case to ZON18-00214, associated with item 7-b). Planner: Evan Balmer Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions  Not available

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