Sunday, October 14, 2018

Thanks To Brahm Resnick: When It's Time-To-Vote How Do You Judge The Judges On Your Ballot?

Don't know about you, dear readers, but the municipal, county, and state ballots are way too confusing already!
Here in Mesa conservative Republicans are on a spending spree - they're not supposed to raise taxes to put a BIG Half-A-Billion-Dollars on the backs of taxpayers for more debt. We can certainly VOTE NO across-the-board on all six of those Questions on The 2018 Mesa General Election.
Although selecting judges is usually the last thing to think about with everything so jammed-up and confusing, we do have choices to make if you have the patience and time: 
Here's a link to the Judicial Performance Review >>
Official Voting Information for Judges: Be an Informed Voter!In Arizona you have the right to decide which of our State's judges stay on the bench and which don't. Start by checking out our short video and then use the information on this website to learn about the judges you'll be voting on so you can Finish The Ballot!
How are Judges Evaluated?
Arizona has developed a process to evaluate each judge's work and report back to you. Judicial evaluations collect input from everyone who has contact with a judge including litigants, witnesses, jurors and lawyers. This input is then used to rate key aspects of each judge's performance including whether they can apply the law fairly, treat people with respect and manage a courtroom.
Which Judges Will I be Voting On?
Select your county to the left to see a list of all judges that will appear on your ballot and their evaluations


Zelensky Says AMERICA Is No Longer A Neutral Actor

  Zelensky has responded to question from journalists regarding the Russia-Ukraine negotiations. Zelensky was visibly unhappy with Steve Wit...