Sunday, August 26, 2018

Mesa City Council Agenda = All Jammed-Up Again for Monday August 27, 2018

OK here's one more day to get prepared - meeting details and links are inserted below. . . .


Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Tentative
Meeting date/time: 8/27/2018 5:45 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Council Chambers - Upper Level
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video:  

File #Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction Details
18-0975 3-aLiquor License ApplicationPalace Nail Lounge A nail salon is requesting a new Series 7 Beer & Wine Bar License for Paris Nail Lounge LLC, 1940 West Rio Salado Parkway, Suite 101 - Hien Van Tran, agent. There is no existing license at this location. (District 1)  Not available
18-0976 3-bLiquor License ApplicationTime Out Sports Bar & Grill A restaurant that serves lunch and dinner is requesting a new Series 12 Restaurant license for Time Out Bar & Grill LLC, 1762 South Greenfield Road, Suite 111 - Jeannie Katherine Symonds, agent. The existing license held by Fat Willy’s Greenfield LLC, will revert to the State. (District 2)  Not available
18-0971 4-aContractOne-Year Renewal to the Term Contract for Rigging and Over-Hire Stage Hand Services for the Mesa Arts Center as requested by the Arts & Culture Department (Citywide) This contractor serves as the Mesa Arts Center’s in-house rigging provider and is responsible for fly-rail operations, weight loading operations, high rigging, and low rigging. These services are required to perform certain aspects of theater operations. The Arts & Culture Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing the renewal with Rhino Arizona, LLC, at $100,000, based on estimated usage.  Not available
18-0965 4-bContractOne-Year Renewal to the Term Contract for Auctioneering Services for the Fleet Services, Police, and Business Services Departments (Citywide) The auctioneer disposes of surplus City vehicles, equipment, firearms and other surplus property, as needed, to maximize the City’s return of surplus sales and minimize operational costs. The Fleet Services, Police, and Business Services Departments, and Purchasing recommend authorizing the renewal with The Public Group, LLC and Sierra Auction Management, Inc. This contract provides revenue to the City and there is no cost to the City.  Not available
18-0967 4-cContractOne-Year Renewal to the Term Contract for Network Equipment for the Mesa Public Libraries as requested by the Library Services Department (Citywide) Some of the existing wired network connectivity equipment in the libraries is at end of life and maintenance support. The Universal Service Schools and Libraries Program (E-Rate Program) helps fund high-speed Internet access and telecommunications. In 2017, Council approved the purchase of network equipment for the Mesa Public Libraries at $256,464.42 through the program. This is an ongoing project for Library Services and Information Technology and more time is required to complete it. The Library Services Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing the renewal with Sentinel Technologies, Inc., through the E-Rate Program. No additional funds are requested at this time.  Not available
18-0966 4-dContractOne-Year Renewal to the Term Contract for Audio-Visual Services for the Mesa Convention Center as requested by the Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities Department (Citywide) This contract provides audio-visual services to Mesa Convention Center clients. The City collects the money from exhibitioners and event coordinators and then issues a payment to settle with the concessionaire. The Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing the renewal with JLG Enterprises, Inc., dba Premier Audio Visual (a Mesa business), at $160,000, based on estimated usage.  Not available
18-0972 4-eContractOne-Year Renewal to the Term Contract for Fabrication and Installation of Park Signs for the Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities (PRCF) Department (Citywide) This contract provides a contractor to fabricate and install new standard identification and rules signs at City parks and facilities in a phased approach. The new signs update the look and wording to create a more modern and consistent message. Changes in the City Code pertaining to park regulations have been incorporated and standardized across all PRCF facilities. The old signs are removed at the time of new sign installation. The Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing the renewal with Sierra Signs & Service, Inc. (a Mesa business), at $467,000 annually, based on estimated usage.  Not available
18-0963 4-fContractPurchase of One Replacement Automated Side Loading Refuse Truck for the Environmental Management and Sustainability Department (Citywide) This purchase will provide a heavy-duty automated side loading refuse truck to support daily solid waste operations. The refuse truck that is being replaced has met established replacement criteria and will be either traded, auctioned, sold, or deployed for special uses as part of the ongoing vehicle replacement program. The Fleet Services, and Environmental Management and Sustainability Departments, and Purchasing recommend authorizing the purchase from the existing contract with Rush Truck Centers of Arizona, dba Rush Truck Center Phoenix, at $379,820.77. This purchase is funded by the Capital Enterprise Fund.  Not available
18-0964 4-gContractPurchase of Four Replacement CNG Powered Heavy-Duty Front-Loading Refuse Trucks for the Environmental Management and Sustainability Department (Citywide) This purchase will provide CNG powered front-end loader refuse trucks for Mesa’s commercial accounts. The four refuse trucks that are being replaced have met established replacement criteria and will be either traded, auctioned, sold, or deployed for special uses as part of the ongoing vehicle replacement program. The Fleet Services, and Environmental Management and Sustainability Departments, and Purchasing recommend authorizing the purchase from the existing contract with Rush Truck Centers of Arizona, dba Rush Truck Center Phoenix, at $1,475,985.44. This purchase is funded by the Utility Replacement Extension and Renewal Fund, and Capital Enterprise Fund.  Not available
18-0968 4-hContractDollar-Limit Increase to the Term Contract for LED Roadway Fixtures (GE Brand) for the Materials and Supply Warehouse (for the Transportation Department) (Citywide) This contract provides for the maintenance and replacement of over 38,000 streetlights utilizing GE Evolve roadway luminaires for the City’s local, collector and major roadways. In addition to regular maintenance, the Transportation Department is currently in the process of replacing over 500 streetlight poles because of rust, traffic accidents and spot improvements. Each replacement will require a new light-emitting diode (LED) fixture. Transportation has requested this increase to allow the City to continue repairs on a large number of streetlights while the City works to rebid the contract. The Business Services and Transportation Departments and Purchasing recommend increasing the dollar-limit with WESCO Distribution, by $104,500, from $284,693 to $389,193 annually, for Year 2 of the contract term. The increase is funded by Lifecycle Program Funding.  Not available
18-0969 4-iContractDollar-Limit Increase to the Term Contract for Herbicide Application and Landscaping Services for the Transportation Department (Citywide) This contract provides vegetation management services in the City’s rights-of-way and storm drainage easements. Transportation’s need for herbicide application has increased every year since 2015, from 500,000 square yards to 827,756 square yards, to date. The increase is needed for the increased volume usage. The Transportation Department and Purchasing recommend increasing the dollar-limit with Basin Tree Service & Pest Control, Inc., dba United Right of Way, by $60,000, from $300,000 to $360,000 annually, for Years 4 and 5 of the contract term, based on estimated usage.  Not available
18-0988 5-aResolutionApproving and authorizing the City Manager to enter into the First Amendment to the Intergovernmental Agreement concerning the Greenfield Water Reclamation Plant (GWRP) with the Towns of Queen Creek and Gilbert, and a Lease Agreement with the Town of Gilbert regarding certain property surrounding the GWRP. (Citywide)  Not available
18-0982 5-bResolutionExtinguishing a 20-foot public utilities and facilities easement and two drainage easements located at 5139 East Indigo Street to accommodate the development of a new storage facility; requested by the property owner. (District 5)  Not available
18-0983 5-cResolutionExtinguishing a public utilities and facilities easement located in the 200 block of East Main Street to accommodate the development of the GRID Project; requested by the developer. (District 4)  Not available
18-0989 5-dResolutionExtinguishing a drainage easement located at 1723 N Banning to accommodate the development of a warehouse facility; requested by the property owner. (District 5)  Not available
18-0999 5-eResolutionSupporting the Salt River Agricultural Improvement and Power District’s proposed Southeast Power Link Project, and the associated Application for a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility filed with the Arizona Power Plant and Transmission Line Siting Committee. (District 6)  Not available
18-0993 6-aResolutionVacating a portion of South Udall right-of-way, between Main Street and First Avenue. (District 4) This abandonment is to facilitate the development of a mixed-use project on private property for residential and commercial development.  Not available
18-0994 6-bResolutionApproving and authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Permanent Public Right-of-Way and Utility Easement and Underground Parking Structure Agreement with Suburban Land Reserve, Inc. to accept an easement over a portion of South Udall between Main Street and First Avenue. (District 4) This easement will allow for construction and maintenance of public roadway improvements on and above an underground parking structure developed on the abandoned portion of South Udall.  Not available
18-0878 7-aOrdinanceZON18-00149 (District 6) The 9800 through 9900 blocks of East Hampton Avenue (south side) and the 1400 block of South Crismon Road (west side). Located at the northwest corner of US-60 and Crismon Road (15± acres). Rezoning from PEP-PAD-CUP to PEP-PAD. This request will allow for an office and commercial development. Gilmore Planning and Landscape Architecture, applicant; Crismon Superstition Partners, owner. Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions P&Z Board Recommendation: Approval with conditions (Vote: 4-0)  Not available
18-0890 7-bOrdinanceZON18-00171 (District 6) The 8200 to 8400 blocks of East Baseline Road (north side). Located west of South Channing (Hawes Road) alignment on the north side of Baseline Road (54± acres). Rezoning 1.6± acres from RM-4 to RSL-2.5-PAD, incorporating the acreage into the approved 52.4± acres Baseline Mixed-Use PAD (Z14-021 and ZON18-00169); and Site Plan Review. This request will allow for the incorporation of additional acreage into an existing PAD to allow for the development of a residential small-lot subdivision. Woodside Homes, applicant; Baseline Mesa, LLC, and NSHE POWELL LLC, owner. Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions P&Z Board Recommendation: Approval with conditions (Vote: 6-0)  Not available
18-0891 7-cOrdinanceZON18-00310 (District 3) The 1700 to 1900 blocks of South Horne (west side), the 1700 to 1900 blocks of South Hobson (east side), and the 600 to 800 blocks of Auto Center Drive (south side). Located north of Baseline Road and east of Mesa Drive (22± acres). Rezoning from LI and LI-PAD to LI-PAD; and Site Plan Review. This request will allow for the development of an industrial park. Jeff McCall, McCall and Associates Architects, Inc., applicant; Puppyfeathers Limited Partnership, owner. Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions P&Z Board Recommendation: Approval with conditions (Vote: 6-0)  Not available
18-0879 7-dOrdinanceZON18-00221 (District 1) The 1100 block of North Miller Street (east side) and the 1000 block of East Brown Road (south side). Located on the south side of Brown Road and west of Stapley Drive (0.2± acres). Rezoning from OC to RS-9-BIZ; and Site Plan Review. This request will allow for the development of a single-family residence. Richard Corrow, applicant; NICHA, LLC, owner. Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions P&Z Board Recommendation: Approval with conditions (Vote: 4-0)  Not available
18-0894 7-eOrdinanceZON18-00359 (District 4) The 1100 block of South Stapley Drive (east side). Located east of Stapley Drive and north of Southern Avenue (1.6± acres). Rezoning from LC to RM-2-PAD; and Site Plan Review. This request will allow for the development of an attached single-residence development. Dane Astle, Edifice Architecture, applicant; Stapley & Southern Partners, LLC, owner. Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions P&Z Board Recommendation: Approval with conditions (Vote: 5-1)  Not available
18-0895 7-fOrdinanceZON18-00360 (District 2) The 3100 block of East Broadway Road (south side). Located east of Lindsay Road on the south side of Broadway Road (3.1± acres). Rezoning from RS-9 to RM-2-PAD; and Site Plan Review. This request will allow for the development of an attached single-residence development. Dane Astle, Edifice Architect, applicant; David and Carla Weaver, owner. Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions P&Z Board Recommendation: Approval with conditions (Vote: 5-1)  Not available
18-0892 7-gOrdinanceZON18-00335 (District 5) 6606 East McKellips Road. Located west of Power Road on the north side of McKellips Road (1± acres). Rezoning (removal of condition of approval); and Site Plan Modification. This request will remove condition #10 from the original zoning approval to allow restaurant uses; and modification of the approved site plan to add a drive-thru. Alfred Patterson, Bar Napkin Productions, applicant; Travis Hackett, Rielly Red Mountain LLC/H J Red Mountain, ETAL, owner. Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions P&Z Board Recommendation: Approval with conditions (Vote: 6-0)  Not available
18-0918 8-aOrdinanceZON18-00121 (District 6) The 3600 to 5200 blocks of South Ellsworth Road (east side), the 9200 to 10800 blocks of East Elliot Road (south side), and the 3600 to 6000 blocks of the South Signal Butte Road alignment (west side). Located south of Elliot Road between Ellsworth Road and Signal Butte Road (3200± acres). Major Amendment to the Eastmark Community Plan. This request will make changes that impact Development Units (“DUs”) 1, 2, 3, and 4 related to Land Use Groups, the Land Use Budget, refinements to the DU character descriptions, and corresponding modifications to various sections of the Community Plan including the removal of the requirement for a non-potable water master plan. DMB Mesa Proving Grounds, LLC, applicant; DMB Mesa Proving Grounds, LLC, owner. Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions P&Z Board Recommendation: Approval with conditions (Vote: 6-0)  Not available
18-0981 8-bResolutionApproving and authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Fourth Amendment to the Mesa Proving Grounds Pre-Annexation and Development Agreement with DMB Mesa Proving Grounds LLC, relating to the construction of, and reimbursement for, public infrastructure for, and the provision of City services to, the Eastmark development. (District 6)  Not available
18-0761 9-aOrdinanceRepealing and replacing, in its entirety, the existing Mesa City Code Title 5 (Business Regulations), Chapter 7 entitled “Auctioneers, Pawnbrokers, Scrap Metal Dealers, and Secondhand Dealers” for the simplification and modification of requirements related to the operation and licensing of auctioneers, pawnbrokers, scrap metal dealers, and secondhand dealers in the City of Mesa. (Citywide)  Not available
18-0760 9-bOrdinanceAmending Title 5 of the Mesa City Code (Business Regulations) by adopting a new Chapter 22 entitled “Automated Kiosks” requiring the license and regulation of automated kiosks in the City of Mesa. (Citywide)  Not available
18-0702 9-cResolutionModifying fees and charges for the Business Services Department (Citywide)  Not available
18-0973 10-aSubdivision Plat“Mesa Temple District” (District 4) The 0 block of South Mesa Drive (east side), the 400 block of East Main Street (south side), the 0 block of South Udall (both sides), and the 0 block of South LeSueur (west side). Located at the southeast corner of Main Street and Mesa Drive. 1 lot T5MSF, 1 lot T5MSF and T5MSF-HD, and 1 T4N-HD lot (6 ± acres). Corporation of the Presiding Bishop of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, developer; Robert A. Johnston, Higart Wilson, surveyor.  Not available
18-0977 10-bSubdivision Plat“Parcel A Final Plat B for Ray Road Commerce Center North” (District 6) The 7100 to 7300 blocks of East Ray Road (north side). Located east of Power Road on the north side of Ray Road (32.4± acres). Phx-Mesa Gateway Airport 193, LLC, developer; Richard E. Jones, XCL Engineering, LLC, surveyor.  Not available
18-0957 11-aPublic HearingPublic Hearing prior to the release of the petition for signatures for annexation case ANX18-00302, located south of Thomas Road and west of Hawes Road (13.7± acres). The request is initiated by the applicant, Alexandra Schuchter, Diversified Partners, LLC, for the owner, Berge Revocable Trust. (District 5)  Not available


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