Sunday, September 15, 2019

Mesa City Council Meeting Mon 09 Sept 2019

Mark Freeman, the Vice Mayor, is the presiding officer in the absence of John Giles (who is away "doing city business" as stated by the Vice Mayor doing the roll call) - he looks quite serious last week in his bolo tie as he's captured in this featured screen-grab with a closed-caption insert of just item that was taken off the extensive Consent Agenda for individual attention.
By the end of the end of the week there were 50 views.
Please take the time to watch-and-listen to this streaming video when architect Tim Boyle, who's a member of Mesa's Planning & Zoning Board, is given time to speak up with an opinion and comments he has about for ITEM 6-b . . . 
Notice the reaction of Vice Mayor Freeman and the other discussions from Mesa City Council members
This session is about 20 minutes long 
There are a number of blue cards submitted for items to be discussed individually.
Speaking at a Meeting
The Mesa City Council believes that providing access for citizens to communicate with the Council is vital for a strong representative local government.  The following are methods in which to express your opinion at various Council meetings.
Agenda Items
At regular Monday Council meetings, blue Speaker/Comment cards are available for citizens who wish to comment on agenda items. Or, you may download a copy of thecomment card [PDF] and hand it in at the Council meeting.
Please note items listed on the agenda with an asterisk are part of the consent agenda. Items on the consent agendas will be adopted with one motion and vote if no citizen or Councilmember requests that it be removed from the consent agenda for separate consideration.
If you wish to speak on a consent agenda item, you must submit your request to speak before the vote on the consent agenda.  Speakers are limited to three minutes each.

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