Thursday, September 12, 2019

IMAGINE THAT! The Land-Baron Barney Family in Queen Creek: Turning The Family Farm Into A Real Estate Gold Mine

QC Mayor Gail Barney had to
recuse himself over a conflict
of interest for Barney Farms
Sure looks like Queen Creek is becoming a BIG BONANZA for "Sons of The Pioneers", six generations on where one of them _ Gail Barney - is the Mayor of Queen Creek, and another just happens to be the President/Chief Executive Officer of The East Valley Partnership.
Denny Barney - please use the Search box on this blog for more than a few posts, that include Denny Barney and Roc Arnett and the redevelopment of the Mesa Temple Area by City Creek Reserve, a for-profit affiliate of The Church of Jesus Christ of The Latter-Day Saints to build a small-scale version of the 23-acre City Creek in Salt Lake City, Utah. No financial details were every disclosed to the public.
Note: Queen Creek Mayor Gail Barney recused himself due to "a conflict of interest" when motions were made in front of the city council
In 2016, 500 acres of Barney Farms was rezoned to residential. The original family farm land holdings were 1,575 acres 
For a background and history, in a video from Jason Barney uploaded to YouTube telling the story they want to be told, readers of this blog can  click here.

"In 2018, the residential portion of Barney Farms was purchased by Fulton Homes. Construction on the 1,702 lots with a spectacular lake and park began in 2019.

Currently Available for Sale and Development:
  • 90 Acres of Light Industrial
  • 20 Acres of Commercial
  • 20 Acres of Multifamily
  • 40 Acres of Light Industrial
  • Click for Map 
  • Image to the right:
    The proposed sites for the Barney Farms lake well and well/tank site. (Submitted graphic)  Details farther down

How about another one of those "pretty pictures"
< ... Here it is with a monument at the front.
Also included:
An Aquatic Center 

For more information:
Jason Barney
For More Information: Jason Barney
480-818-2000 -
"A $210,184 contract with Clear Creek Associates for design, construction management and evaluation services for two new wells to be drilled at the Barney Farms residential development was approved in a recent 6-0 vote by the Queen Creek Town Council.
The decision was made at a Sept. 19 town council meeting.
The wells are to be west of Meridian Drive, between Germann and Queen Creek roads.
“The two wells are identified to be constructed in areas agreeable to both the town and the developers of the Barney Farms project,” Paul Gardner, utilities director, said in a memo to the council. . .
Voting to approve the contract with Clear Creek Associates at the Sept. 19 meeting were Vice Mayor Emilina Turley and council members Jake Hoffman, Robin Benning, Dawn Oliphant (by phone), Julia Wheatley and Jeff Brown.
Mayor Gail Barney recused himself for a conflict of interest.
The Barney Farms lake well was included in the fiscal year 2018-19 approved budget.
The Barney Farms well and tank was originally programmed for the fiscal year 2018-20 timeline, Mr. Gardner said in the memo.
“An accelerated schedule is required to keep pace with development,” he said.
Other news for QCI
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