Sunday, September 29, 2019

"A SNEAK PREVIEW" For ASU in Downtown Mesa ?? The Design Review By Mesa's Planning & Zoning Board Was OPEN TO THE PUBLIC

There's a streaming video of the entire zoning case that is inserted farther down using a YouTube upload.
No need for a second-hand "sneak preview" from East Valley Tribune Staff Writer Jim Walsh:
". . . And it seems like a safe bet the controversial, yet much anticipated facility likely will wake up historically sleepy downtown Mesa and inject life into the area - a goal set by Mayor John Giles and several city council members. . . "

> It might look something like this low-slung "boxy building", about 3 stories high.
Of course it would have "downtown touches" whatever that might mean . . .

Right now, until CBJ releases some of the renderings and views of what their schematic plans are on pages 81-88 for the work session  featured in a post on this blog, it all remains
A 360-Degree Dilemma

All bets are off even trying to give the benefit of a doubt or to believe almost anything Jim Walsh writes for the Times Media Group-owned East Valley Tribune.
Walsh is the go-to-guy for whatever Hizzoner John Giles wants to get published for public consumption in mainstream media. No doubt it's a high-stakes gamble . . .
Let's cut through all the smoke-and-mirrors from John Giles
The central core has a higher-and-better use than city government taking-over a failed bank building that's got to be the ugliest piece of architecture. 
DOWNTOWN - It's been neglected and distressed for more than 40 years
General Plan Character Area Designation and Goals
The Mesa 2040 General Plan character designation for the site is Downtown and specifically is identified as being within a station area within the transit corridor character area.
Per Chapter 7 of the General Plan, the focus for this character type is the creation of a pedestrian-oriented, transit rich environment with a lot of activity.
> This area is recognized as the governmental, cultural, financial, and entertainment center of the community.
> The goal for this area is to make it a people-friendly area that is alive with options for housing, employment, shopping, entertainment, and events. 

Simply put the proposed plan is NOT in conformance to The General Plan
With the exception of the International Design Award-Winning Mesa Arts Center, right across Main Street from the five acres used a parking lots for city employees. the goal of the design team hired by the city
primarily shows one principal target - the development of a boxy un-inspiring disappointing 3-story building with technology services and amenities associated with the programming of the building.
A Site Review on Wednesday last week for a design review of renderings for ASU @ Mesa City Center was anything except sneaky - it's on video below
The Devil is Always in The Details.............
Readers of this blog can see the latest episode of city officials trying to turn our public spaces and public spaces into a satellite of the ASU campus in Tempe where it's devoured downtown and turned the streets into party-time for drunk and rowdy students.
Now any plans the city might have are turning into a "360-Degree Dilemma"
At this point in time they are in the SCHEMATIC PLANNING STAGE
The chosen site has many physical constraints  
What would you do if someone said "Trust me ...." ????   Run the other way!


1 Alternative Narrative for Site Plan Review

ANONYME - I AM THE SEA (Official Video)...taken from ANONYME’s upcoming 1st studio album - "INTO THE VORTEX" to be released on April 6th 2025.

  Premiered Mar 22, 2025 #anonyme #iamthesea     Check out the brand new single "I AM THE SEA", the third single taken from AN...