Tuesday, September 24, 2019

A Loser's Game Interrupted By Impeachment: The Donald's Tabloid-Trash Gamble

We now have in clear view the Donald's Fall-back Default Scenario 2020: TV Evangelist.
Just like them all he's caught up in corruption - at the highest level.
Shamelessly pleading his case on a world stage at the United Nations General Assembly in New York City, where people already know his game. 
Trump's playbook running-the-table to hold onto his shuffled deck of cards is dealing him a no-win.
 A 'Public Relations Guru' he is not - The Donald keeps getting caught making all-the-wrong moves in a televised script he's been producing for more than three years.  
The latest - what White aides say is just one more OUTRAGE DU JOUR
  • get out ahead of the Ukraine story
  • set the boundaries of the narrative so that Joe Biden is as squarely in the bullseye as he is
  • and overwhelm Americans with new and often conflicting information so the details change by the hour — and always at his bidding.
Nancy Cook writing in Politico
 ( via http://www.msn.com/en-us/news ) 
2 hours ago tells it like it is:
Burgess Everett and Ben White contributed to this report.
Inside Trump world
public defiance vs. private anxiety over impeachment

> In public, Trump world is casting the Democratic impeachment inquiry as more white noise.
> In private, White House aides and allies say the impeachment momentum is now presenting a serious threat to the rest of President Donald Trump’s legislative agenda, to his negotiating strength with world leaders and to his concentration
The Democrats’ decision to launch an impeachment inquiry on Tuesday afternoon raises the stakes of this massive White House gamble, even as the president called any impeachment proceedings “just a continuation of the witch hunt.”
The White House is betting that Trump will ride out this “outrage du jour,” as one senior administration official called it, and move on just as he has skated through the release of the Mueller report, concerns of late about a possible recession, the Charlottesville uproar, Stormy Daniels, the explosive “Access Hollywood“ tape and dozens of other threats to his presidency. . .
But current and former administration aides believe Trump will view the latest impeachment inquiry as a major blow to his ego — and the proceedings will likely distract him, cloud all of his meetings and halt any agenda for this fall including the passage of a major trade bill heading into an election year. . .
Whit Ayres, founder and president of North Star Opinion Research, a Republican polling firm, had this to say"
 “We’re so polarized and in our tribes that people will look through their current lens and determine either the president did something wrong, or Joe Biden did something wrong.
The facts won’t be particularly relevant.”
The White House press office framed the impeachment inquiry as the Democrats’ effort to “continue to weaponize politics.”
“President Trump is working hard on behalf of our country here in New York City while they continue to scream the word impeachment. Nothing new here,
----- Stephanie Grisham, the White House press secretary and communications director
Use the Search Box on this blog to see an earlier post where she's the subject
26 June 2019 
New IT Girl For Trump: Grisham Carries A Lot of Baggage With Roots in Arizona
The Donald has named a New Apprentice as the new role model for the Defender for Everything Trump. If you happen to notice a physical similarity with First Lady Melania and former Communications Director Hope Hicks, professional qualifications aside, the departure of Sarah Sanders is an opportunity to introduce a new character into the spotlight: Stephanie Grisham.
Just like Sanders she carries the last name [as a single mother] of another well-known public person, the mystery writer John Grisham. Put that aside for the moment - she actually has worked with other politicians, as spokesperson for the Republicans in the Arizona House of Representatives. She also previously served as the spokesperson for Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne.
Brad Parscale, the Trump 2020 campaign manager, said in a statement.
“The misguided Democrat impeachment strategy is meant to appease their rabid, extreme, leftist base, but will only serve to embolden and energize President Trump’s supporters and create a landslide victory for the President.”
Still, the impeachment proceedings could lead to other revelations that are even more distracting for Trump and the GOP agenda.

ANONYME - I AM THE SEA (Official Video)...taken from ANONYME’s upcoming 1st studio album - "INTO THE VORTEX" to be released on April 6th 2025.

  Premiered Mar 22, 2025 #anonyme #iamthesea     Check out the brand new single "I AM THE SEA", the third single taken from AN...