Sunday, September 22, 2019

Guest Opinion: EVP Prez Denny Barney Musters Mayors In A Call For Digital Trade

Some of the "Latter-Day Saints" among us have united to urge support from Congress in a Guest Opinion piece
USMCA agreement vital for Arizona economy        
John Giles is the mayor of Mesa,
Jenn Daniels is the mayor of Gilbert,
Gail Barney is the mayor of Queen Creek
Denny Barney is the president of the East Valley Partnership
"It  is no secret that trade policy has been a major priority for U.S. policymakers, business owners and workers this summer. At the top of the agenda is the United States-Canada-Mexico Agreement (USMCA). 
If passed, the USMCA will bring much-needed certainty and help ensure continued growth for businesses in Arizona and across the country. . .
While NAFTA strengthened regional trade significantly when it was ratified nearly three decades ago and has resulted in stronger economic growth across North America – as demonstrated by the surge in cross-border investments and a tripling of U.S. trade with Canada and Mexico – it has become increasingly out-of-date and doesn’t address today’s needs for commerce and trade. 
For instance, digital transformations that have taken place since 1990 have transformed our economy and the way we do business. . .
Ultimately, it would help expand our access to new customers and create a more prosperous and robust business climate for Arizona and the U.S. . .
If the agreement is not ratified, Arizona manufacturers could face up to $2 billion in extra taxes, compared to zero tariffs today.
Further, manufacturing jobs in our state are well-paying and provide career opportunities to middle-class workers.
In fact, the average Arizona manufacturing employee earns more than $82,000 a year in total compensation compared to less than $44,000 a year for other industries.
In total, more than 19,000 Arizona jobs rely on tariff-free trade with Canada and Mexico. 
For the benefit of our workers, our businesses and our state’s economy, we need Congress to act and ratify the USMCA as soon as possible. . . "
Link to the entire Guest Opinion piece > click or tap here