Friday, October 12, 2018

Mesa Ballot Election 2018 [Produced by The City of Mesa]

Published on Oct 8, 2018
Views-to-upload date/time on this blog: 33
In the interest of being fair-and-balanced there are some other opinions about these six questions - you just cannot accept things at  'face-value' produced by the city.
We really do not need more of an increasing burden - there are reasons backed up by a thoughtful analysis of financial data to provide you with more information to make an informed choice when you vote:
This year on our ballots in Mesa we will be asked to consider half a billion dollars of new debt.
  • Local control of the budget vs. spending caps from the state (Question 1)
  • Raising the sales tax 14% (Question 2)
  • $85 million dollars to build a police/fire joint station in northeast Mesa (Question 3)
  • $111 million dollars for parks and culture. Including ASU park downtown, a permanent ice skating rink, and massive soccer fields in northeast Mesa. (Question 4)
  • Modifying the City Charter to allow us to spend $100 million on a sports complex in northeast Mesa. (Question 5)
  • Increase the lodging tax by 20% (Question 6)
"I’m sure that not all of my positions will align with your views and that’s ok. I only wish to present the facts to those who are looking for them in the abyss of data. 
I should also note the opinions I express are my own.
My goals are simple, they are to provide transparency to the finances of our city for the purpose of protecting the assets that belong to the residents before they are entirely depleted due to a massive spending spree with no plan to pay for anything.
It’s time to get our spending under control.
In addition, my hope is that we can start creating policies that favor the middle class and the poor in our community.
This requires us to live within our means and get back to providing core municipal services to our residents.
It is important to note that financial crisis situations do not occur overnight. They take years to evolve usually with those at the helm ignorant in what it is they’re creating.
READ MORE > click here  
On this blog:
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Half-A-Billion Bucks In More Debt? Mesa Voters Get The Final Say On Massive Bond & Tax Proposals > VOTE NO!
Mesa Voters Get The Final Say On Massive Bond & Tax Proposals > VOTE NO!
That's right > Say NO across-the-board when you vote. 
The combined GIGANTIC size - almost half a billion dollars - of the bond debt requests and the sheer number of money-related ballot questions on this November 6 General Election are up to voters here in Mesa to make the final say. There's a lot more at stake on the State level with other Proposals to deal with that will affect and impact our futures, but let's keep it hyper-local here in this post right now.
Keep in mind that except for the separate massive unjustified $300M - that is $300,000,000 - budget  OVERRIDE proposal for a failing Mesa public education system, other issues have been passed by the Mesa City Council to get voted on. 
They tried to sting us all two years ago with that privately financed bogus $500,000 ASU public relations campaign that no one got tricked by - it blew up in their faces when voters simply said NO. Played for fools once...Never again!
This time around they've had two years to 're-package' their underhanded bag-of-tricks into a Grab-Bag-of-Goodies they hope can trick everyone all over again.

How? By slow-jamming (and at the same time fast-tracking) a number of proposals through the Mesa City Council.
This year it was not unanimous - it was contentious

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