Like the opening line in a video from a CNBC video uploaded to YouTube in February 2017 - 20 months ago - that is included in this announcement from Mesa Now, "Chances are that some cities may be getting smarter by the year. Chances are just as likely that some cities are not.
This workshop is all about the city TRACKING EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME collecting data - your data that you own.
. . . You probably don't know it - this workshop will tell you what's been done already that you probably don't know.
It's true that Mesa mayor is sometimes way-out-there in his own mind with sugar-plum coated visions beyond reality of things and "Big League Dreams" to become a world-class city
But comparing this conservative most-suburbanized city in America - with only a population of 480,000 - where we live with three of the world's greatest cities Singapore, Dubai and Barcelona - is just not playing in the right ball park in the city's Field of Dreams.
Hey! This is way BEYOND REALITY.
Mesa is indeed in a league of its own imagination that some people might find baffling, striking-out time and time on plans to make-over and transform Mesa into a copy-cat mimic satellite of Salt Lake City where there's little left or few allowed who look to an emerging metamorphosis that sets Mesa above what's usually put on-the-table for public consumption.
Minds like Giles and other bright minds inside City Hall consistently make Mesa more sprawling and growing-fast in the same old ways following the endless game-plans that have worked time-and-time again for the real estate industry's "master-planned communities" spreading secluded gated enclaves like a big blob devouring The Valley.
It's way beyond reality that the mayor of Mesa, large companies and City leaders all want you to believe that Mesa is A Smart City.
It's just another one of those bogus Engage-The-Citizens
campaigns that turn into major screw-ups.

"Cities around the globe are making efforts to become smart cities and Mesa is on the front edge of this next technology era."
Contact: Kevin Christopher
Tel. 480-644-4699
You can watch the video "What is a smart city? | CNBC Explains" by clicking here
This workshop is all about the city TRACKING EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME collecting data - your data that you own.
. . . You probably don't know it - this workshop will tell you what's been done already that you probably don't know.
It's true that Mesa mayor is sometimes way-out-there in his own mind with sugar-plum coated visions beyond reality of things and "Big League Dreams" to become a world-class city
But comparing this conservative most-suburbanized city in America - with only a population of 480,000 - where we live with three of the world's greatest cities Singapore, Dubai and Barcelona - is just not playing in the right ball park in the city's Field of Dreams.
Hey! This is way BEYOND REALITY.
Mesa is indeed in a league of its own imagination that some people might find baffling, striking-out time and time on plans to make-over and transform Mesa into a copy-cat mimic satellite of Salt Lake City where there's little left or few allowed who look to an emerging metamorphosis that sets Mesa above what's usually put on-the-table for public consumption.
Minds like Giles and other bright minds inside City Hall consistently make Mesa more sprawling and growing-fast in the same old ways following the endless game-plans that have worked time-and-time again for the real estate industry's "master-planned communities" spreading secluded gated enclaves like a big blob devouring The Valley.
It's way beyond reality that the mayor of Mesa, large companies and City leaders all want you to believe that Mesa is A Smart City.
It's just another one of those bogus Engage-The-Citizens
campaigns that turn into major screw-ups.
October 16, 2018 at 4:55 pm
Residents, entrepreneurs, innovators, students, large companies and City leaders are invited to join in a conversation about building a smart city in Mesa.
The City will host "Building a Mesa Smart City: A Citizen Innovator Workshop" Thursday, Oct. 25 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Mesa Arts Center, 1 E. Main St., to engage citizens in the local smart city conversation.
"The term "smart city" means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. Ultimately, a smart city collects and uses data to efficiently manage assets and resources. Smart cities make decisions based on data that help communities become safer, economically prosperous, educated and diverse while offering affordable housing and a great place to live, work and play."
The City of Mesa is developing a Smart City Strategic Plan which will serve as a guide for decisions related to the expansion of technology to deliver improved services.
BLOGGER NOTE: Hold on just a minute!
Let's have a reality check backed up with real data >
Here in Arizona MESA RANKS #29 out of 44 cities in Smart Cities
02 September 2018

Let's get the low-down - the real low-down - from experts not from politicians where Mesa ranks for intelligence, job opportunities - not promises in the over-hyped media of job creation promises.
Is Mesa a Smart City?
Instead of public performance-pieces by our mayor who's better leading a high school marching band instead of leading the city to professional skilled opportunities, affordability and quality of life that's equitable and fair for everyone.
Absolutely no doubt about it now - the data and the facts are in to show that the City of Mesa schools (and millions of taxpayer dollars spent on the largest public education system in the entire State of Arizona) is falling behind NOT moving ahead to the next level when it comes to intelligence and job skills. With a huge budget employing thousands it's the Big Patronage Gravy Train (with some exceptions) that's failed for generations to deliver satisfactory outcomes to educate students on every level across the board. Taxpayers are getting short-changed . . . Just keeping you informed as usual here on this blog. It's all in good faith to encourage overdue changes; take some action, folks > it's up to you!
Absolutely no doubt about it now - the data and the facts are in to show that the City of Mesa schools (and millions of taxpayer dollars spent on the largest public education system in the entire State of Arizona) is falling behind NOT moving ahead to the next level when it comes to intelligence and job skills. With a huge budget employing thousands it's the Big Patronage Gravy Train (with some exceptions) that's failed for generations to deliver satisfactory outcomes to educate students on every level across the board. Taxpayers are getting short-changed . . . Just keeping you informed as usual here on this blog. It's all in good faith to encourage overdue changes; take some action, folks > it's up to you!

"We are thrilled to host this open discussion for citizens to share their ideas in the development of a smarter Mesa," Mayor John Giles said.
"Technology can be a tool for us to improve the lives of Mesa residents, and we want residents to be a part of the process."
The workshop is designed to bring together a wide range of people to identify community needs and challenges with the goal of integrating that information into the Smart Cities Strategic Plan and using next-generation technologies to address them.
Additionally, Spanish-speaking facilitators will be in attendance for citizens more comfortable speaking in Spanish.
The FREE event will begin with networking and socializing (light appetizers provided) in the lobby from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. and continue with the interactive Smart City Citizen Innovator Workshop in the Nesbitt-Elliott Playhouse Theater from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Public Information and Communications Contact: Kevin Christopher
Tel. 480-644-4699
You can watch the video "What is a smart city? | CNBC Explains" by clicking here