Friday, September 06, 2019

CrossTalk: Quitting Afghanistan?

More than 18 years later at a cost of $45B per year, it's America's longest war that is an occupation of a country that's at the crossroads in The Middle East. "Boots-on-the-ground" are being replaced over-time with private military contractors who live in protected compounds under the guise of training-and-support to establish an administration and regime to take over control of the country where 'foreign military troops' are resented for the damage and destruction they cause.
The Taliban are in translation "religious students" who have been demonized by outside interference. Governments installed by the U.S. repeatedly do not have popular support.
The war is not going well after more than 18 years with the re-appearance of Khalilizad as a "special envoy".

Published on Sep 6, 2019
Views: 565+
After almost two decades of war and occupation, American military involvement in Afghanistan appears to be winding down. A deal with the Taliban will see the majority of American troops leave, while still allowing a sizeable contingent to remain. Just what exactly is Washington’s geopolitical interest to be in Afghanistan? Will America’s longest war ever end?
CrossTalking with Intizar Khadim, Daniel McAdams, and Max Abrahms.

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