Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Republican Rusty Bowers, AZ Speaker of The House Claims Sex-Education Classes Are 'Sexualizing' Children

Bowers has been serving terms in the Arizona State House for more than a few years in both chambers. He has been representing District 25 since January 5, 2015. Before that he was a member of the Arizona Senate from 1997-2001 and before that, the Arizona House of Representatives from 1993–1997.
As the current Speaker of The House, where Republicans have a slim majority of one, Bowers expresses certain issues in public.
Some of those views and opinions are the subject of posts on this blog that readers here can view by using the Search box.  
In the last week he's made news headlines for saying he supports more traditional sex education classes in public schools. Some of the presentations he looked at were more graphic than he expected from his perspective of "traditional family values". Surprisingly he got personal on that topic
In of a review of a new tentative curriculum at a meeting in Gilbert, all the visuals and illustrations were way too much.
Way too many details . . .
They simply were not the way he found about sex.
That's a very unusual and un-solicited statement made in public about a very private thing.
Nobody asked.
Since he went there, let's Go There!  We, the public, have been finding out a lot things about sex - and sex practices - of our elected representatives inside the Arizona State House.
Is that way too much information?
Let's hit the pause button:
In his official capacity as Speaker of The House, Bowers exercises control over the passing of bills to get approved to become laws or house statutes.Here's how tricky he can get trying to impose a statute of limitations on what is public information in outing serial sexual predators.
Speaker preparing sexual abuse statute of limitations bill to break budget impasse
The top Republican in the Arizona House of Representatives appears to be attempting to break a legislative logjam by introducing a measure to increase the statute of limitations for victims of childhood sexual crimes that several GOP senators have said is key if leaders want them to vote on the budget.
Back to the issue of public school sex-ed classes, keep in mind there is an election on 2020 - and Bowers needs all the hype for what he wants as HOT BUTTON issues attacking the new Democratic Superintendent of Public Education . . .but then he suggested maybe they’re not necessary at all.
You know what? I have seven children,” he said.
 “I figured it out, my kids have figured it out.’’

“Go to a kid in high school and say,
 ‘Do you know how sex happens, do you know what happens when you have sex?’

[hey Rusty, kids are maturing much earlier these days - in middle school or before]
“I’m betting most of them know,’’
Bowers continued.

“We don’t need to sexualize them in order to educate them.’’
But are there teens who don’t know how to prevent pregnancy?
“Oh, please,’’ he responded.
Mesa lawmaker rails against sex-ed classes             
A Mesa legislator drew a sharp rebuke from the state’s top education official over his claims sex-education courses are sexualizing children.

House Speaker Rusty Bowers alleges materials he saw in a presentation at a Gilbert charter school by Family Watch International have drawings of people engaged in sex acts.

 The Republican speaker called the materials “a complete change’’ in how sex education has been taught for 40 years.
The comments come on the heels of the speaker, from the weekend meeting, indicating Kathy Hoffman, the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, is promoting these kinds of changes.
“When Kathy Hoffman promotes this, I don’t have any question it’s about radicalizing children and their sexuality.’’
Hoffman called the comments “abhorrent and reprehensible,’’ saying they have “no basis in reality.’’

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