Thursday, August 30, 2018

Unofficial Election Results: Primary Election For Mesa City Council

In this Primary Election Candidates for 4 out of 6 seats on the city council were decided by voters. There was no contest in Distict 6. In the other three districts, only one candidate received more than 50% - David Luna in District 5 with 57.9% beat out his challenger with 41.9% in a fairly close campaign. In District 3 Francisco Heredia did get the most votes with 38.0% of the ballots cast with challengers Mark Yarbrough at 21.2% and challenger Christopher Bohn at 18.9%. 
In District 4 there is a BIG SURPRISE with no clear winner when these unofficial election results from all precincts in each district were published.
An exact tie in the ballot counts with 1,467 votes each for
  • Jake Brown @ 36.7%
  • Jennifer Duff @ 36.7%
(The third candidate Robert Scantlebury, a retired police officer received a respectable 1,041 @ 26.1%
What's the Take-Away?
This could be a major turning-point in the generations-old entrenched political machine that has controlled this city for far too long. Obviously an endorsement from the current two-term incumbent D4 Councilmember Christopher Glover, who just happens to be Jake Brown's second-cousin, wasn't enough to stack the outcome in Brown's favor to deliver what used to be victory-votes from that  'friends-and-family' closely-connected network.
Just because Jennifer Duff managed to garner the same number of votes doesn't mean anything unless and until she wages a robust campaign in the General Election to inspire voters to maximize turn-out by presenting reasons to believe she is the candidate who doesn't represent 'special interests'.
Aside from qualifications or experience, one other factor in her favor is diversity: she's a woman who has now entered what promises to be a tough campaign for election that's been ruled mostly by men in the entire history of Mesa.
She does need to mobilize a movement, however, beyond what's gender-based to inspire and attract the entire spectrum
of people who live here in District 4. No doubt about that.
Please Note: (Information refreshes automatically on the newsroom website)
From the City of Mesa Newsroom 
August 28, 2018, Primary Election
Unofficial Election Results (Includes Early Ballots) 
Councilmember - District 4
Polling Places Reported: 13 of 13 (100.00%)
Brown, Jake1,46736.70%
Duff, Jen1,46736.70%
Scantlebury, Robert1,04126.10%
Write-in Candidate190.50%
Councilmember - District 3Polling Places Reported: 12 of 12 (100.00%)
Bown, Christopher1,22618.90%
Denison, Stephen76811.80%
Heredia, Francisco2,46538.00%
Lavender, Marc6369.80%
Yarbrough, Mark1,37621.20%
Write-in Candidate210.30%
Councilmember - District 5
Polling Places Reported: 17 of 17 (100.00%)
Farnsworth, Verl5,38241.90%
Luna, David7,43757.90%
Write-in Candidate280.20%

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