In an economy Trump calls great, American workers just got a pay cut -
“They value their job security more than asking for a higher wage.”
Job security? ...that's gone. If the labor market has come back, it's not that workers have somehow forgotten how to bargain it's that workers are getting squeezed by a 10-year drop in average hourly wages while corporate profits have risen without adjusting the compensation paid to workers. State governments like Arizona like to brag that's it's a favorable work environment, while voters in the State of Missouri approved an election item to rescind that state's status as a Right-To-Work state.

American Workers Just Got a Pay Cut in Economy Trump Calls Great
Real average hourly earnings at lowest reading since 2012
> Mixed views on whether the negative wage growth will continue
In the post-recession labor market, workers have forgotten how to bargain??
“As the labor market came back, workers were just happy to have survived,” Sweet said.“They value their job security more than asking for a higher wage.”
Job security? ...that's gone. If the labor market has come back, it's not that workers have somehow forgotten how to bargain it's that workers are getting squeezed by a 10-year drop in average hourly wages while corporate profits have risen without adjusting the compensation paid to workers. State governments like Arizona like to brag that's it's a favorable work environment, while voters in the State of Missouri approved an election item to rescind that state's status as a Right-To-Work state.