Saturday, October 20, 2018

Trump Stumps Here In Mesa In A Dazzle of Dumps On Dems During A MAGA Rally

Hmmm ....according to just one take-away from way-too-many-stories, "The smell of horse manure wafted through the air at a rally Friday night in Arizona as thousands of attendees awaited the arrival of President Donald Trump. . . "
Donald Trump's Arizona Walk-Off: 'You Can't Always Get What You Want'
| October 19, 2018 | 9:39pm
7:40 p.m. The President Stops TalkingAs soon as Trump finished his speech, music was piped into the hangar.  The song by the Rolling Stones:  "You Can't Always Get What You Want."
The Stones' Mick Jagger has asked the president to stop using the band's music. 
7:14 p.m.: Outside the Airport, Trump Supporters Showed Their Support for Judge Kavanaugh.
7:10 p.m.: Stumping for Martha McSally
Trump said a vote for Congresswoman McSally "will be the second greatest vote you have ever cast ... the  greatest was for me."
He also criticized McSally's opponent, Democratic Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema: "She voted to support deadly sanctuary cities. ... and a vote for Kyrsten Sinema is a wasted vote and moreover it's a dangerous vote" because it could return Democrats to power in the Congress.
McSally also gets the name wrong of deceased Mesa Police Officer Sgt. Brandon Mendoza.
7:00 p.m.: Trump Claims Early Votes Show McSally in the Lead.
We did some fact checking and found nothing to support this claim.
6:56 p.m.: A Brief Recap of Trump's First Few Minutes Speaking.
6:52 p.m.: Trump Begins His Speech.
The president brought the partisan crowd to their feet when he said:
"This November, vote for the jobs, not the mobs."
Here's one from Lily Altavena that's probably your MesaZona blogger's favorite: 19, 2018
Mayor John Giles was simply not invited - he got no ticket to go. In a statement sent to the reporter by Melissa Randazzo in the Mayor's Office For Public Information, she said that the mayor had planned to attend the MAGA rally but "more pressing circumstances arose. He will be attending a friend's memorial service " . . .
Hot mic gaffe
A local TV station caught Giles on a hot mic as he talked with U.S. Sen. Jeff Flake after a town hall last November. 
Flake, R-Ariz., had just finished speaking when Giles approached the senator. The two, apparently unaware that the audio was still recording, briefly discussed Roy Moore, then a candidate for U.S. Senate in Alabama, and the president.
In video that the station reports is cut off at the beginning, likely clipping the words "if we," Flake said, "become the party of Roy Moore and Donald Trump, we are toast."
Giles responds, "And I am not throwing smoke at you, but you're the guy that could just for fun, think about how much fun it would bejust to be the foil, you know, and to point out what an idiot this guy is."
Shortly after making the comments, Giles faced a barrage of vitriolic emails and tweets. . .
Our goofy mayor then goes on to complain  in the report about COARSE CIVIC DISCOURSE . .
Hey! Isn't that the same excuse AZ State Senator Bob Worsley used when he decided not to stand for re-election to a second term?
Worsley used the words "acerbic public discourse" as the excuse and foil for having his short-lived political career ended.
He got all washed-out using his public elected office for personal profits.
Any reasonable person might ask why these two conservative Mesa Mormon Republicans In-Name-Only always need 'a foil' to hide behind . . . mebbe they just like getting caught
Among them was an email with the subject line: "Dear Mayor Dumbass." The contents of the email message: a prayer that the mayor of Mesa, John Giles, dies a slow, painful death from testicular cancer. 
The situation reflected what one expert said is a coarsening of civic discourse that increasingly concerns many Americans.
Others called the mayor, who leads a city once ranked as the most conservative in the United States, a "traitor" to the Republican Party.
Story image for mesa arizona from Arizona Daily Star
Arizona Daily Star-9 hours ago
Photos by The Associated Press and The Arizona Republic ... arrive for a campaign rally at International Air Response, Friday, Oct. 19, 2018, in Mesa, Ariz
Daily Mail-10 hours ago
President Donald Trump held a campaign rally in Mesa, Arizona; He said Democrats were for 'radical socialism and open borders'; He called them an 'angry, ...
Story image for mesa az from Arizona Capitol Times
Arizona Capitol Times-8 hours ago
The Arizona GOP enlisted the party's campaigner-in-chief at a Friday rally in Mesa to boost Republican enthusiasm for U.S. Senate candidate Martha McSally ...

Zelensky Says AMERICA Is No Longer A Neutral Actor

  Zelensky has responded to question from journalists regarding the Russia-Ukraine negotiations. Zelensky was visibly unhappy with Steve Wit...