Sunday, October 14, 2018

Opportunities Ahead: The Cannabis Industry

Real estate might be the investment choice for a chosen few, but their are other potential keys to profit that have been featured on this blog for more a few years: Cannabis, formerly known in certain pass-around circles as Marijuana, Ganja, Weed or Greens.
Let's blow away that Reefer Madness bad-shit. There's been a lot of scientific research on the plant species Cannabis.
Until just a few years we didn't know that there is an endogenous cannabinoid sytem in the human body that connects us directly with nature and the botanaceutical properties of plants.
One Stock for the Coming Marijuana Boom
By: Grace Phillips
"A little-known Canadian company just unlocked what some experts think could be the key to profiting off the coming marijuana boom.
And make no mistake – it is coming. To the tune of an estimated $50 billion.
Cannabis legalization is sweeping over North America – 10 states plus Washington, D.C., have all legalized recreational marijuana over the last few years, and full legalization comes to Canada in October 2018.
Legal marijuana was worth $10 billion for the U.S. in 2017 alone.
And since experts have projected the U.S. industry to skyrocket to $50 billion by 2026, it’s time for investors to start paying attention.
Because whether or not you’re planning on ingesting any THC, you can’t deny the monumental investing opportunity that a potentially $50 billion industry represents.
But it’s also a relatively new industry. Untested, unproven.
And while we here at The Motley Fool love being on the cutting edge of new investing trends…
… like picking Amazon at $15.31 a share…
… Netflix at $1.85 a share…
… or Disney at $1.84 a share…
… we’ve been quiet on this growing marijuana industry for a while.
Until now.
Because a game-changing deal just went down . . . READ MORE > The Motley Fool

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