We are so blessed to have an opportunity to present for you a sneak-preview of the next act in the mission of Roc Arnett to spread his vision of an ever-expanding regional future that's delivered fortunes to a closely connected network of friends-and-family in Finance, Insurance and Real Estate while he's been in the public eye in the intersection of business and religion where he's managed to wheel-and-deal back countless millions of dollars.
Arnett wants something to do before he dies and he's looked at the numbers and the ROI - Return On Investment - that's MUCH BIGGER THAN ASU. What's the Next Mission?
The action script published as a possible endorsement to gain one of seven seats on the Maricopa County Community College Board of Governors is revealed . . . Your MesaZona blogger is thrilled and excited to raise more ruckus over Roc Arnett to lifting The New Zion Curtain again for his next act: getting elected to a seat on the governing board of Maricopa County Community College.
Just "business-as-usual"? Or whatever-you-do don't get caught?
Who will be named to take over as the successor to Roc Arnett who doesn't appear to be going anywhere any time soon.
Both Arnett and Lewis have their eyes for expansion of this corner of The Kingdom farther to the East: Superstition Vistas.
According to all these "spoon-fed" reports, the East Valley Partnership’s 75-member board of directors will begin discussing plans for recruiting a replacement for Lewis in early January.
The next piece of the jig-saw puzzle was written about earlier in then summer.
Superstition Vistas: An EV vision on hold looks for new life
Just weeks ago, Michael Cowan, another local Mormon leader who's been the Mesa Public Schools Superintendent for ten years, also received a higher calling to an undetermined location while under a cloud for some alleged shenanigans with an insurance fund
The Saints came marchin' in the 19th Century to control everything, not only in Mesa but the entire East Valley!
Your MesaZona was surprised to find out that Roc Arnett, head of The East Valley Partnership for over 35 years (pictured in the accompanying image with John Lewis the ex-mayor of Gilbert), is noted in another report as the church’s local director of public affairs > Religion, politics, real estate.
His eyes are now on The Superstition Vistas/Pinal County, with plans announced by a new group named Saints Holding Company to develop over 11,000 acres.
We are so blessed that after all the media-buzz created about, as another mainstream media reporter wrote, a Massive Mormon Temple Make-Over that could transform more of downtown Mesa into The New Zion, some details have been released. . . .and more details at the same time of more LDS entitlements to more real estate holdings behind-the-scenes fulfilling the mission of 'The Pioneers' sent here on 'a mission' from Salt Lake City by Joseph Smith, First President of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Later-day Saints, in the mid-1850's to claim the First Peoples' lands and the water rights in The Rio Salado to expand The Kingdom of Deseret.
Who/What Rules Mesa: The Intersection of Finance & For-Profit Religion
Was that "Vision Thing" and "Imagine Mesa" all a Hoax? It was amusing to say the very least even when there was a position created to make Jeff McVay The Director of Downtown Transformation. He's got not too much to show for that. Then again, former mayor Scott Smith wanted to create the impression that downtown Mesa - The Old Donut-Hole - was boring . . . with the current mayor John Giles now serving his second year in office, he's yet to deliver on his promise to make Mesa vibrant and exciting . .
'Intermission' is over (hope nobody 'ate-your-lunch' during the break!). The Zion Curtain has now been raised after the opening acts for the Transformation of Downtown Mesa encountered some unexpected glitches, production problems and technical difficulties drawing unfavorable reviews from both the public audience and the many critics.The asking price was way too high.
. . . and the next act
"Posterity Fulfils The Promise To Lock-Down Another Corner of The Kingdom"
What's Next?
A Disruption in that Vision Thing . . .
The for-profit arm of the of the Mormon Church has not disclosed any financial details, terms or deals, but it looks like they can break-ground on this faster than other unsolicited developer proposals that want to take-over downtown.
Another one from May 31, 2018
'Intermission' is over (hope nobody 'ate-your-lunch' during the break!). The Zion Curtain has now been raised after the opening acts for the Transformation of Downtown Mesa encountered some unexpected glitches, production problems and technical difficulties drawing unfavorable reviews from both the public audience and the many critics.The asking price was way too high.
"Posterity Fulfils The Promise To Lock-Down Another Corner of The Kingdom"
What's Next?
A Disruption in that Vision Thing . . .
The for-profit arm of the of the Mormon Church has not disclosed any financial details, terms or deals, but it looks like they can break-ground on this faster than other unsolicited developer proposals that want to take-over downtown.
Arnett wants something to do before he dies and he's looked at the numbers and the ROI - Return On Investment - that's MUCH BIGGER THAN ASU. What's the Next Mission?

That's the intended endorsement from long-time East Valley Tribune Contributor Gary Nelson about what's next on the public stage for the 76-year old local legend whose "friendly baritone voice has echoed through meeting halls packed with virtually every mover and shaker who calls The East Valley home. . . " According to the story line in Nelson's script, Arnett is going back to his roots in education after a 38-year insurance career.
What interest could a guy who's stayed busy with such family-oriented activities as scouting have in mind at this stage-of-life after a spotty education?
Your MesaZona was surprised to find out that Roc Arnett, head of The East Valley Partnership for over 35 years (pictured in the accompanying image with John Lewis the ex-mayor of Gilbert), is noted in another report as the LDS church’s local director of public affairs > The Intersection of Business & Religion/Politics/F.I.R.E .
His eyes are now on The Superstition Vistas/Pinal County, with plans announced by a new group named Saints Holding Company to develop over 11,000 acres.
His eyes are now on The Superstition Vistas/Pinal County, with plans announced by a new group named Saints Holding Company to develop over 11,000 acres.
Apparently he's added up all the numbers that stoke his 'passion for education':
What's the ROI return on investment? Adding it all up, Arnett figures the entire physical plant of all the building on the MCCC campus is about $9 Billion or $10 Billion - that's bigger than ASU . . . and by Arnett's estimate produces an economic impact of $6 Billion to $7 Billion across Maricopa County.
(There's a 145-acre plan in place for economic development)
After not thriving at Brigham Young University, dropping-out as Class President in the first class at Mesa Junior College located in a vacant Mormon Meeting House, and making his mark raking-in millions left-and-right getting hired as an insurance agent when the guy who hired him got busted for fraud.
It's a long story with a slant if you want to take the time to read it online. In a hard copy version published in the Sunday Edition East Valley Tribune it takes up the big bottom part of the front page new in 2-column exposure, continuing to 4-column coverage on Page Six.
Now what after all these years might motivate Roc Arnett to be occupy one of seven seats on the MCCC Board of Governors?
After years in public service, veteran EV leader runs for office
by Gary Nelson 17 hours ago
". . . Arnett hopes to use his formidable cheerleading skills to boost a district that faces growing competition from Arizona State University, Grand Canyon University and even from church-sponsored college placement programs that may pull students out of the county. . . Plus, it’s personal.“I’ve got 20 grandkids,” Arnett said, and he wants to ensure for them a full range of opportunities.
“The other thing is, I need something to do. If I sat here all day, I’d die. And I don’t want to die.” You can read the entire story >> Click here _________________________________________________________________________
“The other thing is, I need something to do. If I sat here all day, I’d die. And I don’t want to die.” You can read the entire story >> Click here _________________________________________________________________________
Blogger Note: This is a featured follow-up post to other posts published on this blog:
> 08 January 2018
What's the real story here? It's hard to tell and some people just don't (or won't). one of the only public stories in print appeared over the weekend about John Lewis, shown in this opening image insert next to long-time leader Roc Arnett [left]of the East Valley Partnership, who has said he's retiring but that doesn't appear to be the case (see more below)
John Lewis has been called to serve on an LDS Mission
John Lewis has been called to serve on an LDS Mission

Who will be named to take over as the successor to Roc Arnett who doesn't appear to be going anywhere any time soon.
Both Arnett and Lewis have their eyes for expansion of this corner of The Kingdom farther to the East: Superstition Vistas.
According to all these "spoon-fed" reports, the East Valley Partnership’s 75-member board of directors will begin discussing plans for recruiting a replacement for Lewis in early January.
The next piece of the jig-saw puzzle was written about earlier in then summer.
Superstition Vistas: An EV vision on hold looks for new life
“. . . Seldom in the history of the U.S. has there been a chance to envision the future of one piece of property this large, this strategic and this close to a major metropolitan region,” a 2006 report said. It seemed then that construction in the Vistas could begin at any moment.
But history, in the form of the Great Recession, hit the pause button . . . if life there were to be tenable, it would need untold billions of infrastructure – provided by whom, exactly? And what about the water supply? . ."
Blogger Note: The City of Mesa appears to be solving part of that solution by a taxpayer-funded $184,000,000 investment for the infrastructure and construction of the Greenfield Water Treatment Plant planned to go into operation in late 2018.
Mike Hutchinson, a former Mesa city manager, has served for nine years as the East Valley Partnership’s project director for Superstition Vistas. It was the EVP that launched planning efforts in about 2003. . .
Maybe by so-called "Angel Investors"??
Blogger Note: Readers here can use the SEARCH BOX in the upper-left hand corner to access a number of posters on this subject
Simultaneously while Mayor of Gilbert and resigning six months before the end of his term to pass the office to another Latter-Day Saint, Lewis served as a volunteer with the Partnership for six years before being named the organization’s president in 2015. He was hand-selected to succeed Roc Arnett, the previous president of the Partnership who served the organization for 13 years. __________________________________________________________________________
Just weeks ago, Michael Cowan, another local Mormon leader who's been the Mesa Public Schools Superintendent for ten years, also received a higher calling to an undetermined location while under a cloud for some alleged shenanigans with an insurance fund

Your MesaZona was surprised to find out that Roc Arnett, head of The East Valley Partnership for over 35 years (pictured in the accompanying image with John Lewis the ex-mayor of Gilbert), is noted in another report as the church’s local director of public affairs > Religion, politics, real estate.
His eyes are now on The Superstition Vistas/Pinal County, with plans announced by a new group named Saints Holding Company to develop over 11,000 acres.
We are so blessed that after all the media-buzz created about, as another mainstream media reporter wrote, a Massive Mormon Temple Make-Over that could transform more of downtown Mesa into The New Zion, some details have been released. . . .and more details at the same time of more LDS entitlements to more real estate holdings behind-the-scenes fulfilling the mission of 'The Pioneers' sent here on 'a mission' from Salt Lake City by Joseph Smith, First President of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Later-day Saints, in the mid-1850's to claim the First Peoples' lands and the water rights in The Rio Salado to expand The Kingdom of Deseret.
Who/What Rules Mesa: The Intersection of Finance & For-Profit Religion


Taxpayers REJECTED the $200-Million debt to finance an ASU satellite campus in 2014.
Producers and directors have been behind the scenes re-writing an alternative script for the last two years, adding and re-casting some characters. It looks like the props and backdrop are now in place - the show is ready with the next act a preview of what's in the works: let's give it a title:
"The Revelation". . . and the next act
"Posterity Fulfils The Promise To Lock-Down Another Corner of The Kingdom"
What's Next?
A Disruption in that Vision Thing . . .
The for-profit arm of the of the Mormon Church has not disclosed any financial details, terms or deals, but it looks like they can break-ground on this faster than other unsolicited developer proposals that want to take-over downtown.
Another one from May 31, 2018

Producers and directors have been behind the scenes re-writing an alternative script for the last two years, adding and re-casting some characters. It looks like the props and backdrop are now in place - the show is ready with the next act a preview of what's in the works: let's give it a title:
"The Revelation". . . and the next act "Posterity Fulfils The Promise To Lock-Down Another Corner of The Kingdom"
What's Next?
A Disruption in that Vision Thing . . .
The for-profit arm of the of the Mormon Church has not disclosed any financial details, terms or deals, but it looks like they can break-ground on this faster than other unsolicited developer proposals that want to take-over downtown.
Who's the head of Public Affairs for the Mesa Mormon LDS Temple - Roc Arnett.
All kinds of characters walking across the stage here - some familiar and some new:
< Here's the leadership of a group called The East Valley Partnership (missing Roc Arnett)
On the left is former Mesa City Manager Mike Hutchinson who's got a new job.
In the center is Denny Barney, incoming president replacing Roc Arnett on the East Valley Partnership who's on the Board of Supervisors of Maricopa County and a major principal in Arcus Private Capital Solutions
On the right John Lewis outgoing EVP president, former mayor Gilbert who resigned to go on a LDS mission to Cambodia.
< Here's the leadership of a group called The East Valley Partnership (missing Roc Arnett)
On the left is former Mesa City Manager Mike Hutchinson who's got a new job.
In the center is Denny Barney, incoming president replacing Roc Arnett on the East Valley Partnership who's on the Board of Supervisors of Maricopa County and a major principal in Arcus Private Capital Solutions
On the right John Lewis outgoing EVP president, former mayor Gilbert who resigned to go on a LDS mission to Cambodia.