Sunday, June 30, 2019

The City of Mesa's "Sales-Pitch" To Lure Google BIG DATA CENTER Here with Tax Incentives

So far, the public has known few details
Scroll down to see new OZone Red Hawk Employment Opportunity District
Southeast Mesa District 6
There are Approved Minutes available that will take you a few minutes to take a look at - just enough extracted here for your interest. . .
Bill Jabjiniak, the city's Director of the Office of Economic Development two days ago

Back to March 20, 2019 when some thing was "not known at this time"
> 1 Phasing
The RHEOD is designed to accommodate the construction of buildings over time in response to technological advances and market conditions.

Accordingly, the 187-acre property will develop in phases, the timing and size of which are not known at this time.
> 2 This request will establish zoning to guide future development of employment and industrial uses.
APPLICANT: W. Ralph Pew, Pew & Lake, PLC
  • MBR Land I, an Arizona General Partnership
  • MBR Land I, LLP
  • B&K Land Investment Co., et al
  • Morrison Ranch, Inc.


Existing General Plan Designation and Zoning Classification Relationship to Surrounding Properties
As shown in the graphic below, the site is bound on the north by a

250-foot wide electrical transmission line easement corridor, including multiple 69 kV, 230 kV and 500 kV SRP transmission lines. 

Beyond the easement corridor are single-family residential homes.
BLOGGER NOTE: All these data centers use huge amounts of electricity and water
Please note the adjacent parcels of real estate that are exclusive gated enclaves of Master-Planned Communities, like Eastmark. Likewise note the proximity to the Phoenix Mesa Gateway Area that may raise concerns for residents over flight patterns and noise.
The site is also bound on the east by Sossaman Road, vacant agricultural property and a house of worship, on the south by Elliott Road and agricultural property that is still in Maricopa County and on the west by the RWCD canal and vacant agricultural property.  At the far northwest corner of the site is the Gilbert Public Schools transportation operations center.
(Blogger Note: See other location markers)
Sales Price for the 186 acres?
SITE CONTEXT NORTH: Existing residential – zoned RS-9-PAD-PAD and an existing Gilbert Public Schools Maintenance and Operations yard – zoned PEP-PAD-PAD
EAST: (across Sossaman Road) Existing Church with sports fields, zoned AG and vacant land – zoned LI and LC
SOUTH:  (across Elliot Road) Existing dairy farm, zoned in Maricopa County
WEST: (across East Maricopa Floodway and RWCD Canal) Vacant – zoned RS-43 and existing self-storage facility, zoned LI 
> Existing Site Conditions/Topography
The site is presently vacant, having previously been used for agricultural purposes.
It is mostly flat and unremarkable in its topography
Item 4-e: 187 acres
to create the Red Hawk Employment Opportunity Zone
Project Red Hawk 
Employment Opportunity District Project Narrative [7 Pages]

Revised February 19, 2019  
> Introduction
"Pew & Lake, PLC is pleased to provide this project narrative and related materials to the City of Mesa in support of the proposed Red Hawk Employment Opportunity District (RHEOD).
This Narrative is provided pursuant to Section 11-14-5(B) of the City of Mesa Zoning Ordinance (MZO) and is provided in addition to an RHEOD Development Plan and RHEOD > Development Plan Map.
This document will establish how the proposed RHEOD complies with the purpose, intent and requirements of the City of Mesa 2040 General Plan as well as Chapter 14 of the MZO relating to the Employment Opportunity (EO) District.
Purpose of Request
The applicant is requesting a rezone of the approximately 187-acre property from Light Industrial (LI) and Planned Employment Park (PEP) to an Employment Opportunity (EO) district known as the Red Hawk Employment Opportunity District (RHEOD).
The purpose of the request is to: 
1. Expedite the entitlement processes for the development of this property to better attract high technology users to this site.

2. Establish site planning guidelines to ensure compliance with the City of Mesa General Plan.
3. Establish height limitations on the property to ensure compatibility with the adjacent residentially-zoned property to the north.
4. Establish edge treatments that will ensure compatibility with the adjacent residentially-zoned property to the north.
5. Create a parcel that, through the application of the EO zoning designation, is nearly “shovel ready” and will allow for a nimble development response to advances in technology and changing market conditions.
> Compliance with Chapter 14: Employment Opportunity District
Section 11-14-2 of The City of Mesa Zoning Ordinance specifies that an Employment Opportunity District shall only be established for an area when the City Council finds that the property meets the following requirements:
1. That the property is located within an area designated Employment and/or Employment Mixed Use Activity in the Mesa General Plan

2. The area is a minimum of 160 contiguous acres. 
As noted above, the Red Hawk property is approximately 187 acres and is currently designated in the Mesa 2040 General Plan as Employment Mixed Use Activity District.  Accordingly, this property is appropriate for designation as an Employment Opportunity District.

Amendment Procedure
Amendments to the approved RHEOD will follow the procedures outlined in Section 11-14-9 of the MZO. 
The RHEOD is designed to accommodate the construction of buildings over time in response to technological advances and market conditions.
Accordingly, the 187-acre property will develop in phases, the timing and size of which are not known at this time.
> February 22, 1990:  Annexed to City of Mesa (Ord. #2842) April 2, 1990:
Rezoned from County Rural-43 to City AG
 (Case #Z90-009, Ord. #2511
> October 16, 2006: (adjacent to the north)
City Council approval of a rezoning from AG to R1-6-PADDMP, R1-7-PAD-DMP, R1-9-PAD-DMP and C-1-PAD-DMP and the establishment of the Desert Place at Morrison Ranch (Residential) Development Master Plan.
(Case #Z06-066, Ord. #4602
> November 20, 2006:
City Council approval of a rezoning from AG to PEP-PAD-DMP and LI-PAD-DMP and the establishment of the Desert Place at Morrison Ranch (Industrial) Development Master Plan.  (Case #Z06-083, Ord. #4633)   
The applicant has completed a Citizen Participation Process, which included mailed letters to property owners within 1,000’ of the site, as well as HOAs and registered neighborhoods within a mile of the site. 
The applicant also held a neighborhood meeting on February 27, 2019 at Paloma Community Church located adjacent (east) to the site and across Sossaman Road. 
As of writing this report, staff has not been contacted by any residents or property owners in the area to express support or opposition to the request.
The applicant will be providing an updated Citizen Participation Report prior to the March 19, 2019 Study Session. Staff will provide an update of the citizen participation plan during the scheduled study session.
> Location
The 187-acre, Project Red Hawk site is located at the northwest corner of Elliot and Sossaman Roads in the City of Mesa.

The property is identified by Maricopa County Assessor’s Parcel numbers: 304-05-018K, 304-05-018L, 304-05-019F, 304-05-019G, 304-05-019K, 304-05-020X, 304-05-022G and 304-05-022K, and is shown in the graphic below.  
> Existing General Plan Designation and Zoning Classification

Relationship to Surrounding Properties
As shown in the graphic below, the site is bound on the north by a
250-foot wide electrical transmission line easement corridor, including multiple 69 kV, 230 kV and 500 kV SRP transmission lines. 
Beyond the easement corridor are single-family residential homes.
The site is also bound on the east by Sossaman Road, vacant agricultural property and a house of worship, on the south by Elliott Road and agricultural property that is still in Maricopa County and on the west by the RWCD canal and vacant agricultural property. 
At the far northwest corner of the site is the Gilbert Public Schools transportation operations center.
SITE CONTEXT NORTH: Existing residential – zoned RS-9-PAD-PAD and an existing Gilbert Public Schools Maintenance and Operations yard – zoned PEP-PAD-PAD
EAST: (across Sossaman Road) Existing Church with sports fields, zoned AG and vacant land – zoned LI and LC
SOUTH:  (across Elliot Road) Existing dairy farm, zoned in Maricopa County
WEST: (across East Maricopa Floodway and RWCD Canal) Vacant – zoned RS-43 and existing self-storage facility, zoned LI 
> Existing Site Conditions/Topography
The site is presently vacant, having previously been used for agricultural purposes.
It is mostly flat and unremarkable in its topography
File #: PZ 19038   

Type: PZ Zoning - Discuss and Recommend Status: Agenda Ready
On agenda: 3/20/2019

Title: ZON19-00016 District 6. Within the 7100 to 7600 blocks of East Elliot Road (north side) and the 3100 to 3500 blocks of South Sossaman Road (west side). Located north of Elliot Road and west of Sossaman Road
(187± acres).
Rezone from LI-PAD-PAD and PEP-PAD-PAD to EO to create the Red Hawk Employment Opportunity Zone. 
This request will establish zoning to guide future development of employment and industrial uses.
APPLICANT: W. Ralph Pew, Pew & Lake, PLC
  • MBR Land I, an Arizona General Partnership
  • MBR Land I, LLP
  • B&K Land Investment Co., et al
  • Morrison Ranch, Inc.
 Planner: Lesley Davis
 Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions

1. Compliance with the EO development plan dated March 12, 2019.
2. Compliance with all City development codes and regulations, except as modified by the Development Plan.
3. Compliance with all requirements of the Subdivision Regulations.
4. Compliance with all requirements of the Design Review.
5. Due to the proximity to Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport, any proposed permanent or temporary structure is subject to an FAA filing for review in conformance with CFR Title 14 Part 77 (Form 7460) to determine any effect to navigable airspace and air navigation facilities.
If required, an FAA determination notice of no hazard to air navigation shall be provided prior to building permit issuance.
... Sunbelt Investment Holdings paying $18.835 million to acquire the 203-acre tract, which is at the northeast corner of Elliot and Ellsworth roads
Data Centers – Google
2018. Life at Google Data Centers. The technology in our data centers is groundbreaking, but the people who run them are truly remarkable. Meet the amazing ...
Add caption
Google Plans New SubSea Cable, Plus Data Center in Phoenix
"Over the last three years, Google has invested $47 billion in its global infrastructure. That effort continues this week with the announcement of a new subsea cable and the revelation of another cloud campus in a key data center market.
Google said today that it will build a new private subsea cable that will connect Africa with Europe. The Equiano cable will start in western Europe and run along the West Coast of Africa, between Portugal and South Africa, with branching units along the way that can be used to extend connectivity to additional African countries.
Meanwhile, Google is pursuing plans to build a new data center campus in Mesa, Arizona, a suburb of Phoenix that has emerged as a major hub for data centers and cloud computing.
The company has negotiated a tax incentive package for a 186-acre site in the Elliot Road Technology Corridor, near existing facilities for Apple and EdgeCore.
. . . More huge data centers are coming to the suburbs of major American cities, shifting servers closer to consumers in places like Dallas, Chicago, Atlanta and Phoenix. The shift has been gradual thus far, but will gain momentum in coming years. It’s part of a gradual shift in architecture as cloud computing adapts to serving larger audiences and real-time applications.
Mesa Project Boosts Phoenix Cloud Boom
Google’s plans in Mesa were revealed in news coverage from the East Valley Tribune, which reports that the incentive package for Google is expected to be approved in a Monday city council meeting. . . the Elliot Road Technology Corridor will be anchored by Apple at one end and Google at the other. There’s plenty of data center development planned in between, including a new project from EdgeCore Internet Real Estate .
Companies that have purchased land in the corridor include Digital Realty, CyrusOne and EdgeConneX, while several others are said to be shopping sites.
Google’s project builds on the data center building boom in Phoenix, is drawing some of the biggest names in hyperscale computing. The Phoenix data center market is home to hundreds of megawatts of potential data center capacity, and demand is growing. The region now has more than 1 gigawatt of data center capacity in the pipeline. Mesa and nearby Chandler, Ariz., have become quality sub-markets, notable for lower electricity and real estate costs.  Chandler, which has been a focal point for hyperscale development in the Phoenix market, housing campuses for CyrusOneDigital Realty and H5 Data Centers. There’s also plenty of development action to the West of Phoenix, where the small town of Goodyear has emerged as a data center destination. Microsoft recently bought land in Goodyear for a major cloud availability zone

HUGE Give-Aways For Ga-Ga-GaZillion Tech Giant Google Data Center Here in Mesa?

That's right and it's as they like to say A BIG DEAL - it's up on the agenda for tomorrow's Mesa City Council Public Meeting.
According to mainstream media reports, the City Council is "primed" to approve it.
If you want some of the hype - and sketchy details - you know where you can go > Google Picks Mesa for Giant Data Center  
"Technology giant Google is coming to Mesa, lured by a tax incentive agreement to build a massive data center in the emerging Elliot Road Technology Corridor. . . The Mesa City Council is primed to approve the Google development agreement at its meeting on Monday night."
HOLD ON! We've been kept in the dark about this in a confidentiality agreement with the company by city officials. We learned that tidbit after a closed-door Executive Session scheduled on the agenda at last Thursday's City Council Study Session.
To keep it quiet it was code-named Project Red Hawk. . . the deal isn't done until the City Council approves it.
As it turns out, there was little or no public involvement, engagement or participation in this project - even when it was disguised and hidden as Project Red Hawk in a City of Mesa Planning & Zoning Board Hearing on March 20,2019.
< If the real truth gets told, there are few jobs that go with data centers. That's simply a fact.
When's the last time you ever "got social" with any of the seven elected members of the Mesa City Council?
Know how to get social with the Mesa City Council:
  • Use your phone and call
  • Email
  • Post a message on their Facebook or Twitter pages
What details doesn't the public know about the give-aways?
In the opening link for one Mainstream news story, Mesa Mayor John Giles is quoted as saying:
“In terms of a financial deal, this is home run. This is a great day, . . "  Giles said Google’s decision to build the data center in Mesa means that the Elliot Road Tech Corridor will be anchored at each end by one of the world’s largest tech companies, Apple and Google.
“There’s no city that would not be envious of that,’’ Giles said.
He said the project has been known to insiders by a code name, “Project Red Hawk,’’ for more than a year because Mesa signed a confidentiality agreement with Google.
Hmmm.... Time to disclose for Hizzoner!
BLOGGER NOTE: On the published agenda for the March 20 2019 PZ Board hearing it clearly state "unknown at the present time"

5 Ways to Invest in Yourself - The Concept of Compound Interest


This was initially published as an article on by Christopher D. Connors:
Published on Jun 29, 2019
Views: 7,822 at time of upload to this blog
Invest in YOURSELF - It Will Make All the Difference.

Not Just A Fireworks Show: Mystery Guest Melissa Randazzo

Well, Who exactly is Melissa Randazzo?
Readers of this blog might guess by her hand gestures that she has some link with John Giles who appears many times gesticulating the same way with both hands at the same time.
So why bring Melissa on-the-stage at a recent episode of the city's entertainment channel.
She is The Mayor's Office of Public Information.
She gets all the information they-want-you-to-know out for consumption by the public.
Melissa Randazzo  works closely with the Mayor's Chief of Staff Ian Linsenn, who is also the Liaison with the Mesa City Council, and assistant to Mesa City Manager Chris Brady.
Ian and Melissa are frequently not seen by the public - they are the back-stage "handlers" for John Giles.
Here's Melissa Randazzo in a segment lasting 06:42 of air time - with 16 views in 10 days
PUBLIC PROFILE: Melissa Randazzo
Melissa Randazzo - Public Information and Communications ...
View Melissa Randazzo's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. ... Public Information and Communications Specialist II at City of Mesa
Downtown Visioning Committee | RAIL Mesa
Ian  Linssen was profiled by Code America in 2014
Peer Network Spotlight: Ian LinssenPosted on Oct 19, 2014 by Garrett Jacobs
Ian Linssen is a City Council Assistant for the City of Mesa Arizona. Ian has been involved in municipal and state government for more than seven years and has held various positions in the Arizona Attorney General’s office, Mesa City Manager’s office, Budget and Finance, and Council office. Ian is an avid consumer of all things tech and is especially interested in the intersection of ground-breaking technologies and government regulation.

Mesa Morning Live Feature Guest: Chief Ramon Batista

Best face forward for the embattled chief who has a revolt-in-the-ranks on his hands. Another hilarious and entertaining episode from the city-owned Mesa Channel 11 with the regular comedian-host - who's the announcer for this? Surprise to see over 400 views and 5 Likes so far
Published 20 June 2019

Mesa Arizona Channel on YouTube

Official description: "Your video resource for Mesa's municipal government"
URL : 

[Image insert is for editorial comment - many days of High Pollution Alerts and Advisories here in Mesa Arizona]
  • 67 subscribers      
  • Joined Feb 25, 2009
Here's a link to all the videos uploaded to this YouTube Channel
Please note:
> The City of Mesa is not responsible for the content provided on "related" and "promoted" videos that are accessible from the city's YouTube channel. 
> All viewers should note that these related videos and comments expressed on them do not reflect the opinions and positions of the City of Mesa, Arizona government or its officers and employees.
For additional videos visit

Mesa Moves video

Stealing a phrase
from Michelle Obama . . .  and whoever said that Mesa is well-connected?? DEAL WITH THE DIRTY AIR before one more day of High Pollution - toxic contaminated risk and danger to public health.
Published on Jun 25, 2019
A well-connected city moves people to places with safety and efficiency. City leaders want your ideas for making driving, biking, or walking through Mesa better. Take the two-minute survey at

Friday, June 28, 2019

Code Name Project Red Shark RHEOD A Nimble Confidential Start to Google BIG DATA CENTER

The news broke here in Mesa yesterday, after a closed-door Executive Session of the Mesa City Council at a study session about 'a very big deal". However, back in March there was an un-notice hearing in front of the Planning & Zoning Board that tells the story and gives a narrative to rezone and qualify Red Hawk as a job-creation area - Red Hawk Employment Opportunity District
Very careful wording with this disclaimer more than three months ago:
Please read the official narrative and City Council staff report with the denial
"not known at this time"

The following is part of a post on this blog earlier this year
25 March 2019
Mesa Planning & Zoning Board Public Hearing Last Week Wed 20 March 2019
Here we go Loop-de-Loop!
We're talkin' here about massive developments in-the-works  mostly in the "Outer Loops" that were up at a Public Hearing last week on Wednesday 20 March 2019 in front of the Mesa Planning & Zoning Board - nothing to get bored about in either the Outer or Outer Loops or the east-west tech corridors and industrial parks on the planning boards. Seriously - Take the time to find out.
Here are all the links you need > Digitize
Two geographic hot spots: Scroll down to see new OZone Redhawk RHEOD
Northeast Mesa District 5 and Southeast Mesa District 6 There are Minutes available that will take you a long to take a look at - just enough extracted here for your interest. . .
Item 4-e: 187 acres
to create the Red Hawk Employment Opportunity Zone
Project Red Hawk 
Employment Opportunity District Project Narrative [7 Pages]

Revised February 19, 2019  
Pew & Lake, PLC is pleased to provide this project narrative and related materials to the City of Mesa in support of the proposed Red Hawk Employment Opportunity District (RHEOD).
This Narrative is provided pursuant to Section 11-14-5(B) of the City of Mesa Zoning Ordinance (MZO) and is provided in addition to an RHEOD Development Plan and RHEOD Development Plan Map.
This document will establish how the proposed RHEOD complies with the purpose, intent and requirements of the City of Mesa 2040 General Plan as well as Chapter 14 of the MZO relating to the Employment Opportunity (EO) District.
Purpose of Request

Playing the land market in the south East Valley has paid off for the speculators who moved in early. Although public records do not reveal exactly how much money the land dealers are making, court records and other documents show that tens of millions of dollars are changing hands in single transactions as the speculators sell off hundreds of acres they locked up a decade ago.Records also show the speculators are using some of that money to curry favor with the politicians who must approve their plans.
Development interests are the largest class of donors to political campaigns for city and town councils and county supervisors in the area
The purpose of the request is to: 
1. Expedite the entitlement processes for the development of this property to better attract high technology users to this site.

2. Establish site planning guidelines to ensure compliance with the City of Mesa General Plan.
3. Establish height limitations on the property to ensure compatibility with the adjacent residentially-zoned property to the north.
4. Establish edge treatments that will ensure compatibility with the adjacent residentially-zoned property to the north.
5. Create a parcel that, through the application of the EO zoning designation, is nearly “shovel ready” and will allow for a nimble development response to advances in technology and changing market conditions.
> Compliance with Chapter 14: Employment Opportunity District
Section 11-14-2 of The City of Mesa Zoning Ordinance specifies that an Employment Opportunity District shall only be established for an area when the City Council finds that the property meets the following requirements:
1. That the property is located within an area designated Employment and/or Employment Mixed Use Activity in the Mesa General Plan 2.
The area is a minimum of 160 contiguous acres. 
As noted above, the Red Hawk property is approximately 187 acres and is currently designated in the Mesa 2040 General Plan as Employment Mixed Use Activity District.  Accordingly, this property is appropriate for designation as an Employment Opportunity District.

Amendment Procedure
Amendments to the approved RHEOD will follow the procedures outlined in Section 11-14-9 of the MZO. 
The RHEOD is designed to accommodate the construction of buildings over time in response to technological advances and market conditions.
Playing the land market in the south East Valley has paid off for the speculators who moved in early. Although public records do not reveal exactly how much money the land dealers are making, court records and other documents show that tens of millions of dollars are changing hands in single transactions as the speculators sell off hundreds of acres they locked up a decade ago.Records also show the speculators are using some of that money to curry favor with the politicians who must approve their plans.
Development interests are the largest class of donors to political campaigns for city and town councils and county supervisors in the area
> February 22, 1990:  Annexed to City of Mesa (Ord. #2842) April 2, 1990:
Rezoned from County Rural-43 to City AG (Case #Z90-009, Ord. #2511) 
October 16, 2006: (adjacent to the north) City Council approval of a rezoning from AG to R1-6-PADDMP, R1-7-PAD-DMP, R1-9-PAD-DMP and C-1-PAD-DMP and the establishment of the Desert Place at Morrison Ranch (Residential) Development Master Plan. (Case #Z06-066, Ord. #4602) 
November 20, 2006: City Council approval of a rezoning from AG to PEP-PAD-DMP and LI-PAD-DMP and the establishment of the Desert Place at Morrison Ranch (Industrial) Development Master Plan.  (Case #Z06-083, Ord. #4633)   
NEIGHBORHOOD PARTICIPATION: The applicant has completed a Citizen Participation Process, which included mailed letters to property owners within 1,000’ of the site, as well as HOAs and registered neighborhoods within a mile of the site.  The applicant also held a neighborhood meeting on February 27, 2019 at Paloma Community Church located adjacent (east) to the site and across Sossaman Road. 
As of writing this report, staff has not been contacted by any residents or property owners in the area to express support or opposition to the request. The applicant will be providing an updated Citizen Participation Report prior to the March 19, 2019 Study Session. Staff will provide an update of the citizen participation plan during the scheduled study session.

The 187-acre, Project Red Hawk site is located at the northwest corner of Elliot and Sossaman Roads in the City of Mesa.

The property is identified by Maricopa County Assessor’s Parcel numbers: 304-05-018K, 304-05-018L, 304-05-019F, 304-05-019G, 304-05-019K, 304-05-020X, 304-05-022G and 304-05-022K, and is shown in the graphic below.  

Existing General Plan Designation and Zoning Classification

Relationship to Surrounding Properties
As shown in the graphic below, the site is bound on the north by a 250-foot wide electrical transmission line easement corridor, including multiple 69 kV, 230 kV and 500 kV SRP transmission lines. 

Beyond the easement corridor are single-family residential homes.
The site is also bound on the east by Sossaman Road, vacant agricultural property and a house of worship, on the south by Elliott Road and agricultural property that is still in Maricopa County and on the west by the RWCD canal and vacant agricultural property. 
At the far northwest corner of the site is the Gilbert Public Schools transportation operations center.
SITE CONTEXT NORTH: Existing residential – zoned RS-9-PAD-PAD and an existing Gilbert Public Schools Maintenance and Operations yard – zoned PEP-PAD-PAD EAST: (across Sossaman Road) Existing Church with sports fields, zoned AG and vacant land – zoned LI and LC SOUTH:  (across Elliot Road) Existing dairy farm, zoned in Maricopa County WEST: (across East Maricopa Floodway and RWCD Canal) Vacant – zoned RS-43 and existing self-storage facility, zoned LI 

Existing Site Conditions/Topography
The site is presently vacant, having previously been used for agricultural purposes. It is mostly flat and unremarkable in its topography
File #: PZ 19038   

Type: PZ Zoning - Discuss and Recommend Status: Agenda Ready
On agenda: 3/20/2019

Title: ZON19-00016 District 6. Within the 7100 to 7600 blocks of East Elliot Road (north side) and the 3100 to 3500 blocks of South Sossaman Road (west side). Located north of Elliot Road and west of Sossaman Road
(187± acres).
Rezone from LI-PAD-PAD and PEP-PAD-PAD to EO to create the Red Hawk Employment Opportunity Zone.  This request will establish zoning to guide future development of employment and industrial uses. W. Ralph Pew, Pew & Lake, PLC, applicant; MBR Land I, an Arizona General Partnership, MBR Land I, LLP, B&K Land Investment Co., et al, and Morrison Ranch, Inc., owners. Planner: Lesley Davis Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions

1. Compliance with the EO development plan dated March 12, 2019.
2. Compliance with all City development codes and regulations, except as modified by the Development Plan.
3. Compliance with all requirements of the Subdivision Regulations.
4. Compliance with all requirements of the Design Review.
5. Due to the proximity to Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport, any proposed permanent or temporary structure is subject to an FAA filing for review in conformance with CFR Title 14 Part 77 (Form 7460) to determine any effect to navigable airspace and air navigation facilities. If required, an FAA determination notice of no hazard to air navigation shall be provided prior to building permit issuance.