Saturday, October 13, 2018

Mesa City Council Study Session 11 Oct 2018

Let's give it a good-go to see your elected government and salaried city officials doing their jobs in yet another public meeting where very few members of the public - YOU - probably have no idea what they are doing.
For instance:  four guys in the opening image. Who? What?
You probably live in one of the RDAs they are talking about. You, or your block or your neighborhood might be impacted or affected by what might happen when members of the City Council listen and discuss the presentation, and toss it all around at another study session.
Here's the published agenda from Council, Committee and Board Research Center 
What you don't see on the agended legislation is Item 7-a about some tentative plans for that troubled Mesa Royale Trailer Park at 644 W Main Street. Planning Director John Wesley makes a presentation that doesn't quite look or sound complete with still a lot of details to deal with.
Meeting Name: City Council Study Session Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 10/11/2018 7:30 AM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Council Chambers - Lower Level
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction Details
18-1156 2-aPresentationHear a presentation, discuss, and provide direction on the East and West Redevelopment Area Plans.  Not available
18-1176 2-bPresentationHear a presentation, discuss, and provide direction on resources to support Mesa’s historic preservation activities.  Not available
18-1178 2-cPresentationHear a presentation, discuss, and take action on the City’s next steps in preparation for the United States 2020 Census, including the creation of a 2020 Census Task Force and appointing members to the Task Force.  Not available
18-1170 3-aMinutesMuseum and Cultural Advisory Board meeting held on July 26, 2018.  Not available
18-1199 3-bMinutesEconomic Development Advisory Board meeting held on September 4, 2018.  Not available
18-1184 3-cMinutesHistoric Preservation Board regular meeting held on September 4, 2018 and work session held on September 18, 2018.  Not available
18-1206 3-dMinutesHousing and Community Development Advisory Board meeting held on September 6, 2018.  Not available
Upload of the Study Session - about 70 minutes 01:10:24
D4 Councilmember Chris Glover is excused

 In a nutshell, ReDevelopment Areas are defined sectors throughout the city targeted to encourage and promote economic development in 'blighted areas' that qualified when the city invited Zion Public Finance Bank to train employees in Mesa's Office of Economic Development, hiring on Sarah Sorenson, who has since left on maternity leave. There was first one RDA, the Southwest RDA, that has been expanded to other RDAs.
Redevelopment Areas – Mesa Arizona Community Report
Southwest RDA. Council adopted the Southwest Redevelopment Plan last fall. Staff is working on drafting an implementation plan for further review to determine
East Redevelopment Area | City of Mesa
Town Center Redevelopment Area | City of Mesa
Town Center RDA ... The Mesa Town Center Redevelopment Plan was adopted by City Council in March 1999 and is still active. The major
Mesa creates redevelopment zones to reverse blight | Money ...
Mesa East-West Redevelopment Area Plans | matrix

With the City of Mesa, AZ, Matrix led the project design team on the creation of two separate Redevelopment Areas (RDAs) on either side of the existing Mesa ...


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