Thursday, September 12, 2019

Low-Key Introduction > One of The Most Important Books of The 21st Century

Thomas PikettyVerified account @PikettyLeMonde 6 hours ago
By the way, Capital and ideology is published today in France!
In a few months in English and other languages  
12:41 AM - 12 Sep 2019           
This is more like it: THE IMPACT
"The epic successor to one of the most important books of the century: at once a retelling of global history, a scathing critique of contemporary politics, and a bold proposal for a new and fairer economic system. ... Google Books "
"Our economy, Piketty observes, is not a natural fact.
Markets, profits, and capital are all historical constructs that depend on choices
. ... Piketty argues for a new “participatory” socialism, a system founded on an ideology of equality, social property, education, and the sharing of knowledge and power."
Thomas Piketty Is Back With a 1,200-Page Guide to Abolishing Billionaires
"Thomas Piketty’s last blockbuster helped put inequality at the center of economic debates. Now he’s back with an even longer treatise that explains how governments should fix it –- by upending capitalism.
The French edition of “Capital and Ideology,’’ weighing in at 1,232 pages, comes out on Thursday
(English speakers will have to wait till next year for a translation)
It’s a sequel to “Capital in the 21st Century,’’ which has sold more than 2.5 million copies in 40 languages since 2013, according to its publisher.

“The time has come to exit this phase of making property sacred, to go beyond capitalism,’’ the economist told French magazine L’Obs.
Piketty says he’s improved as a writer. “If you read one of them, read this one,’’ he told L’Obs.
And he says his new book addresses two shortcomings of the last one, which was too focused on Western economies, and didn’t give enough space to the political ideologies that lie behind inequality. . . "
“In this book I will try to convince the reader that the lessons of history can be leaned upon to define a more demanding norm of justice and equality,” he writes, in an extract from the new book published by Le Monde newspaper.
But the fixes proposed by Piketty under the banner of “participatory socialism’’ would involve dramatic upheaval for the world’s developed economies . . .

Thomas Piketty caused a sensation in early 2014 with his book Capital in the Twenty-First Century, which sparked a global debate about inequality and contributed to a revived wave of interest in socialism across the world.
Now Piketty is back with an audacious follow-up, Capital and Ideology, in which he urges us to radically reappraise everything we think we know about politics, ideology, and history.
And on 14th May 2020 he returns to the Intelligence Squared stage to discuss the themes of his new book.
> Piketty will argue that our market economy is not an inevitable feature of human nature, but an historical construct that arose out of countless choices and decisions people have made over time.
Such decisions gave rise to slavery, serfdom and colonialism.
> Piketty will lay bare the ideologies that sustained not only the unjust and unequal societies of pre-modern times, but those that are used today to justify the deepening inequality of what he calls our hyper-capitalist system.
And he will set out his manifesto for how we can build a new participatory form of socialism.