Tuesday, August 07, 2018

Mesa Morning Live: Taping The Show This Friday 10 August 2018

Yep it's back-to-school time - here's a monthly morning (yeah @ 06:45 a.m.) talk show with nothing more than 'talk' produced by city-owned and taxpayer-subsized Mesa Channel 11 that's 'the brainchild' of Sally Jo Harrison, Prez/CEO of the Mesa Chamber of Commerce. According to the self-description it discusses a variety of topics with hilarious one-liners from host and veteran valley comedian, Mark Cordes."  < WHO?
After some financial scandals that forced the ex-Super Cowan out of office sent on a mission in an undetermined location Mesa has a new Superintendent of Public Schools from Park City UT. There's also a new President @ MCC after some shake-ups, Rich Haney.
Note Location Change:
Mesa Community College
Performing Arts Center
1520 S Longmore
Mesa, AZ 85202
Date/Time Information:
Friday, August 10th, 2018
  • $20 in Advance
  • $30 At the Door
Event Description:
Produced by the Mesa Chamber of Commerce, "Mesa Morning Live" is a monthly morning talk show that discusses a variety of topics with hilarious one-liners from host and veteran valley comedian, Mark Cordes.

The World Belongs To Those Who Show Up
The show features a diverse lineup of local, state and national guests including community leaders, politicians, celebrities, athletes, local businessmen and women, and more. A regular segment each month is Mark's highly anticipated "Top Ten" which includes humorous topics such as "Top Ten Ways to Balance Arizona's Budget" or "Top Ten ways to avoid weigh gain over the Holidays" or simply based on current events.

Zelensky Says AMERICA Is No Longer A Neutral Actor

  Zelensky has responded to question from journalists regarding the Russia-Ukraine negotiations. Zelensky was visibly unhappy with Steve Wit...