Monday, August 06, 2018

Up For Some Fun In The Run For Election To Mesa City Council District 4

Hard to make a choice among those three candidates who are in-the-race on the official ballot to fill the seat left vacant when current D3 Councilmember Chris Glover is termed-out.
It's a two-year term that being contested now: early voting started August 1st in the Primary Election 2018. The last day to vote is August 28th - that's about three weeks away.
One candidate will be eliminated in the primary election in a run-off to be decided in the November 8 General Election.
Here's one candidate who hasn't received much attention in mainstream local media coverage.
Shown in the opening image to the left: Robert Scantlebury, a 25-year veteran of the Mesa Police Department. 
He's out meeting-and-greeting his fans just like the other 2: Jen Duff and Jake Brown . . . with Public Safety a big issue on the ballot, he might have an edge; and, he might not.
If you can't make a decision with the three choices on the ballot who want your votes
YOU CAN ALWAYS DO A WRITE-IN on the ballot: ______________________________

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