Wednesday, August 01, 2018

Why We Need MORE OVERSIGHT IN ELECTION CAMPAIGNS Here in Mesa and The State of Arizona

It's simple: Election campaigns and items placed on election ballots are rigged by the Republicans who dominate and control local governments. Here in Mesa that's gone on for more than six generations inside and outside City Hall. Sometimes by 'omission', sometimes by intent, sometimes by tricking taxpayers and voters . . . need some more details?
There's a slew of links below to see how that works in Mesa. 
Here's a report from KJZZ that uses very mild language on the state level. Here in Mesa, U can scroll down.
Judge: Clean Elections Ballot Language 'Misleading'
By Claire Caulfield   
Published: Tuesday, July 31, 2018 - 10:44am
Updated: Tuesday, July 31, 2018 - 10:45am
"On Monday, a judge ordered lawmakers to provide voters with more information on a ballot measure proposing changes to the Citizens Clean Elections Commission.
Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Christopher Coury said the Republican-dominated Legislative Council failed to adequately explain that the ballot measure would strip away some of the existing authority of the commission to craft its own rules. . .
The political campaigns of both the governor and the attorney general are subject to commission oversight including any fines for law violations governing donations and expenditures.
Coury called the flawed portions "misleading by omission'' and blocked the secretary of state's office from distributing a pamphlet to voters until the description, adopted by the Republican-dominated Legislative Council on a party-line vote, is amended.
House Speaker J.D. Mesnard, who chairs the Legislative Council, said he’ll review the ruling with attorneys before deciding whether to make the changes or appeal to the Arizona Supreme Court.
A brochure explaining the issue will be sent to the homes of all 3.6 million registered voters.
Link >> 
Where does this hit home right here in Mesa?
We have a long way to go to even get to first base when City Manager Chris Brady ropes-in most of the salaried staff in city government to present suspicious budget figures and numbers and Pie-In-The-Sky projections to try to trick taxpayers into financing rampant real estate speculation by closely-connected groups of friends-and-family for their own wealth creation. In his 12 years and six months as the city's chief executive officer debt burden has increased over 450% on his watch - and on your dime on your backs.
Be less stupid this time around when it's time to intervene in Politics-as-Usual here in Mesa.
What benefits have you as members of the public received, compared with the benefits accrued to a small select group of cohorts with close connections inside and outside of City Hall? Do you have a better quality of life? Better schools?
Better jobs?

Or have you just tune-out and don't get involved? You don't have the time? It takes too much effort to find out details? That's what's the happy breeding for corruption - you can help spread the word by using social media to raise the social consciousness. Unfortunately people here in Mesa are apathetic and just don't seem to care - unless it costs them money or hits you in-the-pocket when utilities usage get increased and sales taxes go up for every transaction you make - to finance more fortunes for the fortunate few.
Two years ago YOU SAID NO.
This time around there's a
"Grab-Bag of Goodies" to trick you again
You can just no after getting informed about issues, candidates and the backgrounds for any of the six questions appearing on the November 2018 General Election Ballot.
In 27 days you have the RIGHT TO VOTE for or against any candidate if you know what they're up to and who's behind providing contributions to their campaigns: some are very clean.

At the General Election, the qualified electors of the City shall vote on the following measures:
Question 1 Alternative Expenditure Limitation (Home Rule)
Question 2 City Transaction Privilege (“Sales”) Tax Increase - Public Safety
Question 3 General Obligation Bonds - Public Safety
Question 4 General Obligation Bonds - Parks & Cultural
Question 5 Charter Section 613 - Construction of a Sports and Events Complex
Question 6 Bed Tax Increase 


18 June 2018

Is The Mesa City Council Cleaning Up Its Act?

Hey! Ya gotta wonder about that when City Hall's favorite go-to-for-the-story East Valley Tribune  'Staff Writer' Jim Walsh publishes a re-hash playback of the new scrubbed-up scheme to sell taxpayers taking on more debt by throwing yet another pitch ready-to-land on the playing Field of Dreams here in Mesa for the November ballot.
Ready-to-play ball and see how City Manager Chris Brady wants to juggle the numbers to create more confusion?
New Financing Plan Proposed for $60M Sports Complex
by Jim Walsh, Tribune Staff Writer 6 hours ago
"Mesa is hoping taxpayers kick the Mesa Plays sports complex across the goal line after a shift in financing placed the tax burden on out-of-town patrons for the much awaited, much debated $55 million facility.
EVT Staff Writer Jim Walsh's Story-Time 

City officials last week acknowledged they are taking a risk that financial forecasts are correct and that Mesa Plays, with 24 fields, will become a magnet for large tournaments.
The financing shift, orchestrated by City Manager Chris Brady, leaves Mesa taxpayers responsible for paying off the $25 million cost of nine artificial turf fields reserved for community use, even though they also could be incorporated into a large tournament.

27 May 2018

More Make-Believe Not-So-Magic Trick Acts From The Mayor & His Cohorts

Our goofy mayor, shown making strange under-handed gestures with the ASU Sun Devils mascot on the stage at his 2016 State-of-the-City Speech, apparently wants to continue his spectacular flop-act when Mesa taxpayers REJECTED his satellite ASU campus-campaign by VOTING NO on his Yes1Mesa ballot referendum - it was a privately-financed public relations PAC that turned into a public embarrassment and a major screw-up. For the last two years he's been trying to set-the-stage following a new script . . .  
Once again the devil's in the details for this former BYU track star, 'ambulance-chaser' private attorney in accident/personal injury law practice, and present-day holder of the public trust occupying the office of mayor since January 2014.
After a four-year stint from 1996-2000 on the Mesa City Council, there was a 14-year time gap before he got a calling to run again for public on the coat-tails of former mayor Scott Smith who vacated his seat to wage an unsuccessful attempt to gain the governorship for the State of Arizona, at the same time endorsing John Giles to succeed him with the support of the entrenched political machine that has exercised monopoly control of this city for generations.

22 July 2018

Mobilizing The Public Here In Mesa: Mesa City Council Is More Corrupt Than Congress

Whoever said that Mesa is boring was trying to trick you into believing a fake Urban Legend that never really existed "Once upon a time . . ."  strting in 1883 or even in the year 2012 when Scott Smith was elected mayor, as the first outsider to get the top elected job inside City Hall. He followed in the long line of succession of 40 mostly Mormon males who have controlled a dominant massive political machine and inter-connected powerful network of friends-and-families who have ruled this city for six generations.
They control almost everything in business, politics and government: Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and Education.
They say "It's the Mesa way of doing business" where they all get a cut in their Group-Think Mentality masquerading CORRUPTION.
Let's not get fooled again, folks, with another election in the works playing us all again for fools. Time to wake up and be less stupid, but it surely takes more than that to stop this generations-old system of corruption where few benefit and everyone pays - whether you know it or not.
To the run is the current Mesa City Council in some posed public relations goof photo opp with Jivin' John Giles leading the