04 September 2019

Planning & Zoning Board Meetings Wed 28 Sept 2019

PLEASE NOTE: An uploaded video of this was made today, about a week afterwards. It's usually published the same day
3 Take action on the following zoning case:
PZ 19097 ZON19-00477 District 4.
Within the 0 to 100 blocks of East Pepper Place (both sides), the 0 to 100 blocks of East Main Street (north side), the 0 to 100 blocks of East 1st Street (south side), the 0 to 100 blocks of North Center Street (east side) and the 0 to 100 blocks of North Centennial Way (west side). Located north of Main Street and east of Center Street
(4.79 ± acres). Site Plan Review. 
This request will allow the development of a university campus and public plaza.
Holly Street Studios Architects, applicant
City of Mesa, owner.
Planner: Tom Ellsworth
> Staff Recommendation: Continued to September 25, 2019

Way back in  the 1920's this is what was on the site.
There's been a lot of history since then, including moving city government into the foreclosed property it is located in today.
In 2014 some people might remember that city officials had plans [that didn't work out] for something they called
"Mesa Central" ....Remember?

Planning and Zoning Board - Study Session
City of Mesa
Meeting Agenda - Final
Mesa Council Chambers 57 East First Street

3:30 PM Council Chambers - Lower Level Wednesday, August 28, 2019
1 Call meeting to order.
2 Review items on the agenda for the August 28, 2019 regular Planning and Zoning Board Hearing.
3 Planning Director's Updates.
(The items in the Planning Director’s Updates are not for Board discussion and no Board action will be taken on the updated items.)
  • 3-a Update of Quality Design guidelines.
  • 3-b Update on future study session to discuss Land Use suitability and designations in Mesa.
4 Adjournment
Meeting Minutes
Planning and Zoning Board - Study Session
Chair Dahlke and Boardmember Crockett, absent
  • Chair Michelle Dahlke
  • Vice Chair Dane Astle
  • Boardmembers:  
  • Jessica Sarkissian
  • Tim Boyle
  • Shelly Allen
  • Jeffrey Crockett
  • Deanna Villanueva-Saucedo
3:30 PM Council Chambers - Lower Level Wednesday, August 28, 2019

1 Call meeting to order.
Vice Chair Astle called the meeting to order at 3:32 pm

2 Review items on the agenda for the August 28, 2019 regular Planning and Zoning Board Hearing.
3 Planning Director's Updates.
(The items in the Planning Director’s Updates are not for Board discussion and no Board action will be taken on the updated items.)
  • 3-a Update of Quality Design guidelines.
  • 3-b Update on future study session to discuss Land Use suitability and designations in Mesa.
4 Adjournment
Approved (Chair Dahlke and Boardmember Crockett, absent)
Planning and Zoning Board - Public Hearing
City of Mesa
Meeting Agenda - Final
Council Chambers 57 E. First Street
Chair Michelle Dahlke
Vice Chair Dane Astle
 Jessica Sarkissian, Tim Boyle, Shelly Allen,Jeffrey Crockett, and  Deanna Villanueva-Saucedo
4:00 PMCouncil Chambers - Upper LevelWednesday, August 28, 2019

Consent Agenda - All items listed with an asterisk (*) will be considered as a group by the Board and will be enacted with one motion. 
There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Boardmember or citizen requests, in which the item will be removed from the consent agenda, prior to the vote, and considered as a separate item.     
Items on this agenda that must be adopted by ordinance and/or resolution will be on a future City Council agenda. 
Anyone interested in attending the City Council public hearing should call the Planning Division at (480) 644-2385 or review the City Council agendas on the City's website at www.mesaaz.gov to find the agenda on which the item(s) will be placed. Call meeting to order.
1 Take action on all consent agenda items.
Items on the Consent Agenda
2 Approval of minutes from previous meetings.
PZ 19099 Minutes from the August 14, 2019 study session and regular public hearing.

Page 1 City of Mesa Printed on 8/22/2019
August 28, 2019Planning and Zoning Board - Public Hearing Meeting Agenda - Final

3 Take action on the following zoning case:
PZ 19097 ZON19-00477 District 4.
Within the 0 to 100 blocks of East Pepper Place (both sides), the 0 to 100 blocks of East Main Street (north side), the 0 to 100 blocks of East 1st Street (south side), the 0 to 100 blocks of North Center Street (east side) and the 0 to 100 blocks of North Centennial Way (west side). Located north of Main Street and east of Center Street
(4.79 ± acres). Site Plan Review. 
This request will allow the development of a university campus and public plaza.
Holly Street Studios Architects, applicant
City of Mesa, owner.
Planner: Tom Ellsworth
> Staff Recommendation: Continued to September 25, 2019

4 Discuss and make a recommendation to the City Council on the following zoning case:
PZ 19098 ZON18-00687 District 5. 
Within the 1600 through the 1800 blocks of North Higley Road (east side) and 5200 through the 5300 blocks of East McLellan Road (north side). Located south of McKellips Road on the east side of Higley Road.
(21± acres).
Modification of an approved PAD and associated conditions of approval.
This request will allow amendment to the existing landscaping requirements.
Villas at Alta Mesa Property Owner’s Association, applicant
Multiple Owners.
Planner: Evan Balmer
Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions

Items not on the Consent Agenda
5 Other Business.
6 Adjournment.

OBIT: Noted in Passing