22 October 2018

Trick-or-Treat? Halloween + Six Questions On The Mesa 2018 General Election Ballot

You, dear readers, are probably wondering how in this wide-world of imagination that your MesaZona blogger could possibly choose to feature our honorable guile-less mayor in the opening image for this post starting with " Trick-or-Treat" 
Freedom of the press perhaps? In no way are any of these posts intended to disparage the mayor - he's a fun guy.
Just one picture can sometimes say more than the thousands of words posted about John Giles in the past three years on this hyper-local news/information/opinion/entertainment site.
So what connects Halloween this year and The Six Questions on the Mesa 2018 General Election Ballot?
Take a look >
And remember two years ago when voters here in Mesa
REJECTED going into more debt-burden hoisted onto the backs of taxpayers hitting us in all our wallets to the tune of $200 Million Dollars to finance a radical transformation of downtown into a satellite ASU campus. ASU is well-off and can finance itself - The main campus is just 5 stops away to the west where ASU devoured that city's downtown area.
This time around two years later, they've had the time to pack up a new bag - that's a Half-A-Billion-Bag! - of new tricks and treats all thrown together on one ballot that you might find confusing at five times the cost burden to taxpayers hidden in the way they package it, so you don't realize what it is . . .  
Don't really mean to smash any pumpkins here in Mesa, but's it's just another bogus public relations campaign when U Un-pack it:  
A Grab-Bag-of-Goodies-For-Everybody!

You can VOTE NO across-the-board on All Six Questions
That's your prerogative when you exercise your right-to-vote

It doesn't matter if you are red or blue.

Fixing Sick Cities (with Alain Bertaud) 12/23/24 | EconTalk.org

Thanks to Sanford Ikeda for bringing this to attention >  Dec 23, 2024 EconTalk 2024 Why are European cities charming and American cit...