Sunday, October 14, 2018

STAGGERING AGENDA: Mesa City Council Meeting Mon 15 Oct 2018

There are 40 items on the agenda for Monday's regular meeting of the Mesa City Council - all kinds of things are jammed-up for this public meeting that few members of the public even take the time to get informed or know about.
There was a  70-minute Study Session held last Thursday October 11th to discuss and cover only some of these items. Few members of the public attended the 07:30 meeting. Few took the time to watch and listen to streaming videos that were uploaded to Mesa Channel or to YouTube.
An engaged public is necessary if we are to have an effective government here in Mesa. Your MesaZona blogger is dedicated to doing his part TO INFORM YOU.
Members of the Mesa City Council 2018
Three (3) Public Hearings scheduled as the last items on Monday's jammed-up agenda at the very end: Items 9a- 9d

Once again here are all of the seven elected members of the Mesa City Council  
Do you know who they are?

Who represents your district?

City Limitless? Who Pays?
What's on Monday's agenda?
Here's a link to the meeting details on the agenda for Monday
 Take the time to access the entire agenda.
There's a big windfall of over $985,000 from a 12% share of gambling revenues from the Salt River Pima Maricopa Indian Nation that you might walk to take a look at to see where that money will go
10 Contracts worth over $6,000,000. One for about $1M is replacing a 10" underground pipeline with a 12" underground pipeline running down MacDonald Street to Broadway installed in 1946. District 1 Councilmember says 'he likes construction' ....huh?
 6 Resolutions
(Including 5-f Approving and authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Communications License with MCImetro Access Transmission Services Corp., dba Verizon Access Transmission Service. The Commications License will allow Verizon to construct and maintain a communications network in the public rights-of-way. (Citywide)

Blogger Note: There's more than just two that are random picks of only two from the six on the agenda.
You might be interested to find out what the other four are

Resolution 6-a

A resolution declaring the documents filed with the City Clerk and identified for codification and incorporation into Chapters 66, 67, 69, 71, 74 and 77 of Title 11, the Zoning Ordinance of the Mesa City Code to be a public record and providing for the availability of the document for public use and inspection. (Citywide)

Ordinance 6-b

An ordinance amending Mesa City Code, Title 11, Mesa Zoning Ordinance, Chapters 66, 67, 69, 71, 74 and 77. The amendment includes minor technical revisions and deletion of redundancies. The amendment also includes more substantive clarifications and modifications to:
 (1) authority and duties of Zoning Administrator, Planning Hearing Officer, Design Review Board, and Board of Adjustment;
(2) application requirements and process;
(3) public notice requirements;
(4) expirations and extensions of permits, approvals, and variances; and,
(5) appeals process. (Citywide) Staff Recommendation: Approval P&Z Board Recommendation: Approval (Vote: 6-0)

Conduct a public hearing on the Minor General Plan amendment ZON17-00572.
For continuance to the January 28, 2019 City Council meeting.

Conduct a public hearing on the approval and adoption of the Mesa East Redevelopment Area Plan.

A resolution approving and adopting the Mesa East Redevelopment Area Plan. (Districts1, 2, and 4) (2/3 vote required)

Conduct a public hearing on the approval and adoption of the Mesa East Redevelopment Area Plan.

A resolution approving and adopting the Mesa East Redevelopment Area Plan. (Districts1, 2, and 4) (2/3 vote required)


Zelensky Says AMERICA Is No Longer A Neutral Actor

  Zelensky has responded to question from journalists regarding the Russia-Ukraine negotiations. Zelensky was visibly unhappy with Steve Wit...