Thursday, September 12, 2019

We Are So Blessed Here In Arizona! CD 5 AZ-Congressman Andy Biggs Is The Chosen One

Biggs is a newbie to Washington DC, elected to Congress in 2017. Just in the time since then, he's gained a reputation as an outspoken conservative voice in the House, where he is a member of the Judiciary and Science and Technology committees. He has come out in support of private prisons that allegedly allow immigrant detainees to work for as little as $1 a day and contributed to an effort to transform the investigation into the firing of FBI Director James B. Comey into a probe of Comey’s handling of Hillary Clinton’s email.

House Freedom Caucus picks Andy Biggs as new chairman                        

House Freedom Caucus: What is it, and who's in it? | Pew ... › fact-tank › 2015/10/20 › house-freedom-ca...
Oct 20, 2015 - But what, exactly, is the House Freedom Caucus?
Pew Research Center has confirmed the identities of 36 Freedom Caucus members through

Mineral Deal Gives US TOTAL Control Over Ukraine's Future

  Mar 28, 2025 Mineral Deal Gives US TOTAL Control Over Ukrain...